
With all due respect to Jack for having the vision to invest in decentralized protocols, we’ve carried out the work in a way I don’t think he fully understands. Bluesky is structurally open in a way Twitter has never been, but the design of atproto allows it to feel familiar and easy to use.
There’s a marketplace of algorithms. It’s open source — every line of code we write is public. Moderation is composable. Anyone can run any part of the system. And yet it looks and feels like it could be Twitter because we built a protocol Twitter could run on without drastic changes.
Our early team had combined decades of experience building decentralized protocols: ssb (predecessor to nostr), dat, ipfs, cryptocurrencies. We learned from the UX challenges we faced and built something that places decentralization “under the hood”.
Our design philosophy is “user choice with sensible defaults.” This can be seen from usernames (get one from us, bring your own domain, or host your own identity), to moderation (use our app and get our defaults, stack your own on top, or use another app with different policies).
Moderation, in particular, is at the core of debates about social media. Who has the power to control what you see or say? We moderate through an open labeling system, letting users stack layers of filters on top of our defaults, or opt out through other clients.
Bluesky's Moderation Architecture | Moderation is a crucial aspect of any social network. However, traditional moderation systems often lack transparency and user control, leaving communities vulnerable to sudden policy changes and pote...
The algorithms that make up your feed are the other point of control over what you see on social media. We let you build and subscribe to custom feeds of the network — there are over 50,000! But you can also just use Discover and Following, the defaults we provide.
Algorithmic Choice with Custom Feeds - Our implementation of algorithmic choice lets users customize one of the most important parts of their social media experience: their feed.
You don’t have to care about or even understand decentralization to use Bluesky, and that's on purpose. Keeping things simple on the surface creates a good user experience. But if you want to customize your experience, there are endless options under the hood because we built an open system.
That's where I see Jack being an obtuse liar - moderation. He rails against real moderation that he & Elon label censorship. Yet he ran back to Xitter, where Elon routinely decides who stays, who goes, who is let back, all on his personal emotion. It's ridiculous or Jack to support that.
I’m a tech know nothing. But as a relatively normal human, I found being on what is now X horrifying and depressing. Bluesky allows me to still be depressed about everything going on in the world but with a sense of commonality. Ya know?
This! This right here! This is why BlueSky is awesome and I desperately want it to succeed. In a world where control is slowly eroding, even from our own computer operating systems, BlueSky still trusts us, letting us curate what we want to see.
When one switches to feeds are they then unlikely to see the friends they’ve been interacting with in Discover or Following?
There is always going to be someone who Must Be Heard, and someone who Cannot Hear It. The validity of these positions varies with the situation, but I appreciate the work being put in here to mediate the two sides.
this is my favorite feature on the app, helps me totally ignore sport topics for example :)
How would one search and find these 50,000 feeds?
For many who claim to want less moderation is not that they really want to be sure they can see anything that's posted, they just want to be sure everyone else sees anything they post, specifically that there is no opting out from being given their opinions. They want to always be in the room.
You do realize, that you're actually legally required to delete content that violates EU law (hate speech), right?
Any hope for moderation tools that control who can reply to posts? Lots of friends/peers unhappy with this platform because they’ll post something like “I love a good hot dog” and get 10 replies going “how DARE you post about hot dogs in a time of crisis”
But someone who labeled me was someone I blocked on multiple websites. I don’t like this system.
Who cares what Jack thinks? I sure as shit don't, the guy's 2 grams short of going full John McAfee (as is Elmo) Once Bluesky can start attracting the corporates, news media and the like then the trickle will become a flood.
Anyone who cares about discrediting him and clarifying the record on how this site developed into being socially responsible instead of being a clearinghouse for revenge porn and abuse.
completely agree! There's something disturbing about how these tech-bros admire how supporting the opportunity to be complete shits to everyone else on social media is somehow "liberating" when all it means is that you're socially stunted and lack the desire to be a better person.
The problem is, Jack is very rich and has a big microphone, so investors, media, and those corporates care, unfortunately.
The problem is, society listens to people who are rich as if they know the answer to everything The cult of celebrity spread out of the United States and infected the planet.
We have a bunch of news outlets already. I got a bunch I’ve been able to verify the authenticity of here in this list:
I find this bot useful even though it's just the re-skeeting of MSM posts from the other site Also sad to see Newsmax being the dominant skeeter in the feed you made or was this on purpose?
A bit North American focused for me, that's the point. There's a big world out there
His problem is that it is usable? That sounds right. They hate users.
I have to applaud it's a smart way of doing things where it doesn't feel like you're antagonizing users when so many other kinds of apps and programs are disrespectful to what people want and treat people like wallets. This has some common decency
Keep up the good work!
Sure, Bluesky is young & needs time. Still... 📌There are issues with your design philosophy. Addressed in the 1st instance here🔴 Beware of the aloofness of all tech, no soul. 📌Successful companies engage. Others die when developers & CxOs stay aloof & cocky.▼
📌Like the economy & candidate experience, users don't care about whatever “structurally open” is. They care about the user experience at an INDIVIDUAL level. Differentiate yourself by: Hiring RESPONSIVE people🔴 & Strategically vet them🔴
Amazing how Jack is being hated on. I mean he’s eccentric. But he’s brilliant. Square is the future of finance & bluesky is the future of social networking. No gimmicks, no memeland marketing, simply good conversation.
On the contrary; I was having a conversation. Why am I “dumb as dogshit”? Also; Why would you assume I’m a man?
He’s so brilliant that he funded the development of “the future of social networking” and then ran away from it crying? Weird kind of brilliance
Now I agree with this 100%. I’m busy with the kids, life, etc. I thought he was still here.
He ran away from it?
Is it possible to use Bluesky from another client?
I am using the official and 3 party client