
If you think this can still be explained away as an "accident," consider also that the second car was hit only after picking up survivors from the first strike, and the third car was hit only after it had picked up survivors from the second.
We accidentally hit three specific cars spread out along 2.4 kilometers of road
There is only one possible conclusion to draw from this and that is that the IDF, to whom the WCK was supplying their real-time GPS coordinates, is deliberately targeting and murdering international aid workers who are trying to get food to the people the IDF is deliberately starving to death
Continuing to give catastrophic weapons of war to a military that has demonstrated a consistent pattern of this is morally indefensible. I'm shocked that anyone could find that difficult to understand.
I agree that Donald Trump is a very bad guy but I think if people are acting horrified you should probably first try to understand the absolute justification they have for that reaction rather than jumping right into scolding them about voting blue
these people know what's happening, know they can't defend it and so immediately default to "Trump worse!" in an attempt to transmute their moral cowardice into your lack of political wisdom
and the glee that some of them get when they say shit like "enjoy being rounded up and put into death camps"
The problem is that everyone’s trying to look at it through the lens of “how do I fix this by voting?” which, you can’t. That’s just not what voting can accomplish.
looking at all the other great things Joe Biden is doing and then....this 🙃
It’s killing me. Biden has overall been a decent president and trump is a horror. Biden is barely better than trump in this regard and I’ll be holding my nose in the booth in November. Pragmatism is warring with my heart and soul.
Exactly. It was Gore Vidal, who quipped: "I shall vote for you, but I shall hold my nose when doing so."
It seems to me that it is irrelevant who happens to be president. The US is so completely wrapped up in its support for Israel, the funding/weapons would have flowed freely anyway. We have the same issue over here (UK), just to a lesser degree.
Agreed. It wouldn't be any different with Trump. He and Biden are the same.
It’s fine for you to think that. I mean, it’s several degrees of madness to think a narcissistic mob lord who would usher in actual fascism is the same as a spent career politician. But you do you sweet cheeks.
I believe he’s getting played by Netanyahu. I wish he would smarten up.
I think initially the plan was to treat him like a crying infant and let him rage himself to sleep, let him get it out of his system. And he just never stopped
it is pushing me over the edge of sanity that there’s a significant discourse over whether this could be a fucking accident
Technically possible on the level of hitting the Powerball while being struck by lightning during a shark attack
flipping a coin and it lands on its side perfectly balance upright over nine thousand times in a row
all of these coin flips: on Benjamin Netanyahu’s bare ass cheeks
The Haraatz article stated that IDF used a drone to follow the convoy on its way to a food warehouse and then all the way to where it launched the drone strikes. They didn't accidentally shoot every vehicle still in the convoy when they opened fire.
And the US Government knows it. That they’re hedging long enough to provide cover to the IDF is shameful. On top of the cowardice they’ve displayed in refusing to leverage everything they possibly can to halt the ongoing genocide. It’s abhorrent.
its hard to see this as anything other than an intimidation to get the aid ships to turn aroudn
with three drone missiles fired they turned back hundreds or thousands of tons of food aid
Starve Palestinians and discourage outside witnesses.
Their lack of need or desire to hide it, should be the big take-away.
The IDF has been outright evil for quite some time now But this is another level
If they can't badmouth them (UNWRA), they kill them.
Maybe we should stop giving these guys weapons idk just a thought
even their damage control, PR-spun version of the story is that they supposedly had intel that one Hamas fighter had previously entered the facility that the aid workers then left. Even in the spun version they're fully admitting that 7 aid workers would have been acceptable collateral for 1 enemy
We are talking about a military that has spent the last 30 years 'targeting' specific individual people for assassination using Hellfire missiles launched into fully occupied apartment buildings. Collateral damage has NEVER been a concern.
This was no accident. By their own admission it was premeditated.
I heard something where they were trying to finesse the idea that it was not an "accident" but a "mistake" So I GUESS there could have been some intelligence failure where the IDF thought for some reason these people were wrong doers, but.... I am very skeptical of everybody.
*pulls trigger* "oh what a tragedy" *pulls trigger* "who could have ever foreseen such a horrific event" *pulls trigger* "someone should really look into how this happened this is so unfortunate" it's the eric andre show meme but he shoots hannibal three fucking times