Insipid Twaddle

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Insipid Twaddle

I was bad at Twitter, and by golly, I will be bad at Bluesky, too.
And then there's his son-in-law, whose lavish lifestyle was funded in part by his father's tax evasion, for which he also went to prison. Plus for the bit where he hired a prostitute to seduce his brother-in-law as a means to blackmail him out of cooperating with the feds.
Given that standing functionally no longer exists in the Calvinball era, I can't imagine a situation where the SCOTUS conservatives just allow all of their power to be siphoned via legislation. You likely need a left-of-center majority in order to enact safeguards for the future.
What are you alleging that he said or did that required investigation? I saw most of the threads, and the harshest response on Bouie's part that I saw was "fuck off", which seems pretty mild in comparison to the people telling him to commit suicide.
And as soon as he pushed back on that suggestion, it escalated to "kill yourself", the favourite go-to retort of that particular subsection of the terminally online. Because nothing speaks to the righteousness of one's argument quite like suggesting that anyone who disagrees commit suicide.
I have no doubt that he believed many ugly things (he was at a Trump rally, after all), but a firefighter, father of several, married to his childhood sweetheart is much easier to spin into a martyr than a violent, streetfighting pimp.
Also speaks to Trump's lack of instincts, honestly. Fate handed him a Horst Wessel without any of the horrific flaws of the actual Horst Wessel, but Trump so thoroughly doesn't give a fuck about his supporters that they can't even bring themselves to use his death to their advantage.
And it's grim, but he may have chosen Trump simply because shooting up a school/mall/whatever is so common that you might not even make the national news, never mind get any lasting notoriety.
Usually that combination of words accompanies a massive violation of the Geneva Conventions, so we're moving on up.
My concern is that Trump's calls for violence are going to be given a very wide berth by the press, given that he just survived an assassination attempt. And in so doing, the retributive violence will be given a pass, and will be normalized in the event he wins. I'm hoping like hell that I'm wrong.
Trump is going to respond to this by becoming even more unhinged. He will call for violence, openly, gleefully. What we don't know: how the majority of Americans will react to the frontrunner for president demanding the murder of his opponents. I fear it's not going to be how we'd prefer, though.
I don't think any of us are prepared for how scary the next few years are going to be. They were already planning to do horrific things; now they have their justification.
No one speaks for a whole population, that's the point. Trans women are people just like everyone else: their opinions are valid and deserve to be heard, but they also aren't monolithic and are open to critique. And telling Jamelle Bouie to kill himself, as many did, deserves critique. It's dumb.
Absolutely, telling me to fuck off is a perfectly valid choice, always. For what it's worth, the likes on my responses to you came from the only trans woman ever to receive a significant vote share for a United State Senate seat. I wouldn't assume that you speak for all trans women on this one.
You are free to be angry at whoever you wish. Other people are free to recognize that misdirecting that anger at people of good will who are on your side really isn't accomplishing anything of value.
People should be angry at the NYT's editorial direction: it fucking sucks. But that anger should be directed at the people making those decisions, not the people who actually push good causes using that sizable platform. Demanding that Bouie resign and make the NYT suck more is counterproductive.
It's part of a broader strain of belief that nonparticipation -- in voting, in having any sort of voice in the most important and widely-read publications, etc -- is pure and ennobling and Sends a Message, when it reality it's just unilateral surrender.
The most important column inches in America must be ceded without counter to vat-grown Bret Stephens clones, while anyone worth reading on the left and center limits their writing to noting but long screeds in the comments of 8 year old Jacobin articles, the purest form of political expression.
But have you considered that it's bad for a person to make persuasive arguments in favour of leftist ideals for the biggest audience in America and get paid to do so, because I don't get paid to make my shitty and unpersuasive arguments for an audience of people who can't remember how to unfollow?
The dominant civilization of mole-octopus hybrids in the year 4002055 AD will owe us a debt of gratitude, even as we're used as a cautionary tale to horrify their strange, betentacled children.
"According to the vibes-based model at 538Hz, Biden's chances have dwindled from 'we're chilling' to 'bruh' over the past two weeks."
Well it's not like we have a recent parallel where one of the parties freaked out and started disavowing their candidate because they were so clearly unelectable, only to see that candidate mulishly plow forward and win the election anyway.
Language is necessarily fluid. It evolves, it adapts, it becomes whatever its users need it to be, even if those changes are sometimes jarring. And if the stupid plagiarism robot says that Hawk Tuah is how Midwesterners are meant to greet each other, I say we encourage this development.
It's a bad system, but I do appreciate the opportunity for buyer's remorse. Electoral Clippy shows up after the first round and says "I see you're about to hand over power to a bunch of unreconstructed reactionaries, you sure about that?" And mercifully, no they weren't sure about that.
Guessing a cart-before-the-horse thing? NPF and Ensemble will need to hash out some sort of power-sharing, the contours of which won't be apparent for some time, and that might be a bit fractious. There are some, uh, strong personalities involved...
"No majority" almost certainly means a coalition between the left-wing NPF and centrish Ensemble, so that constitutes a win.
On behalf of my Irish ancestors: good lord this is embarrassing, just give it a rest.
Or just, like, rights in general.
NDP is nominally left of the Liberals; it's a lot muddier than it once was, but in the broad strokes you're correct in how I would expect it to go. The one place where the NDP might make gains is in Quebec, as there are a lot of seats won w/40% by the separatist Bloc where the NDP might profit.
Pretty embarrassing, in one of the most consequential moments of your political career, to have to stand up there on stage in front of the world and concede defeat next to such a clown. Really have to feel for Mr. Barmy Brunch that his moment is spoiled by the presence of Jacob Rees-Mogg.
Straight prop-rep was a non-starter for Quebec, though, because the Bloc would have been permanently crippled. Some sort of mixed-member system was probably the only potentially viable route, but exactly how or what was something no one agreed upon.