Jen Ebbeler

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Jen Ebbeler

Classics/Late Antiquity professor at UT Austin; Augustine/Cyprian/Ancient Letters/Imperial and Late Antique History. Disability advocate. Owned by cats.
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“Human bodies tend to use sleep time to lower temperatures and recover from a brutally hot day; if temperatures don’t drop enough, people sleeping without air conditioning — or, say, people in major cities that didn’t get their power back for a week after a storm — don’t get that chance”
Thanks for this info. MD now wants another MRI, which is complicated and $$ for me. Plus means that they won’t do anything for at least another ten days. I’m seriously considering just waiting. Everything I read says these things eventually pass/heal.
Here’s the other side of the question: why haven’t those leaders plus Jeffries etc. all come out and declared that Biden needs to step aside for whatever plan B they are supporting? People doing nothing goes both ways.
2016: The Hillbilly Elegy 2019: Conversion to Catholic Christianity, and specifically to his take on Augustine’s Confessions and City of God. Make of this what you will. But you should definitely make something of this.
This point didn’t fully register with me until someone here pointed out that there’s no “Dems.” There are just people. If Biden isn’t going to step down, there’s no coherent “them” to force it.
Thanks, me too. It’s been a long few weeks. I generally have no problems at all with this kind of stuff and am feeling like I’m losing my mind. I don’t want an unnecessary procedure but the headache comes back as soon as I try to sit at my desk for a few hours.
I suspect they won’t let me move for at least that long. I think all of us are confused about what the problem is—it’s definitely postural but one of those “this shouldn’t be happening” situations (very thin needle, transforaminal approach).
Still dealing with a horrible headache after spinal injections. I’ve hoped that the problem would resolve on its own but have finally conceded that I need a blood patch. I rarely get headaches and never ones that last a week. Perfect time to do the stupid work module trainings.
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A remarkably pretentious coded transmission to the evangelical Protestant base that Vance might be a Papist, but don't worry - he's not all weird about it like that weirdo Joe Biden with all his Sunday morning devil worship. He'll stay on Theo-con script!
Me, an Augustine scholar, finding out that JD Vance attributes his Catholic conversion to Augustine teaching him an intellectual way to understand Christianity: 😣😬🙃
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JD Vance, 2016: "Trump is America's Hitler" JD Vance, 2024: "I humbly accept the nomination to be America's Himmler"
What I remember is the obsessive hunt for motive, only to not really find anything. The GOP seems to think that it’s ok for military grade weapons to be freely accessible if we can identify why someone shot other people.
I still get headlines in my email and they are just beyond belief. The effort to normalize a lot of very abnormal stuff is 🤯.
I’m guessing the Augustine who thought it was cool to bring in state violence against the Donatists? And the one who ranted against Julian? Definitely not the one who wrote the Confessions.
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In which the Washington Post sanitizes right-wing Court decisions paving the way to autocracy as simply “a string of wins” for Trump.
The thing that makes JD Vance most legible to me is his very obvious view of himself as a modern St Augustine (without actually understanding anything Augustine said).
Republican education "reform" is not about education, or reform, but an avenue for corrupt grifters to enrich themselves with public money.
Me, an Augustine scholar, finding out that JD Vance attributes his Catholic conversion to Augustine teaching him an intellectual way to understand Christianity: 😣😬🙃
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“In the name of unity, stop taking issue with Jan. 6” is “when you say it’s wrong that I hit you, you’re tearing this family apart” on a national scale.
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My academic field, like yours, is about to be bulldozed and paved over in order to make way for a new Target.
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This was always going to happen.
Some of Elon Musk’s closest friends have helped start a new pro-Trump super PAC, which Musk is expected to donate to. Other investors include Antonio Gracias (SpaceX), Ken Howery (PayPal), Shaun Maguire (Sequoia Capital) 🎁
Elon Musk Allies Help Start Pro-Trump Super The group, America PAC, is funded by several wealthy tech entrepreneurs in Mr. Musk’s social circle and is said to be likely to draw financial support from the SpaceX and Tesla founder himself.
See also the people who think faculty shouldn’t work for red states.
This truly embarrassing garbage is why I unsubscribed from the NYT.
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the general vibe at the moment
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We regret to announce that the academics have fallen to interdepartmental squabbling and are Posting about it
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time to dust this one off. amen.
Vance is, you guessed it, an adult Catholic convert
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Forty years ago this week, Greg Abbott had his spine crushed by a falling tree while on a jog in Houston. Abbott sued the tree owner, winning millions. Decades later, as governor, Abbott made sure Texans would never be able to do the same, thanks to tort reform.
How Greg Abbott won millions and stopped Texans from doing the Forty years ago this week, a tree fell on Greg Abbott, paralyzing the future governor. He sued for damages and won—and then helped to stifle similar lawsuits.