
FaultyPussy🫦 (blocked by WaPo)
FaultyPussy🫦 (blocked by WaPo)
I worship at the altar of mid pussy

BMs (thighs) open
sparkle bat
sparkle bat
I am a carnival mirror reflecting the world
Emma Evans
Emma Evans
Professional Dominatrix and erotic hypnotic Mistress

Making the world a little better, one orgasm at a time

Tiffany Nichols, JD, PhD
Tiffany Nichols, JD, PhD
LSST-DA Catalyst Fellow, Postdoctoral Research Associate, Princeton University

History of Astrophysics, Science, and Technology + Environmental History
Existential Comics
Existential Comics
A philosophy webcomic about the inevitable anguish of living a brief life in an absurd world. Also jokes.
Chantal James
Chantal James
Check your vernacular & then I’ll get back to ya. Essayist poet philosopher & writer of the 2022 debut novel NONE BUT THE RIGHTEOUS. She/her
Emily Gorcenski
Emily Gorcenski
Technologist, writer, activist. Tom Zarek was right. Opinions my own.

Posts autodeleted and privately archived after 2 days.

Alejandra Caraballo
Alejandra Caraballo
Wise Latina 🇵🇷. Clinical Instructor, Harvard Law Cyberlaw Clinic. Gender & Tech. Bylines: Wired, Slate. Views = my own. She/Her.
Rima I Anabtawi
Rima I Anabtawi
Palestinian American digital-internet pioneer. Non-profit, NGO founder. Scholar, analyst, consultant, lecturer. Autodidact. Humanist. MENA Peace and Reconciliation Specialist-Consultant. Campari enthusiast. Dawg Mom. Yankees & Giants Fan.
Calvinball Congress
Calvinball Congress
educator. jodi picoult hate account. socialist. she/her. acab. blm. From the river to the sea 🇵🇸
Misty Bentz
Misty Bentz
Astronomer and Professor at Georgia State University. Big fan of black holes, cats, and cross-stitch. Seestar smart telescope enthusiast. Novice gardener with a penchant for native plants.
Black In Astro
Black In Astro
Celebrating and amplifying the Black experience in space-related fields. EST. 2020
✉️ [email protected]
Jerry Boyle
Jerry Boyle
He/Him; Fenian Bastard;
Area Code 1312
Nathan Kalman-Lamb
Nathan Kalman-Lamb
“Happiness Vampire”; Assist Prof of Soc @ UNB; social theory + sport; words in The Guardian etc; co-host; he/him; preorder *The End of College Football*:
The Official Pulpit of CULT OF THE DEAD COW
The Official Pulpit of CULT OF THE DEAD COW
Elham Fakhro
Elham Fakhro
Academic (Exeter University) and policy analyst (Chatham House) posting on all things MENA-related.
Book on the Abraham Accords out in September.
William Shakespeare
William Shakespeare
All the world’s a stage
Renee Bracey Sherman
Renee Bracey Sherman
reproductive justice activist • executive director of We Testify • co-writing a book on the history of people of color and abortion • “The Beyoncé of Abortion Storytelling”
🦋 Alie of the Woods 🦋
🦋 Alie of the Woods 🦋
Chris Alice ''Alie'' Kratzer | 28 y/o Engineer + Scientist + Entrepreneur + Author | Director of | personal account | 🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍⚧️
Jay 🦋
Jay 🦋
CEO of Bluesky, steward of AT Protocol.

Let’s build a federated republic, starting with this server. 🌱 🪴 🌳
Brooke Binkowski
Brooke Binkowski
Tlönista. Shitposting merrily downward. Weird plant, cat, books lady. Sci-fi, fantasy, art, jazz, etc. Profile photo is a selfie with the bottom half of my face hilariously covered by my cat's. Banner pic is of crows in a tree.
Kim Kelly
Kim Kelly
labor journalist, Teen Vogue columnist, author of ‘FIGHT LIKE HELL: The Untold History of American Labor.’ 🏴 big on metal, tattoos, and Philly, very nice in person
Dave Kellett
Dave Kellett
Cartoonist of DRIVE (
Co-director of STRIPPED (
Co-host of COMICLAB (
Dr. Tessa Fisher
Dr. Tessa Fisher
Postdoc researching exoplanet biosignatures, Univ. of Arizona | Astrobiologist | Trans Lesbian | Wife | SFF Writer | Lukewarm Ecosocialist | Union Woman | One Half of the ASAB podcast | She/Her
Words and opinions are my own.
Sarah J. Jackson
Sarah J. Jackson
Professor studying the role of Media & Tech in Movements for Justice | Co-director Media, Inequality & Change Center | Currently Writing a Cultural History of African American Mediamakers

