
lol always so bizarre when some Qultist ops in the replies of a thread about Trump with some variation of "Let' see how you like it when it's HUNTER BIDEN!!!" ...I ...didn't vote for Hunter Biden? I don't give a shit about Hunter Biden?? I could not care less if he goes to trial or prison???
I don't care if it's JOE Biden, and I DID vote for him. I don't think anyone, even people I like, should get away with crimes that hurt other people. I'd honestly be okay with a system where we put every exiting President on immediate trial. Just for safety.
Hell yeah If we're being at all consistent about it most US presidents are war criminals, including the generally well-liked ones
They literally can't comprehend that we don't have sycophantic loyalty for Biden or his fail spawn...
right, they're projecting their bizarre dynastic fantasies about the charmless, dimwitted Don Jr onto normal people and it's like, dude what the fuck are you talking about
before the last election one of my trump- supporting coworkers looked so utterly horrified when I said the words "I think Biden is too conservative."
There is at least some bleak entertainment in watching them all pretend to care about background checks.
He's in trial right now, is facing REAL federal prison time, and I have not seen or heard a single Dem operative, elected, or surrogate even *hint* that he should be pardoned, or that the trial is unfair b/c it's before a Trump judge, or anything else like that.
Also like if he does get a conviction okay???? Like, he is responsible for his actions. 🤷‍♂️
They literally cannot fathom ideological consistency or integrity. Every argument they've ever made, every thought they've ever had, has been in service to a predetermined end -- their own self interest, or the political team they chose. Abstract reasoning is completely alien to them.
(also they lionize leaders and lineage in a way the left doesn't.)
The only way Hunter Biden would be relevant enough to notice in this context would be if his dad kept appointing the idiot offspring to positions of power, because that would be an egregious misuse of... oh wait.
Republican excoriation for gun ownership is so weird It's like facing a council of clowns for the unauthorized operation of a seltzer water bottle
This is my thought on that argument every time, lol. Yes, I don't want there to be a multi-tiered justice system where double standards are rampant.
And, more importantly, there is zero chance of Hunter Biden being handed the nuclear codes and access to every top secret document a few months from now.
It's like they are bringing up Billy Carter.
Hunter Biden seems like a man struggling with some demons and was not POTUS or a candidate for it? It's not the same at all?
It seems to break some brains when we say: '"If someone broke the law, they should go to prison. Yes, even if they are ostensibly 'on our side'."
They genuinely cannot comprehend a worldview other than their own. They worship Trump and his family, so they assume everyone on "the other team" must worship Biden the same way. "No, actually, anyone who breaks the law should face consequences" is baffling to them.
It’s like when my parents think I was a huge Bill Clinton supporter and should therefore be ok with Trump’s philandering. I don’t know when I was supposed to vote for Bill Clinton: 1992, when I was 12; or 1996, when I was 16? (I recall thinking Bill Clinton’s behavior was gross at the time, even!)
They don't underestimate how sincere belief works, at all. That we can say "everyone is subject to the law" and mean it.
It's a TV show to them with plot twists and characters. I'm sure Hunter is, in their little fictional world, some major villain instead of just a screwed-up failson.
Yeah ya right. One group believes in the rule of law. One group does not. Seems like it’d be simple. A hint everyone: Run against maga, not turmp
I wasn't going to vote for him but now I WILL!
Side effect of not living in the Fox News ecosystem is that we don’t know we’re supposed to care about things like this
Its one of the biggest cases of what about’isms around