Imran Khan

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Imran Khan

Games writer, currently freelancing. Former Producer/Head of PR at MyDearest. Used to write about games at Game Informer, Kinda Funny, and Fanbyte. Still do kinda at Contact: [email protected]. He/him.
We finished at the same time mostly through coincidence. We would keep watching each other play and going “Oh shit I haven’t been there yet” and we ran out of those at roughly the same time.
I married well (Elden Ring final dungeon spoilers in image)
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I married well (Elden Ring final dungeon spoilers in image)
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Elden Ring DLC done. Genuinely torn on the quality, I think some of it is the best that game has ever been and some of it was completely misaimed. Probably the best DLC value in gaming though.
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This whole excerpt tells you multitudes about our current political moment.
It -is- very funny that the Trump campaign made Kristi Noem publicly admit to killing a dog for fun and still didn't pick her for VP.
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I oppose this worldview—this theory of America—with every fiber of my being.
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in 2013 I saw a man get a 100,000 hour probation on the SomethingAwful forums and today I saw him come off probation and immediately pick up the same argument, quoting a reply from 2013, absolute next-level hater, I can't even imagine, my man is the Count of Monte Posters
Idea: Comic book villain sniper named Longshot who keeps winning through extremely improbable scenarios. *googles* Wait, really My idea is way better than that
My wrestling style would be constant surprise pins, each less surprising than the last.
I think speed runs soothe the part of my brain that wants to believe all problems are solvable by just pressing yourself against a wall and vibrating your molecules until you push through
I think your phone should automatically record what you say out loud when you click on someone’s profile page and send it to them. Sure, usually you’ll remember and not say anything. But sometimes you’ll get a “Man she is cute” or “Wow he even -looks- like a douche” to make or ruin someone’s day.
jacob rees-mogg has to lose while standing next to a guy wearing a baked beans-themed balaclava
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alone in my apartment all day, every couple of hours i’ll say some shit out loud like “that’s not what that means” and then won’t say anything else for another couple of hours
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*walks up to my cat* Are you mad at me??
Realizing how important my partner is to managing my ADHD because I am tidying up today and keep finding random objects I walked into a room with, put down, and never thought about again. I think when my wife is here, she probably sees these normally, sighs, and puts it back where it belongs.
She’s posing for the flag of Luccastania. No one is allowed to live there except Lucca.
Hey why is the plot of this episode that Bart skipped a day of school and Skinner is going to bust him but Skinner has no problem with Bart coming to the Quimby trial every day
I pretty much fall here. I love Erdtree but there's SO MUCH to criticize about it. Shifting from exploration for exploration's sake to what the article calls "korok-ass collectible" is I think the DLC's biggest misalignment. A lot of the high scores kind of baffled me.
The best conversations about FromSoftware games happen well after they are out, and now that I have finished and sat with Shadow of The Erdtree, an expansion I like, I think it's worth talking about the things it does and does not do well. For
Pride month is now over so I can finally disagree with my queer wife
Link: Oh wow, ancient Sheikah stone! What knowledge could these possibly contain? Gossip stone: I heard old man Meyers is cheating on his wife Link: Oh Gossip stone: With his employee Link: Jesus Christ
I will say, seeing proof of Biden’s extreme cognitive decline makes a lot of sense out of his Palestine policy despite how harmful it has been to his campaign.
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[Shadow of Erdtree boss spoilers] Did anyone else start humming Live and Learn during the Golden Hippo fight
I think these balloons got stuck in this vent during the first Bush administration
A thing I think was misaimed with Erdtree is that I only care about exploring for Shadow Realm Blessings. When I don’t get that, I consider the entire mini dungeon/boss/time spent a waste. I already have a build, I don’t need a new summon.
I feel like every Shadow of the Erdtree boss has a “So you’re going to stand at the door and summon a mimic ash? Fuck you” move that they don’t do if you start the fight rushing to them.
Dr. Disrespect (for age of consent)