inkbotkowalski, MSc.

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inkbotkowalski, MSc.

walks like a lost tourist. they/he
Avatar We formed a Union at Bethesda Game Studios! Across Montreal, Maryland, and Texas! I am screaming! I am stomping my feet I am hooting and hollering!
You know how older, grizzled characters in sci fi and fantasy novels always take first watch, or don't sleep, just stare into the fire all night and keep going the next day, and the young hero/ine is all impressed by their toughness? Maybe they were all middle aged and had insomnia. Just saying.
I have rejection sensitivity, so I started a folder on my PC called “Nice Things,” where I keep screenshots of compliments, good-news emails, fanart of my OCs others made, etc. So now when my imposter syndrome brain tells me I’m Bad at Art, I can pull up evidence to the contrary. ☺️
Es ist nur "trans" und "gendern" und "woke" in den Medien, damit ihr nicht darüber nachdenkt wieso euer Lohn seit Ewigkeiten stagniert und Lebenskosten explodieren, während Reiche immer reicher werden.
To respond to what is becoming a frequently-asked question, a note from Dark Horse regarding AI-generated material:
Am 20. Juli will die faschistische Identitäre Bewegung Österreich einen Demozug in Wien durchführen. Wir werden ihnen die Straßen unserer Stadt nicht überlassen! 20.07.24 | 14:00 Uhr - Treffpunkt Ecke Börseplatz / Wipplingerstraße
#BG3 Of course, the fight where I want everyone to just be knocked out is the one where Gale, with his shitty little hand crossbows, constantly crits X_X
Hatte die letzten zwei Tage enormes Glück und hab nur gekühlte ULFs erwischt 🤩 #WienerLinien
#BG3 lol I was like "I wonder what happens if I let Lae'zel murder me because of impending transformation" and everyone started attacking Karlach???
Another day, another asshole who can't park normally holding up public transport.
This isn’t a secret but it also hasn’t gotten much attention: Bluesky outsources moderation to an AI-first third party content moderation company that has little to no interaction with civil society.
okay it's time for a prompt post: respond to this post with a correction to a common misconception about something you know a lot about. if you feel like it, boost your response. (please use a kindly tone about it, otherwise i, your prompt curator, will get anxious.)
The ‘actually there’s evidence plants can feel pain’ notion is a paranormal belief of Cleve Backster & L. Ron Hubbard and they based this on unscientifically using polygraphs & dianetics e-meters, respectively, to posit that plants have extrasensory perceptions & responses to their environments.
okay it's time for a prompt post: respond to this post with a correction to a common misconception about something you know a lot about. if you feel like it, boost your response. (please use a kindly tone about it, otherwise i, your prompt curator, will get anxious.)
Call your reps today to tell them you support this and expect them to vocally support these efforts as well as AOC’s articles of impeachment for the compromised justices. It only takes 5 minutes, and you often don’t even have to speak to a real human! (Negative/doomer replies will be blocked)
Breaking news: President Biden is finalizing plans to endorse major changes to the Supreme Court in the coming weeks, including proposals for legislation to establish term limits for the justices and an enforceable ethics code, according to two people briefed on the plans.
Biden set to announce support for major Supreme Court The president has discussed the plans with constitutional scholars and members of Congress in recent weeks.
“Every $1,300 New York invested in building bike-lanes in 2015 provided benefits equivalent to 1 additional year of life at full health over the lifetime of all city residents, according to a new economic assessment.” Bike-lanes are a sound public health investment.
I couldn't quickly recall the title "Breaking Bad" so I called it "the evil chemistry show"
Because I don't want others to get sick... including cats and dogs. "Reducing COVID Transmission" •Mask •Ventilate (open windows) •Filter (HEPA or MERV13) •Go Outside (Safer) •Test (if exposed or feeling ill) •Monitor (CO2) 📷 credit due
Using several social media sites, I am more and more enamoured with Bluesky's moderation tools. I love "hide post". I love that blocking a user hides their interactions with you for everyone else. I love that I can search sth COVID related and not find a single denier!!! (unlike X).
"No falafel for nazis" Sticker spotted in Berlin
What do you do when you have a writer's block? I had a big weighty creative block last year that wouldn't go away so I picked up The Artist's Way and have stuck to morning pages these days, a practice that keeps my creativity fit and healthy. #comics #art 1/2
panicking because I have endoscopies in a hospital next week and no fucking hospital practices any Covid safety. Last time I was asleep in a hospital, they gave me Covid.
Also shout out to this medieval sex worker who reported to the group chat which men had game and which did not.