Jesse Lansner

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Jesse Lansner

Picked up 8 today to bump me to 20 total.
Remember when someone uploaded Trump’s inauguration speech to PornHub in 2017.
I guess I should have guessed that Project 2025 is badly written beyond just being vile. Did an AI write these sentences?
Lucky find at the library book sale today. 💐
So depressing to have called this (except that it was Gorsuch, and not Alito, who wrote the decision).
Alito, writing for the majority: “In upholding these laws, we concur with Anatole France, who noted that the law treats everyone with majestic equality…”
Found a copy of Fahrenheit 451 at a little free library yesterday which includes a 2003 interview with Bradbury, and was shocked by the naïveté of this statement.
I was voter #38 at my polling place, which is higher than I expected, given the only race here is for city court judge.
“…the faster they were carried the less time they had to spare!“ – “The Magnificent Ambersons” (1918) by Booth Tarkington
Just found this photo from 5 years ago. Kind of wish I’d actually bought these. 🐋 🔩
These covers are just so wrong. 🐋 🔩
These covers are wild. Who knew Emma Woodhouse and Daisy Buchanan were the same person!
One of these little women just committed a big murder. Can she be stopped before she strikes again?
I was saving this for the end #AMonthOfDick, but I fell too far behind. Same with #MiddleMarchMadness. But I managed to keep up with #HotFrankSummer every day, so now I’m celebrating finishing all three books. 🐋 🛖 🔩
Right before he dies, Victor finally gets one flash of sense, but then quickly rejects it. The creature really deserved a better archnemesis. 🔩
🔩 Tho he does manage one more moment of being sad trash, just to send us off: "During these last days I have been occupied in examining my past conduct; nor do I find it blamable." Victor. VICTOR! You died like you lived, with not a shred of self-awareness. I blame you enough for both of us. 5/5
“By Grabthar's Hammer, by the Suns Of Warvan, you shall be avenged." 🔩
I wondered this too, but I think reproduction wasn’t understood well enough at the time for VF to know which parts to leave out. See
Usually having a large (by city standards) back yard just means extra work taking care of it. But sometimes we get visitors, like this baby groundhog.
The creature: Here’s a detailed account of exactly how you harmed me, why I’m seeking revenge, and what specific acts you need to take to earn my forgiveness. Victor: Why am I being randomly punished when I did nothing wrong? 🔩
Having a gradient instead of stripes was a good choice, but there was an even better option.
Finally hit 3,000 miles on my RadWagon. 🚲 #banCars
Love the pairing of sympathy for Native Americans with casual racism against Asians. The creature is getting a nice crash course in racist pseudoscience. 🔩
Special delivery from Italy. Even there they know about “IL TWEET CHE HA CAMBIATO LA STORIA DELL'EDITORIA MONDIALE” (The tweet that changed the history of the publishing world)
Being confused when you’re accused of a crime you didn’t commit (and when you’ve been sick for several days) seems like a pretty normal reaction, not a reason to be arrested. #allMagistratesAreBastards 🔩
and another thing: im not a madman. please dont put in the newspaper that i went mad 🔩
Viktor can only think in extremes. He can’t be content with mere “great esteem and admiration at the university”; if he can’t gain “immortality and power” he’d rather do nothing. 🔩
Love that the structure of the book encourages us to roll our eyes at Viktor when he starts bloviating too much. 🔩
This is a funny thing to read in a book that invented an entire new genre of fiction. And a good reminder that MS probably doesn’t necessarily mean to endorse everything – or maybe even anything – that VF says. 🔩
The Victor-Elizabeth relationship just keeps getting ickier. 🔩
Viktor would fit right in with today’s tech bros. 🔩