
we’re in danger
NEWS --> Mark Robinson, the MAGA extremist GOP nominee for governor in North Carolina, appeared to endorse political violence against unnamed foes in a recent speech. "Some folks need killing!" he shouted. "It's a matter of necessity!" Video and story here:
MAGA Gov Candidate’s Ugly, Hateful Rant: “Some Folks Need Killing!” Mark Robinson, the GOP nominee for governor in North Carolina, has a long history of incendiary comments. But he may have topped himself this time.
It's what I need in a pro-life candidate.
More like Pro-Life-Threatening
Having a Democratic president is genuinely a matter of national security
How is Joe supposed to protect me and my friends from Governor Robinson? This is literally a state issue and expecting the federal government to protect people at the state level is going to get people killed.
Article IV, §4. He calls up the National Guard and tells them to arrest the governor and anyone aiding his murder spree. He voids the state constitution and orders the creation of anew one. If SCOTUS says anything, he responds, "Abe Lincoln, bitches."
This is fanfic. You want to solve this you need to spend to spend money on a local level. You need to campaign on a local level. You need to man phones and knock on doors. Wishcasting that Biden get involved is cheap and easy, defeating Robinson isn’t.
All of what you said is true. That would be the correct way to do it. If Biden wins doing all that would be an uphill battle... If Trump wins doing that would be climbing the Everest with two dead bodies attached to you and a depleting oxygen tank.
Buddy I need you to understand that if Robinson wins that election it doesn’t matter if Biden is President or not.
If Biden wins and a Republican governor sends out death squads against gay people, Muslims, Jews or whoever else he deems demonic, there is zero chance that Biden doesn't send in National Guard to stop him. It's not even a close call.
Lmao Biden wouldn’t do shit. Texas just pardoned someone who murdered a BLM protester. Did Biden step in there?
What an odd thing to say.
Wife and I just signed up to canvas for Josh Stein last week. We will not feel safe whatsoever in this state if Robinson wins.
Literally makes even South Carolina seem preferable.
We just moved away from NC for professional reasons, but I'm still trying to stay involved in phone banking and canvassing for Stein and some NC house candidates. We can't let Robinson and his GOP allies, like Michele Morrow, prevail.
He is a Pro-Life-Threatening candidate. Thank you for canvassing against violence and for the freedom to live and pursue happiness.
The script these people are following sounded better in the original Serbian in 1995
Non-zero chance the Republican Convention wraps ups with balloons falling on a crowd chanting, "Lead! Lead! Lead! Lead!"
I know what you're getting at, but in this context my brain also jumped straight to "plata o plomo."
Oh cool I live here and am one of the demons he loves to talk about this doesn't chill me to my core at all 🙃
I'm trans and in Greensboro. Cleaning the weapons next week and getting some range time soon.
win or lose, this election will not occur without incident. I’m very worried
I'm afraid there are a bunch of MAGA just itching to start some violence
I was a poll greeter for the Dems in southern Wake County and had voters tell me that the GOP poll greeters made them feel uncomfortable and unsafe (like afraid to vote if I wasn't there). The local poll judge wasn't helpful at all. I'm genuinely worried about what might happen.
Wait what are partisan poll greeters this sounds crazy
Supporters of the parties or individual candidates can stand a few meters from the entrance to the polling site and hand out candidate literature and slate cards. It can be helpful, but I aw a few GOP voters try to intimidate voters and, in some cases, Democratic advocates.
Oh god this sounds like a recipe for voter intimidation
In California, that sort of thing is not allowed within 100 feet and is clearly marked outside of and leading up to every polling place in the state.
I live in a deep blue city and vote by mail (everyone gets ballot in the mail) or in the garage of my neighbor around the block. I cannot imagine needing partisan poll watchers or guards or any of that. Sorry for you.
I've moved since then, but it was genuinely awful.
I mean they already did on January 6th, and in Charlotte, and in Bethel, and so many other times
So tired of the “there’s no difference between the parties” bs. These guys have a genuine bloodlust and in power it’s just a matter of time before state sanctioned political violence breaks out
Not feeling especially great living in the state to the north of this.
Republicans are a domestic terrorist organization.
Amazing how the ones preaching violence aren't the ones who feel they should receive it.
Like Trump, he won't physically lead the attack. He'll tell others to risk themselves, then pardon them.
How are we at coinflip odds for Robinson and his party to be voted into power in November?
Think Stein is a small favorite in NC to beat him, Trump is a favorite to beat Biden, and the gerrymandered super majority is too close to call.
Trump is as extreme as Robinson, though. If Stein is more likely to win, why would North Carolina dislike Robinson but approve of Trump? That's kind of a strange level of ticket splitting.
Trump is white. There are white voters who will tolerate the extremism from Trump that they wouldn't from Robinson. But then you have the balancing factor of some voters won't vote for Stein because of... reasons.
It is weird, but Cooper (D) has won 2x now while the state went R in presidential. The first time McCory was a pretty unpopular governor and it was extremely close. NC is slightly more R, but there are enough independents/moderate Rs that are willing to split ticket.
NC has a long history of ticket splitting. Dan Forrest was also a bad candidate, which helped Cooper win the second time. I expect to see a similar split this time, unfortunately.
Those Run Forrest Run yard signs were the most ridiculous things ever.
I wonder what the difference is...?