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gently landing on a pile of one million corpses, the exhausted bank accounts of millions of households, debris of hundreds of recently cleared homeless encampments, and the supple, bloated bodies of the long term disabled 🤠
Another jobs report that has soft landing written all over it. Unemployment still near a 50-year low, with core inflation close to the Fed's target. Cue another few dozen articles about why Americans are right to say that the economy is terrible.
“And he shall be like a tree planted by the rivers of water, that bringeth forth his fruit in his season; his leaf also shall not wither; and whatsoever he doeth shall prosper.” (Kevin Kelly, 2011
Phil Hartman calling himself a "Grinchophile" and explaining how the movie was made basically like a live-action Troy McClure
TNT’s How the Grinch Stole Christmas ft. Phil Hartman (1994) From the How the Grinch Stole Christmas DVD.
The best argument for continually-existing video stores is once many many years ago and I walked into my local and said “I’m looking for the movie where Sean Connery wears an orange diaper” and the beautiful woman behind the counter walked us right to Zardoz.
Sipping my little coffee in my home office that smells like campfire
police officer: do you know why I pulled you over me: (adjusting my apple goggles to see if the pedestrian lying on the hood of my self driving tesla is real or an illusion) give me a second
my wife started wearing a VR headset in bed. I said honey it makes me feel like youd rather be with someone else. she said don’t worry, I wear it with them too
I'm tired of being a faceless cog in a corporate evil environment. I feel that I would thrive as an underling or goon in a less alienating, smaller-scale environment of evildoing where I can really see the impact I'm having when my boss says stuff like "yes... everything goes according to plan"
that essay that argued that tom bombadil was in fact the witch king of angmar i am convinced tbh
Something I was mulling over today as I was reading some history of Luther’s 95 theses: What’s the single most important piece of persuasive writing ever produced?
The congresswoman from New York is recognized for five minutes to introduce the THAT’S-A SPICEY MEATBALL Act of 2023
Werner Herzog voice: “The life of an adolescent humanoid turtle trained in the fighting arts is a bleak and turbulent existence oozing with pain. Unable to mate. Unable to form bonds outside of their addiction to the pepperoni pizza. Trapped in a half shell of ego death, chaos, murder.”
Ah yes it’s that time in the corporate calendar
I must not quote skeet. Quote sleeting is the vibe killer.
End of feed.