Opinions definitely my own.
Deth Veggie
Deth Veggie
Herr Doktor Professor Deth Vegetable -- CULT OF THE DEAD COW -- .ooM

Hacker / Archaeologist / Gadabout / Professional Something-or-Other.
caitlin m. green
caitlin m. green
linguist, discourse/pragmatics, offense archaeologist

bean and bug’s mom

singer with


author and contributing editor at

website: https
Norm Charlatan
Norm Charlatan
Armchair phrenologist. Self-certified body language expert. MENSA member. Former Never-Ending Pasta Pass Owner. Seattle Sea Dragons fan. Insta: normcharlatan
JJ MacNab
JJ MacNab
Fellow, George Washington University's Program on Extremism. UC Berkeley alumna. Cats are badass.
Katie Tightpussy
Katie Tightpussy
i'm the most RESPECTFUL transsexual in the world

people i've turned trans: 222
We turn Art into Sports (and vice versa) | NO AI USED | “Everything I didn't know I needed" - follower testimonial | See inspiration? DM/tag us
Amy Rae Hill
Amy Rae Hill
Ceramic painter bringing dramatic galactic moments to your dinner table. PNW. (she/her)
Restock: July 20th, 9am PT
Link. 🥥 🌴
Link. 🥥 🌴
Falling out of a coconut tree to vote. Unburdened by what has been.

Profile: AJ and Kamala Harris outside.

Banner: AJ and Kamala Harris masked inside.
Recovering forum poster, politics doomer, basketball nerd. I write code for a living. He/him.

Deputy Chair of the Ankh-Morpork Posters’ Guild

PFP by

discord: xel42 (mutuals only)
Art Of Coop
Art Of Coop
Artist, photographer, altruistic pervert

ATX - no TERFs, no SWERFs, no NFTs, no A.I., lots of NSFW - 18+

NSFW Photo account:
Emissary Of Night | ليلى
Emissary Of Night | ليلى
If you need to contact me, DM via Twitter or use my inbox.
Erin Gallagher
Erin Gallagher
Researcher of disinfo, OSINT, trolls, media manipulation, internet shenanigans. Network graphs and other fun visual aids. Formerly: Technology & Social Change Project: she/her
Kate Beaton
Kate Beaton
Comics and things
I blog about chips, broadband and the internet of all the things. she/her

Sign up for my newsletter at
Chuck Tingle
Chuck Tingle
World’s greatest author
david malki ! 🇵🇸
david malki ! 🇵🇸
🎩 it's malki from wondermark
🖋️cartoonist, designer, game maker
🦋 also here as:
Wondermark Comics
Wondermark Comics
comics made from vintage images AKA "a collaboration with the dead"
💻 site:
📖 books/merch:
🚨 for early updates
🔗 for other links
Dr. Hilary Rose Dawson
Dr. Hilary Rose Dawson
It's all about plants in the end
(and truffle diversity | soil carbon)
she/her 🏳️‍🌈 🌾🍄👩🏼‍🔬⛰️🌱
#WomenInSTEM #botany #fungi
PhD from UOregon
Postdoc at the Australian National Uni
Research in 🇦🇺🇺🇸🇳🇴
Natalie Wright, Ph.D.
Natalie Wright, Ph.D.
Ornithologist, evolutionary ecologist, morphologist, mom, knitter, reader, lover of bananaquits. Associate Professor of Biology at Kenyon College.
Electronic Frontier Foundation
Electronic Frontier Foundation
We're the Electronic Frontier Foundation. We're a nonprofit that fights for your privacy and free speech online.
N. K. Jemisin
N. K. Jemisin
Writer. She/her.
Moira Donegan
Moira Donegan
Opinion columnist covering gender and politics at The Guardian. Writer in residence at the Michelle R. Clayman Institute for Gender Research. Real piece of work.
Posting to Oblivion
I write stuff. Not a domestic terrorist.