Dr. Izzy Garland

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Dr. Izzy Garland


Astrophysicist researching AGN fuelling
Mainly shitposts
Opinions my own
According to wikipedia, they still use the cages, but they have shade now!
Every summer I think about Marcia Powell. She got 27 months for offering a cop a $20 blow job. She was supposed to be on a 10-minute suicide watch when she was left in an uncovered cage, for 4 hours in the mid-day sun in AZ. It was at least 107 and she died in her own excrement with 2nd deg burns.
back to silly memes
You need this today. For morale.
“Welcome to Sea World, your call may be recorded for training porpoises”
went to the zoo today, and there's a walk-through where you can feed rainbow lorikeets nectar. never has one human looked so happy
Me approaching the podium, flanked by reporters: After several years of research, we at the institute have determined that the best part of the dog is their little chest
It’s all stupid. Here’s a pretty sky.
you know the british public were really quick to hop on board with our former prime minister, The Master, transitioning into Missy, and then later the CEO of planet earth, The Doctor, becoming a woman. you'd think they'd be more ok with trans people after that but nooooooooo
Good morning to everyone except this asshole, who stepped on the ceiling fan remote control at 3:00 in the morning and turned on the overhead light.
gandalf could sense that sauron was returning because people started liking his old “sauron fucking sucks” callout post out of nowhere
Turns light on. Opens window Every bug in existence: party time on the ceiling lads
it’s full page time! who of these silly little guys is your favourite?
Some of you are called allies because it would be too depressing to trans women if they counted their actual allies
moon dried tomatoes. takes a Hell of a lot longer but worth it for the flavor
yeah I'm a small, green, and gay blood magic user im the hemoglobin homo goblin
it’s scary to go alone take this
Sometimes I think that my inside voice is particularly loud at the moment. And then I remember I'm living with my very unmedicated ADHD brother, and that not my inside voice, that's his "air raid" impression
I just received a letter from the court telling me my legal gender change has been accepted !!! 🥳🥳🥳😊
girls dont “mature faster” we just fetishize female youth
someone i know made a comment about how like. teens in movies etc, the boys are played by adults and the girls by teens, because teen boys look like teens but the beauty standard for women is a 16 year old girl so the girls “look like women”
It's almost the end of International Nonbinary Awareness Week and I *wanted* to get some new posts done but didn't quite manage it. With that in mind, check out these lists of nonbinary authors in a variety of categories from 2021! 🌈📚 #QueerAdultSFF 🌈💜 💙📚
JWST's second anniversary image is here! This is a distorted spiral galaxy at the center and an elliptical galaxy to the left of it. They're called the Penguin and the Egg. 🧪🛰️🔭 #scicomm #womeninstem
That was ONE TIME. It was when I was 17, doing A-Levels and working 30 hours a week at a restaurant, and my friends looked up lethal caffeine intake because they were so concerned
Didn't expect it to be so accurate
No never so any lesbians wanna introduce themselves??
Have you ever met anyone who was LGBTQIA+?
My mum has, within half an hour, burnt first one hand and then the other, by forgetting that you can't use a frying pan handle if that frying pan has just come out the oven
The inside out characters in my head
The inside out characters in my head