Globulous Gutgurgle

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Globulous Gutgurgle

Devoted child of the Three Eyed Fly except for all those times I field Saim Hann jet bikes instead. And all these definitely-not-Moirae-Heretek Mechanicus.
The "You're Better With Beaters" candidate
4/10: Real candidates nail the parry window, dodge is a crutch. Unlikely to succeed against final boss
A better candidate would have nailed the parry window
His views on divorce can be summarized as "You're Better Off With Beaters" so, not if anyone seriously digs into the shit he says
They found a Career Shaped Hole in a dread edifice and crawled in like that Junji Ito comic. They're now seeing that this was not a particularly good idea when the hole's shape is governed by "norms" and a branch of the government that has been acting extra-constitutionally for 200 years
It would be very funny for Cannon to have dumped the case before getting the nod as Trump's VP now rather than as a SCOTUS judge later. A little quid-pro-quo before-you-go
Good Behavior is baked into Article 3, waiting for an inventive executive to pick it up like a club
Turning the Big Event dial from Dread to Farce and looking behind me at Bluesky for affirmation
LMAO, was it really one of their own?
Can you imagine if this was an attempted Shinzo Abe 2 and the gunman had like, lost their shirt in Truth Social investments?
He was just overcompensating for the overton window shift and shot too far left
The assassin was as practiced with a rifle as Trump is with coups.
Dude was ok with gallows being erected to hang his own vice president and we’re supposed to take the high road here? I’m good. Make your jokes, internet.
There was an ice cream truck with swan lake in the rotation and I just about keeled over
Sorry, the Ice Cream truck outside had Swan Lake in its rotation and I died giggling, what are we not supposed to be doing?
Well, someone died so I guess it wasn’t staged. The detail that let him stand up and fist pump are not going to have a fun time
“There’s no place for violence in out democracy” jesus christ he led a failed coup. The violence happened. In other countries, what happened today happens the day after the coup in the public square, the streets are weirdly empty, and a general is giving a press conference.
His ear? Secret Service (of “whoops, no Jan6th texts” infamy) just let him bully through? This is a bullshit stunt
The Secret Service adjusting security measures to satisfy the optics demands of politicians is a very bad sign. I mean, they also likely participated in the coup (not that we’ll ever know for sure thanks to the deleted messages) so we’ve known they’re shit for a bit.
Republicans put Milwaukee on lockdown. Protesters The party hopes to project "law and order" as it renominates Trump.
It was you! You killed the Mars Climate Orbiter!
The absolute least relevant branch of government would like to tackle the issue of the court. We’re waiting to hear if AOC has magicked up a House majority or 66 seats in the senate. Meanwhile, the President is sitting on the Golden Gun the court handed him.
Why AOC is the best messenger on Thomas and Alito's The corruption of Supreme Court justices is about more than greed. It "constitutes a clear danger to our democracy"
If there's a silver lining to any of this, its that these people will be jobless with a year or three. This shit sucks, everyone is buying into the bubble, and the top search results are still "how do I remove this". It'll be the DotCom bubble but way, way worse
Running a candidate whose public perception has been (fairly or unfairly) poisoned by media owners is exactly why Clinton lost in 2016. Seeing it repeated now, and the team of supposedly smart people flailing into the trap again, is EXTREMELY funny. These people are fucking idiots.
I can’t see it, to me his acting and writing evoked revulsion in every scene. Though, there was someone who was feeling sympathetic to Syril on a podcast. They also thought Anakin was at his most hot when he had just killed Mace Windu and was a broken, sobbing mess on Palpatine’s floor though