
man you have to provide “support” for stuff like this, you can’t just say that, what are we doing here
Not stated in the bio at the bottom, he clerked for Roberts.
ah yes, people "repeatedly attacked by Mr. Trump" famously known for not supporting him regardless
Federalist Society wanker getting column inches in the Times without being identified as such. Same as it ever was.
Prof. Baude is very smart and I'd like to hear what the referenced "other things" that indicate that the Court is not pro-Trump, if what he did note is the best proof point.
"Among other things" - uh, what other things? This is a context where you need to list those things, buddy
The paper's obsession with interviewing Biden has led them to go full psycho hose beast. They have abandoned any wisp of journalistic principles or integrity in a desperate effort to pander to neo-Nazis. If anyone else was acting like this we'd stage an intervention for them.
Highly doubtful the author of Shelby County and Rucho would sully that legacy by engaging in partisanship
Wonder if they editor who oversaw this and didn't think it worthy of mention he clerked for Roberts and is a FedSoc award winner, also had a hand in the "don't bother voting" piece by someone who voted in 2020 & 2022?
He's trying to wrap his head around the fact that while the right "hates" judicial activism, John is the epitome of an Activist Justice this century.
Or, what if the editors think that's correct, so don't see any need to support it? There sure does seem like a lot of evidence to support my theory, just by looking at the majority of Bret Stephens' articles
John is hooking up his 6 Justices to the fascism wagon like they were the Budweiser Clydesdales, and this guy is out here saying "but we don't like horses..."
The Republican Party is full of people who have been repeatedly attacked by Trump and are still doing everything they can to help him
Wait, is the justification for them not being Trump toadies "they were attacked by Trump"? Trump attacks a ton of people who turn around and lick his boots! He's famous for it!
Oh, he's a member of the Federalist Society. Nevermind, that explains everything.
So Roberts is in an abusive relationship and wants Trump to like him.