
Regardless of your position on gun control, I don’t see how anyone can honestly believe “citizens should have a right to bear arms” and “possession of a firearm alone should be enough cause for police to instantly kill you” can coexist as rules. It just makes no sense.
When you believe the police will never actually view YOU as a threat, it makes perfect sense.
Correct although I might phrase it as “some people will be allowed to possess guns without risk; others won’t”
You mean something like "binds but doesn't protect/protects but doesn't bind"?
It's the old internet adage of conservatism being, at its root, a system with two groups: a group who the law protects but does not bind, and a second group who the law binds but does not protect.
Good for thee but never ever ever for me
Perhaps there's some other characteristic of the individual in question that officer Ben thinks warrants summary execution at the discretion of the police?
Yeah... Wonder what that could be? 🤔 Hmmm....
I'd love to live in the world of that poster where nobody ever lies and you can trust that people are who they say they are. The victim did not "know the police were there", someone banged on his door and said "POLICE OPEN UP!" I guess I'm police too if I yell loud enough.
It's also rich coming from a dude that most certainly subscribes to the conservative fear machine of gun ownership where you must be strapped up at all times to defend your freedom from the evil and hungry other But also just trust the voice on the other side of the door that says they're authority
I'm old enough to remember when folks like him referred to law enforcement officers as "jack-booted thugs" when confronting anyone they sympathized with but turned around and deified LEOs who were killed or injured in the line of duty when said duty involved "radical leftists" or Black people.
Also. the cops were AT THE WRONG ADDRESS.
But he was holding a firearm WHILE BLACK. That is very different. Similar to holding a cellphone WHILE BLACK or holding a pack of Skittles WHILE BLACK or selling grey-market cigarettes WHILE BLACK.
This is the real issue… holding a firearm while black. If he were white, he could shoot up a church group then be taken to Burger King for a meal by the police.
Cops Bought Dylann Roof Burger King Hours After Charleston Cops Bought Dylann Roof Burger King Hours After Charleston Shooting
How I explained BLM to friends and family who thought it was some sort of scam to privilege a minority: 1. Tamir Rice 2. John Crawford III 3. Philando Castile 4. Trayvon Martin (Trayvon last only because you have to overcome their media-manufactured misunderstanding of the murder.)
When the Black Panthers waved their guns in the air the NRA called for their arrest. The 2nd Amendment does not apply to black people. It’s almost like conservatives believe white people are supreme… and built a system around it… I’ll think of a good name for it soon
The key, unspoken word for the people who claim to believe in both of those propositions, is "some."
Making sense was never on the dance card. They expect and demand 2 different sets of rules: one that lets them do whatever they want, and another that restrains everyone they don't like. Ne'er shall the two meet.
nothing these shitheads believe makes a bit of sense, no point wasting time trying to figure it out
(In fact they do not actually believe anything they say. Everything they say is just the circumstantial excuse for that moment. Five minutes later, they may as well say the opposite.)
It's like their thinking was adjusted by a bent tuning fork. The vibrations will always be off kilter.
(Also, the deputy was NOT at the correct address, but let’s not let FACTS stand in the way of a polemic advocating the shooting of Black men.)
It makes perfect sense to a racist
100% chance that "Officer Ben" carries a couple of black BB guns in the trunk of his squad car just in case he needs to drop them near a body after the fact.
IMO: Cop afraid of Black people. Desantis signed law granting people who could count to one, permission to carry gun. It's common sense for police to believe someone would have a gun. On #video, IT WAS THE WRONG ADDRESS, and a Black man with gun down at his side
Florida sheriff's office releases bodycam video of fatal shooting of Air Force airman by The video shows the deputy knocking and twice identifying himself as a member of the sheriff’s office, before Senior Airman Roger Fortson opens the door and is shot.
I think it just needs to include cops. You can kill anyone with a gun, including cops. Carrying a firearm is consent for a shootout. Predator rules.
If someone shows up at your door with a gun in Florida I think you’re obligated to shoot them.
It's true. Ron "heels don't make me gay" DeSantis signed it into law.
“The officer was at the right address” I thought the lady who called it in *thought* whatever the hell she heard was coming from that apartment
Their universal rule is always subject to unstated contextual factors.
Except it was the wrong address and he had to ask somebody if they knew who he was looking for.
You just gotta be a dumb fascist, Jason, and then you can believe literally any two things convenient to you
I think of that video a lot. It’s got a lo of truth.
Because they got the complexion for the protection so they can say stupid shit like this. They believe whites have more rights than the rest of us and are openly expressing that
The only way those go together is if you've reconciled yourself to the reality that nobody has gun rights as such, they are only ever privileges granted by police that don't take the opportunity to murder you on the spot Note that race seems to be a major factor in who gets those privileges
Yeah, I thought 2A gave the person a Right to have a gun in his own home.
“White” citizens is whats always implied.
just goes to show how they rlly feel about the people who have served this country
People who advocate for lax gun laws know this and a) don’t care or b) want this to actually be the case.
This is why I insist that the "right to bear arms" is bullshit. It's nothing but a privilege for respectable white men.
The State will never not have a monopoly on justified use of deadly force.
Yes, but that's not the point. The point is that some non-police people will be allowed to use deadly force, as long as they're the white kind of people.
Does that dude think only LEOs can claim they are LEOs while knocking on your door?
It makes perfect sense when you understand conservatives only ever want the law to protect them and punish others. That's why the defendent in multiple criminal trials is running on a "law & order" platform, because everyone understands that phrase doesn't involve the law being applied fairly.