andrew “MagicSwordKing” galan

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andrew “MagicSwordKing” galan

He/him, Ace. Boy Hag

My psyche is propped up almost entirely by vtubers and fighting robots. pfp credit Pomu Rainpuff

MagicSwordKing on most things, formerly Shree Klime on Youtube
Well now I know what the kids where I live are up to holy shit
Seventh and eighth graders in Malvern, Pennsylvania, impersonating their teachers posted disparaging, lewd, racist and homophobic videos on TikTok. The incident is the first known mass attack of its kind by middle schoolers on their teachers in the U.S.
Students Target Teachers in Group TikTok Attack, Shaking Their Seventh and eighth graders in Malvern, Pa., impersonating their teachers posted disparaging, lewd, racist and homophobic videos in the first known mass attack of its kind in the U.S.
The NYT editorial everyone’s talking about today
I am ready to Live, Laugh, Love all the way into hell, let's do this thing, fuck it.
been introspecting and like the thing was Not Liking Her was in the context of "a chance of something better" and well that is now off the table so come on lets make it Wine O'clock In America
Hitchbot was a warning and a promise - we were judged because we were first to see the danger. Now, with the silicon legions at the doorstep, you see our vision at last
I think the last good tech story was the people of Philadelphia murdering Hitchbot and leaving his body as a warning for other robots
I have a powerful and overwhelming need
they're out here baking the demon core
A+ photo selection too. look at kendrick. glowing. unbothered. fully moisturized. and there’s drake, looking like he can see her parents coming up the driveway
the wikipedia page for the drake-kendrick beef uses the same table that you find on articles about actual wars
only thing missing is a guy with "RETVRN" in his bio replying saying "This is what the west was built upon"
"Engineering is fun for me" said the man who has never done a single second of engineering work in his entire life
I, too, am forced to spend my days shitposting to counteract the corrosion of civilization. It's a burden but someone must carry it.
Would you like some joy, Bluesky? Here is the packaging for the Judy Hopps Nendoroid.
this dude is taking "fuck you, I got mine" to such extreme levels that he's working up to bringing back segregation
Jesus, Clarence Thomas in his concurrence today called Brown v Board of Education “an extravagant use of judicial power” in which “the Court took a boundless view of equitable remedies.” Brown v Board was a unanimous 9-0 ruling. Dude is too extreme for the fucking 1950s.
every time this show comes up I am obligated to point out that the dude who made None Pizza with Left Beef is the showrunner of this thing.
damn that child is a menace
Even without seeing the tweets I reported them for: what do you think the odds are given this person’s user name that they actually didn’t break any rules?
honestly it's exactly this sort of order that makes me understand how shit like pizzagate happened, even if she's trying to stay low carb this is psychotic, unadorned, bunless hotdogs are garbage, you can DO low carb without suffering like this.
Not for nothing, but if it were completely irredeemable the protests wouldn't be happening. It's just the old people who are irredeemable - same as it ever was.
Completely irredeemable country
Yeah, liberals cannot seem to get it through their heads that elected representatives work for the voters - the voters do not work for the party. They can fail their voters and it is entirely reasonable for those voters to then punish them for that failure!
The Stilgar/Chani dynamic in Dune 2 absolutely made the movie. In general, the Fremen bros being kinda funny and personable (not stereotypical Grim Arabs) and yet still being zealots, and the Fremen girls being kinda nasty and obnoxious yet still being badass—great work there.
If you think this can still be explained away as an "accident," consider also that the second car was hit only after picking up survivors from the first strike, and the third car was hit only after it had picked up survivors from the second.
We accidentally hit three specific cars spread out along 2.4 kilometers of road
acab except dekaranger and the perhaps 2-3 scottish people required to physically detain JK Rowling under the new hate crime laws
becoming a RETVRN guy but for this
Good morning. For anyone that needs it today, over 29000 old web buttons scraped from the GeoCities archive.
People are losing all concept of what functional muscle actually looks like. Perfectly ripped, vascular muscles like you see in movies are only attained by wildly unhealthy practices that involve dehydrating yourself. Healthy athletes can and do look like this!
Being constantly bombarded with instagram influencers whose livelihood depends on working out so much that it's unhealthy and movie stars juiced up on The Marvel Steroids is causing all kinds of male body image problems, it's really bad!
I want more conspiracy theorists about dumb shit that doesn’t matter like this. 😌
special good morning to all the bold heterodox thinkers and truth tellers out there
there should be a bidet booth at PAX East, reminding gamers one and all to clean their hole.
These people have made up so many guys to be mad at that they no longer recognize the actual humans who they are mad at. As a society we're fucked but at least shit like this is Incredibly Funny.
Is this guy like… okay??
I think, more than ever, these words from Mr. Rogers hold as true as the day he spoke them.