
reflecting on the immunity decision a bit, what the Court seems to be saying is that every element of the executive branch is at the President’s disposal, no matter what he wants to use it for. his motives don’t matter. the office is a weapon to be wielded however he sees fit.
Everything short of regulating emissions
I know this is tongue in cheek, but the point is that the limitation is the scope of the office as the Court sees it. within that scope, it’s open season. so under the majority’s logic, for example, there’s really no limit to what the president could use the military for.
right. the president could order troops to suppress protesters using live fire and the supreme court would extend that absolute immunity
or, say, order troops to occupy Congress in order to prevent the certification of the election removing him from office he is, after all, still Commander in Chief at that exact moment
How convenient that Trump was talking about the removal and reappointment of ALL generals right after he gets elected.
Clearly if we want to punish a president for ordering protestors be shot, the only answer is through the ballot box, which will certainly be respected and honored.
Maybe the current president should order the concurring members of the court shot and appoint a new set with enough sense of self preservation to recognize no one should be above the law
But then they'll impeach him, which I'm sure the soldiers he sends to occupy the Capitol will not dissuade them from doing.
Who will impeach him? He can just order those people killed as well. Personally, I think this sounds like a bad way to set up a democracy but since that is what the court has declared is the law of the land…
That's exactly what my post said.
Sorry, I was being ironical.
Honestly? That's the best thing Biden could do. Order all the traitorous judges and politicians to be jailed/shot and replaced and then get himself impeached. This way democracy could be reinstated and at his age, it doesn't matter anyway if they try to jail him. And he could even pardon himself.
Yeah, at that point we are looking at more kinetic solutions
some conservatives literally suggested that if Nixon was impeached he could and should, as the commander in chief, order the military to prevent his removal
Biden has an opportunity to do the funniest thing ever
"the [Republican] president" right? Much smaller chance a Democratic president gets that deference from this court, I'm guessing.
Biden should test that now; find something harmless or beneficial that he otherwise cannot do and push it while he can.
He should, but not on something harmless. Something big, that shows he's willing to play hardball to save the country. Something that shows the SCOTUS unmistakeably that they done fucked up. But he's not that guy. It's why he was the wrong choice in 2020 and is even more wrong now.
Yeah he should execute the concurring judges on this decision and replace them
I think it's time for the president to take a drastic step to show that he's serious about fighting for our country. Show the SCOTUS why their ruling was bad. Make it a twofer and resign, immediately after, allowing Kamala Harris to take over the presidency and the campaign.
It would be in the interest of perfecting the union, and therefore an official act
That would be the "or beneficial" part.
Send Trump to Guantanamo as an enemy combatant for stealing classified information. Easy peasy.
Chief Justice Roberts lining up to be the 21st Century’s von Hindenburg wasn’t on my bingo card.
A Republican president could. I have a feeling that what the supreme court will count as an official act is extremely president-dependent.
How are they going to issue certiorari without hands or throats
We should collect the practical effects of these awful, democracy-ending cases into a single document. Maybe call them the Nuremberg Laws.
He could declare a state of emergency and federalize the national guard to ensure "election integrity."
Wouldn't it still be illegal for the troops to carry out that order? The ruling doesn't make the order legal; it makes the President immune from prosecution for giving the order. Granted, depending on troops to refuse to carry out an illegal order isn't much comfort, but it's not nothing.
Sure, but the President could just then pardon them.
He doesn't even need to pardon them. They aren't going to be charged and tried under the DOJ. They will be by a JAG and presided over by a tribunal of officers. Biden is the commander in chief, and all of their bosses.
Well, yeah. That's a frightening aspect of this whole thing. But will events really play out that way? My hope is that we'll only see that in isolation. But maybe I'm just being naive.
But they could be arrested and even executed for failing to follow orders, and that execution would be done in the President's "official" capacity as C&C and therefore be fine according to Roberts.
🎵Tin soldiers and Nixon's coming🎵 🎵This is a totally fine thing for a President to do 🎵
This court thinks impeachment and removal is moot and truly, democrats should threat the court accordingly.
Any general who refused the order could then be charged with treason/insubordination and/or summarily executed and that would also be fine by the Supreme Court, because he's acting in his official capacity as C&C.
No one has done more to improve the relative reputation of Roger Taney among SCOTUS justices than this court.
The shot/chaser is that since the limits have not been defined, any action taken by the sitting Prez is assumed to be legal until judicial review has been completed. It's a blank slate of criming.
Biden should just federalize abortion using US Military bases - and any attempt to block such efforts, judicial or otherwise, would be sedition
That will happen if the orange turd wins. It's one of the things he talks about a lite because he wants to do it
it's odd somehow that it's playing out such that they're doing this for the guy who will most abuse it.
It's not, though, and that's a huge part of the problem: these are novel issues precisely because every prior president (in both parties) has had enough respect for their office and the Constitution to largely restrain themselves (and restrain their illegal activity to defense/foreign policy).
do an mbs on d members of congress while r members of congress rewrite the constitution
In line with the Bonus Army.
Should probably start organizing the general strike now.
And this is what the 2nd amendment was really about. Preventing a monarchical president from using a standing army as a national police force.
The president would be immune, but not definitely anyone else, right? Could his deputies who help carry out such an order be triable for conspiracy?