
Joshua J. Friedman
Joshua J. Friedman
Freelance writer and editor. Formerly of The Atlantic, Boston Review. Copy chief at Columbia Magazine.
Chris Geidner
Chris Geidner
💻 for SCOTUS, LGBTQ, criminal justice, and other legal news. / DMs open. / Email: [email protected] / Sober. Queer. Bipolar. Buckeye. / He/him.
Law Dork
Law Dork
The home for Chris Geidner’s legal newsletter, covering SCOTUS, as well as LGBTQ, criminal justice, post-Roe, and more legal news. Subscribe today:
History's most successful legal podcaster, co-host of 5-4 pod. He/Him
No longer in good standing with the New York State bar
seen some shit. free palestine. abolition. former public defender. 5-4 podcast.
Leah Litman
Leah Litman
Michigan Law Prof. (constitutional law & federal courts)
Co-host, Strict Scrutiny Podcast (SCOTUS - Crooked Media)
❤️: my dog, Taylor Swift, reality TV
Melissa Murray
Melissa Murray
Kate Shaw
Kate Shaw
Law prof @Penn, cohost Strict Scrutiny podcast
David Noll
David Noll
Law prof at Rutgers and co-author of VIGILANTE NATION, coming October 2024 from One Signal Publishers
Joshua Erlich
Joshua Erlich
civil rights lawyer, exhausted
Free Law Project ⚖
Free Law Project ⚖
We are the non-profit host of RECAP, CourtListener, and the Big Cases bots. We use technology and advocacy to make the legal sector better. | | |
Big Cases Bot
Big Cases Bot
Real-time updates on the latest filings in major cases in U.S. courts. Created by Run by Monthly sponsorships available:
Barred and Boujee aka Madiba Dennie
Barred and Boujee aka Madiba Dennie
Words at, and even more words in The Originalism Trap: How Extremists Stole the Constitution and How We the People Can Take It Back
Out now at !
Jay Willis
Jay Willis
I write about judges, laws, democracy, and the three raccoons who live in the tree behind my house. EIC at, occasional blogs elsewhere
Raffi Melkonian
Raffi Melkonian
Appellate lawyer at Wright, Close & Barger in Houston, with a Fifth Circuit and TX appellate practice. So-called Dean, #appellatetwitter. Host of The Appellate Wanderer podcast
Mark Joseph Stern
Mark Joseph Stern
Senior writer at Slate covering courts and the law. There’s usually a parrot on my shoulder.
Straight-shooting information and analysis at the intersection of national security, law, and policy.
❀°。der Siebenschläfer  *.゚✿ ⋆
❀°。der Siebenschläfer *.゚✿ ⋆
30-something Jewish 🇺🇸 🇦🇹 dual-citizen biologist patent lawyer who grew up in South Jersey, Delaware, and Geneva 🇨🇭. Now in Northern Virginia
Orthodox Jewish father of 5; Litigation Disaster Tour Guide; Jets Fan. Fighting the widening gyre.
Very Very Common Mike Dunford
Very Very Common Mike Dunford
Father, Army Husband, lawyer. Chronic student recently dragged kicking and screaming into the practice of law. Litigation disaster tour guide. Proud member of the terminally online community since 1993. he/him
Kathryn Tewson
Kathryn Tewson
Good in a crisis and at no other time

First initial last name at gmail dot com
Nicholas Wallace
Nicholas Wallace
Chief legal analyst for Crossfire on CNN
Nate Raymond
Nate Raymond
Reuters reporter in Boston covering the federal judiciary and major litigation. Alaska expat. Email: [email protected]
Liz Sepper
Liz Sepper
Law Professor at the University of Texas at Austin. Fan of health law, religious liberty, and reproductive rights
Liz Dye
Liz Dye
Make words do yoga.
“An a-hole but in a good way”—my husband.
Above the Law, Wonkette, Public Notice,
@5DollarFeminist on sewer site.
Charm City forever.
Sarah (Fackrell) Burstein
Sarah (Fackrell) Burstein
Art major turned law professor. Teaching at Chicago-Kent College of Law. Researching & writing about design patents.

Articles & CV:
Col. Boozy Badger
Col. Boozy Badger
Song & dance man/comedic performer/Law Talker. Kentucky Colonel. Host of Boozy’s Legal Funhouse podcast. He/Him. Find Me Other places: . Not your lawyer.

I am an adult. There will be adult things. Filter accordingly.
Cristian Farias
Cristian Farias
Legal journalist and beachgoer. I write about courts, the law, and the politics shaping them. I also edit, an online magazine for decarceral ideas.
Brad Heath
Brad Heath
DC reporter for Reuters on crime, justice and investigations. Data, documents and "convoluted KGB style back-door" stuff. Lawyer, but not yours. 202-527-9709, [email protected]
Audio Arguendo
Audio Arguendo
Podcasting oral arguments from the #SupremeCourt and notable cases from around the world. Subscribe on iTunes, Spotify, or your favorite podcast app.
Strict Scrutiny Podcast
Strict Scrutiny Podcast
SCOTUS podcast (Crooked Media)
Hosted by Leah Litman, Melissa Murray, & Kate Shaw
Produced by Melody Rowell
5-4 Podcast
5-4 Podcast
A podcast about how much the Supreme Court sucks.
Max Kennerly
Max Kennerly
17 years in court as a law-talking guy for plaintiffs, now a mix of stuff. Posts too much about politics.

email [email protected]
Robert Black
Robert Black
Constitutional scholar, general law nerd, Izzet mage, bear lover, Mets fan. Most stuff is unconstitutional! Death to Chronos.
Ph.D. student at the NYU Department of Politics
Sen. Gogurt taking notes on a criminal conspiracy
Sen. Gogurt taking notes on a criminal conspiracy
dumb laws deserve my thoughts on them

i will do your podcast with &
City Saint/Country Saint with
Corey Rayburn Yung
Corey Rayburn Yung
William R. Scott Research Professor at the University of Kansas School of Law. Former Lisa Goldberg Fellow at the Harvard Radcliffe Institute. He/Him/His.
Ellie Margolis
Ellie Margolis
Law professor @TempleLaw, suburban gardener, empty nester. Happy to nerd out about legal writing anytime.
Hannah Walser
Hannah Walser
Thinking about people thinking about other people. PhD (English) —> JD —> Furman Fellowship at NYU Law. Mayor of the quiet car. Philly homer. she/her.
Hannah Bloch-Wehba
Hannah Bloch-Wehba
law prof at Texas A&M not taking myself too seriously. mostly food and griping
Too Big to Fail
Too Big to Fail
New Yorker, union activist, employment lawyer, dad, generational trauma ender. He/him.
Virgil Abt
Virgil Abt
Credential-less bozo who somehow briefly got on Joshua's LawSky list. PACER pay-pig since it was 7 cents/page. Published knitting theorist (DM me if you're looking for a suitably symmetric stitch for a Mobius strip).
JP Collins
JP Collins
Law prof at GW Law. New Yorker turned Virginian. Former SDNY clerk and litigator at Sullivan & Cromwell. Studying and writing about court admin and the judiciary. #LFGM #COYS Papers here:
Things are terrible

(we follow our contributors)
Gregg Gonsalves
Gregg Gonsalves
Epidemiologist. AIDS Activist. Dog lover. New Haven.
Maria Ressa
Maria Ressa
Phil Plait
Phil Plait
Bad Astronomer, SciCommer, Dork. Crash Course Astronomy guy. He/him. Newsletter:

I'm self-employed so my opinions do represent my company's.
Stephen King
Stephen King