james jorts

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james jorts


no book in the world brings together so much whale.
I wonder if the media seizing on the exact wrong aspect of Donald Rumsfeld to denigrate helped drive it out of public life. I mean I say "you go to war with the army you have" like twice a month
raccoons can purr just like cats when contented, as I learned firsthand from rehabilitating a baby. impossible to imagine a more charismatic wild animal
yeah like first one learns about lichen as if composite organisms are weird and alien, and then, on reflection, finds that we animals are all, to an approximation, lichen
i like to ponder the deeper meaning behind the ~fact that the gastrointestinal tract is not topologically part of the body
just being like "what are you, stupid?" and asking why he's such a scared little baby all the time, what's wrong with him, would have stopped this whole thing dead. I do believe that
Seriously, any other reading seems immediately paradoxical. Like what else could possibly be the case? How can he have enumerated powers, one of which is the power to ignore any limitation on his powers?
A lot of us mere laity are still stuck on how it can be that the Take Care clause doesn't expressly preclude criminal actions from being within the scope of official acts.
the words that strike fear into the heart of every help desk staff: Sent from my iPad
my big one is smoking on the train, which used to be rare here and is now practically ubiquitous. it has nothing to do with needing a smoke, the open defiance is the whole point. shit is ominous
In their context, "Marie" would have been unthinkably presumptuous and rude. Forms of address and salutation are extremely high-context areas of etiquette. Their rules for conveying the intended level of intimacy, formality, and respect were not remotely the same as ours
obsidian also has the benefit of built-in procrastination mode (fiddling with your obsidian setup)
there are other markdown editors that have a WYSIWYG mode that hides the markdown and lets you use normal keyboard shortcuts to add links and stuff but still saves the actual files as markdown, this is a perfectly normal thing to want
the most useful thing about HIPAA is whenever we review a contract containing a reference to like "The Health Information Privacy Act (HIPPA)" we know nobody on the other side gives a shit about anything and we can make whatever redlines we want
there is no such thing as "society." there are individual cars, trucks, and light trucks
just a wildly charming tradition
Portuguese azulejos love these "hey, I tried" beasts
many are the fin-backs and many are the Dericks
it'll turn out to have been John McAfee
Cahokia is an especially cool example because the way archaeological interpretations of it have changed over time and are still the subject of major debate would make it really mind-expanding to tour multiple reconstructions of it based on different scholars' positions
late to this but still compelled to say it's an Ocean's Eleven sequel set in the Purge universe using an agonizingly slow rendition of Darude - Sandstorm
Now : Simpsons monorail episode :: Simpsons monorail episode : Cuban Missile Crisis
lol it's much worse than that, AT&T has been publicly lying that it wasn't their data even though a lot of people had very good evidence that it definitely was www.troyhunt.com/inside-the-m...
Inside the Massive Alleged AT&T Data Breachwww.troyhunt.com I hate having to use that word -
probably just my bubble but it really seems like there's way less public awareness of this eclipse than there was in 2017. maybe it's a window into how much people's news intake has collapsed.
i wonder how many people are going to be caught totally by surprise when it happens right over their heads. what a fun retreat from the pretense of modernity that would be.
I had a poli sci prof who said the research tended to show that for most crimes, the perceived probability of being caught is a deterrent and the magnitude of punishment is not, but that white collar crimes are an exception where both matter. That was 2004 and I have no references, though
my (hazy) memory is there wasn't enough variability in deterrents for financial crime to get robust empirical findings, and the idea that white collar criminals sit down and calculate their expected returns came from "thick" study, i.e. probably letting financial criminals bullshit the researchers
not by a carpenter though. should be "plumb ponytail"
it's like how the golden gate bridge is permanently being painted
yeah. oracles come to mind, although they also sometimes had volcanic gases helping things along