Jacob Shively

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Jacob Shively


Foreign policy & grand strategy. I also teach tech & nt'l security, religion & int'l politics, int'l law, causes of war. Failure my own, success coincidental.
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+210 seats gained on a +2% increase in vote share. FPTP Democracy truly a miracle of representation.
Re-upping an earlier post: 21st century digital networking is a step change in information. ...BUT ALSO the future may inherit a spotty record equivalent to early or pre-modern archives. A random collection of print material is preserved and references other stuff that just vanished.
Academic professional orgs should advocate explicit state legislation on academic freedom. It could easily be nonpartisan. There are legal precedents, but w/o clear & discrete law on 'academic freedom,' it is too easy to dilute norms and fall into competing interpretations.
Many political extremists in the US and abroad mock the idea of "academic freedom." But it's actually been codified in Western institutions for centuries. It's much older than modern declarations of rights, and should hold equal legitimacy. 1/7
Outside consulting firm evaluated departments based on revenue and profits when the literal purpose of a regional state university is expanding affordable access to qualityhigher ed to more people. States didn't design or build them as revenue machines. Incredible category error. (1/3)
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When studying "the decline" of war, always account for the outliers (data courtesy of the MARS project)
Amazing how eras get defined in hindsight when the people who lived through them should know better! Gen X culture was mostly just pop culture. It was all about big block busters, stadiums full of rock fans, and massive stars like Michael Jackson. The median Gen X was socialized to be a conformist.
Saw someone say Gen Xers are more authentic because the “top movies” of 1999 were The Matrix and Fight Club as opposed to Barbie and, my brother in Christ, Fight Club was a flop, the top movie of 1999 was Star Wars
All our campus undergrad research programs are designed on a STEM lab model. I have to give mentees a canned talk about how their research experience will have almost nothing to do with their workshop discussions. On the plus side: no need to report hazardous materials!
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I think we should give the Congressional Research Service one billion dollars.
Someone should fund an annual Shame List for predictions. It would be weighted by ambition: the greater the gap between prediction and what happened, the worse you do. The end of money? Oops It would track... -Pundits -Tech boosters -Religious leaders -Political leaders -Sports commentators
Yeah, the thing that annoys me most about grifters is how frequently everybody forgets the lies and blown deadlines. it's like apocalyptic Christians who keep predicting Doomsday; no one says shit when it quietly comes and goes. Remember "You'll be able to use your Minecraft pickaxe in CoD!"?
Reposted byAvatar Jacob Shively
Polisky It’s publication day for “Political Science as a Dependent Variable: The National Science Foundation and the Shaping of a Discipline”   I hope you’ll have a look and join me in considering how the NSF shaped political science and the social sciences more generally.
Political Science as a Dependent Variable: The National Science Foundation and the Shaping of a Discipline | Perspectives on Politics | Cambridge Coredoi.org Political Science as a Dependent Variable: The National Science Foundation and the Shaping of a Discipline
Blackthorne: Tell him that states are self-interested but are able to develop cooperation through institutions that preserve long-standing reputations and relationships. Power and coercion are inescapable but may be moderated. Mariko: He says he believes in a utopian international system.
We're worried about mass cheating, but most students think the leading AI chat system is called "ChatGBT" b/c they only ever hear people talking about it.
My grandparents dreamed of owning a successful business, never quite hit that stride, and ended up moving a lot. Grandpa, sagely about life: "The key is to plan, organize, and control." Grandma, a country girl from Appalachian Ohio, cackling: "You don't control NUTHIN."
Tell me something funny about someone important to you who’s passed on. Anecdote, factoid, excellent one-liner—dealer’s choice.
Security and strategic studies folks: I know Sun Tzu quotes are nearly pro forma, but maybe let's be real about how much mileage we're getting.
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I have currently issued an unsecured, no interest $7500 loan to my employer because I had the audacity to get accepted to two conferences in Europe and reimbursement is the coin of the realm. This model had to die. So predatory and exclusionary.
Our awkward national secret is that that minivans are both more fuel efficient and more useful for hauling than pickups.
Greetings fellow truck owners, who else is thinking about using their truck's manly, rugged trunk for manly, rugged tasks?
Exactly the book I needed eight months ago. I was updating courses on US foreign policy and shifted to a full historical scope. As Copeland says, there isn't much w/IR theory that does that. The econ motivation his develops is especially important since it is usually treated simply as "empire."
21st century digital networking is a step change in the human experience with information. ...BUT ALSO the future may end up with a reversion to the equivalent of early modern archives. A random collection of print material is preserved and references other stuff that just vanished.
A good project for a well-meaning billionaire or university: Buying up archives for outlets that get destroyed and deleted. I'm old enough to have used microfiche for research (inc. for my book) and it was invaluable to have *some* way of reading out-of-print material, it didn't need to be online.
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Checking in on the Article II treaty process... Graph shows, for each year, the number of treaties submitted to the Senate and the number ratified. Seems to have stalled out starting in the Obama administration. #polisky
Political scientists appear all the time in media and so forth, but there is still no popular image of the field. Probably need to drop the "science" bit. Too long! What does that mean!? Time to start quoting Politoligists in the field of Politology.
Good illustration of how Trump represented the first serious attempted break with postwar US grand strategy. I argue that he didn't get there, but a second term changes that calculation. What about GW and Iraq? Preventive war is big, but he didn't reinvent the basic US view of the world.
It's not uncommon for US Presidents to complain about "Free riding NATO allies" But 👇data show that Trump is especially negative when making such comments. For instance: While Obama was more "I'm not mad, just disappointed", Trump would actually express anger.
"Why is it like this??" Americans loudly buzz every four years before, like quadrennial cicadas, burrowing back underground.
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"Grand strategy" spiked in the 1930s. Any thoughts on which publication(s) or other usage driving this? I thought Liddell Hart, JFC Fuller, etc, but I don't yet see obvious pubs from them. CURIOUSLY, "Fiction" is the bulk of the spike. Is something miscoded or was the term in some popular novel??
I'm betting the slow shift toward open access journals will start to cascade at some point in the next decade. For most faculty, there is only benefit: more distribution of their work at exactly the same amount of money they now make from journal articles.
Farewell “Journal of Political Philosophy”, a brilliant institution destroyed by a clueless and rapacious publishing company. Welcome instead “Political Philosophy”, a new *open access* journal with a reassuringly familiar editorial team! politicalphilosophyjournal.org
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📢Announcing Good Authority Teaching Resources📢 Today @goodauth.bsky.social launches new polisky resources: new Good to Know explainers, Good Playlists, topic guides, & more. We accept proposals for explainers & playlists. Details on new resources page. Bookmark it! goodauthority.org/news/good-au...
Announcing Good Authority teaching resourcesgoodauthority.org American politics, international relations, comparative politics, political science, and more teaching resources from Good Authority!
The real plagiarism scandal is that students apparently no longer learn how to use quotation marks and paraphrases.