
In Opinion The greatest public service President Biden can now perform is to announce that he will not run for re-election, the editorial board writes after Thursday's presidential debate.
Opinion | To Serve His Country, President Biden Should Leave the The president’s inadequate performance in the debate made it clear he is not the man he was four years ago.
perhaps I missed the recent New York Times editorial calling for Donald Trump to step aside for the good of the country in the wake of his 34 felony convictions. could you share a link here please?
I would also like to see this as I’m sure it exists
Same link: "Trump’s own performance ought to be regarded as disqualifying. He lied brazenly and repeatedly about his own actions, his record as president and his opponent. He described plans that would harm the American economy, undermine civil liberties and fray...relationships with other nations"
"He refused to promise that he would accept defeat, returning instead to the kind of rhetoric that incited the Jan. 6 attack on Congress."
He’s not the President of the United States man. Step aside from what?
Do….do you think a different Republican nominee would not want to gut all federal regulation? Is your position that the Times should be demanding a better advocate for mass detention and executions? Is Democracy on the line? Is this the most important election in history? What do you want man?
This is the same gaslighting Dems have received from media for years : behave better, be different, be more moderate and appealing to Rs and independents instead of your own base. No republican is ever told to be more liberal.
Democracy also certainly would not be on the line with any other Republican candidate, no. That threat is really Trump only.
This is an astounding misunderstanding of Trump. He is an opportunistic celebrity. He believes in nothing. There are absolutely ‘true believers’ cultivated now in HIS party that would take the steps he was unwilling to take.
He and they need to be defeated. Humiliating him would go a long way to doing that. Do you trust Joe Biden to do that?
More so than any other candidate, yes.
step aside from *the precise thing the Times is asking Biden to step aside from* man
I understand what the column posits. It’s ludicrous. He isn’t POTUS and also a private candidate to become POTUS. He’s the fucking President. In your brain, is the concern a bad debate performance and not cognition generally? It’s definitely the latter for me.
I'm glad you're being honest about your own cognition concerns.
From being the nominee. Don’t be disingenuous.
They aren't asking Biden to resign, just to withdraw from the race. The parallel with Trump could not be more exact.
Biden would probably have to resign at this point to make a succession credible. Either Kamala or someone she blesses as President.
this is exceedingly dumb i’m sorry
That's even less likely than Biden withdrawing
Lolz what planet do you live on?
Not one where he will do that. But he absolutely should.
Step aside from the presidential race, just like the NYT editorial is asking of Biden.
Being the Republican nominee for President. You know "if nominated I will not run, if elected I will not serve" Are you actually that dense?
Magic 8 ball says ‘yes’
Everyone here understood the comment except you.
From running for president, hope this helps
The doorway he’s blocking to a future. There will be no future otherwise
Who is replacing Trump when he relents to the demands of the Times Editorial Board? Will Joe be a better candidate against that person or do you think he will just run unopposed?
Who’ve they got? Ted Cruz? When did the Times suggest DJT remove himself from the ballot? Is the Times saying they should both drop out?
I don’t know man. I didn’t create this counterfactual! Who’s above Trump that can even replace him? No idea! I would bet my life on the fact that if Obama called on Joe to resign and make way, it would happen. Within days.
It's not rocket science. Travel more often & learn that such characters have no business being/running for POTUS—even if they fooled a pool of ignoramuses, having committed Election Interference & Fraud while leveraging Cambridge Analytica & Russian election interference ops to get into WH before.▼
A convicted felon, fraudster, rapist, NATO & national security threat is running for POTUS in pre-WW 2024 with ZERO fact-checking during a Presidential Debate. Who, at the New York Times, is going to ask the orange crook to get lost???▼
I didn’t realize this was a pronouncement of the Editorial Board of the Opinion Section of the Times. You’re right. This is now dogma.
you're doing great. just poast through it.
(step aside from the Republican nomination for president just like the NYTimes is calling for Biden to step aside from the Dem. nomination for president. we know you know this now, but are just psychologically incapable of admitting a simple error)
if you don't know, just stay home.
The NYT going full David Pecker National Enquirer style on President Trump b/c he wouldn’t do a one on one interview says a lot about the NYT evolving into a grocery store rag. 🤷‍♂️
cause he would totally listen, am I right? if you don't want Trump to win and he's a threat to democracy, the onus is on the dems to run a candidate that can defeat him, you don't expect the threat to see itself out, that's not how this works
Biden isn’t going to listen either dipshit, the point in putting this out there is to affect voters not the candidate
there's a chance he might listen, it's not just the NYT, it's literally every liberal outlet and dem insiders saying the same. And if he doesn't listen, well, enjoy a second serving of president Trump, if alarm bells are not ringing in your mind after yesterday, then you're completely delusional
In lieu of that, could I offer you this condemnation? I know its not asking him to step aside but unfortunately its the best I could find.
Opinion | A Warning About Donald Trump and Americans cannot afford to tune out Trump’s campaign to regain power.
it’s about the audience, Biden’s people care about the NYT editorial board, Trump’s do not
I thought the audience was the owners of the NYT, who find Trump much better for business?