Don't Play In My Face

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Don't Play In My Face

she/her. Philly jawn.
Read a book!
Intermediate Spanish/Beginner Korean.
Elder millennial who knits, plays video games, and has ADHD.
I’m trying to watch #HouseOfTheDragon and some idiot is outside popping off fireworks.
Daemon is like, “girl, why are you speaking in tongues!?!” #HouseOfTheDragon #HotD
For everyone - a useful reminder that staying hydrated can just mean keeping an eye on your pee color. It is *hot* out there, so stay safe and make sure to drink water when you need it.
That's a lot of water. For a non-medicated person, I drink 1-1.5L/day of just water, plus probably another half liter and a bit of teas/milk over the day plus whatever water is in my food, e.g. soups. Which usually keeps me hydrated enough, but I do use the eyeball-urine-color guesstimation.
Me: "I haven't ever watched 'The Big Lebowski'; maybe I'll watch it today." Me, not even 10 minutes later: "Oh, so this is the Asian version of when people like Tarantino movies for saying 'nigger' all the time. Oh okay, that's a no."
Last day of the sale (! I was going to sew up more stuff, but I have to knit some things. This is also a reminder to push back, not cut, your cuticles and oil them.
Good morning to everyone and a good morning to the me that decided to trim a few inches of locs. This retwist feels lighter and i haven't even started yet.
Yesterday: "Cool, I cut out enough fabric and batting to sew 34 coasters tomorrow!" Today: "I made 7 and prepped 4 more." I'm going to rearrange somethings on the site ( and then be irritated that it's 95º at not-quite 4 in the afternoon.
*Sighs* At the very least, and this is actually major, none of us has to face three AM alone anymore.
NYT terrorizing foreign countries now yikes
The ability to consistently have the worst possible framing is incredible.
Avatar$itsjenburke I'm trying to cover a week of pt work I forgot about. Buy a bag, share, tell a friend, anything helps.
Disability Pride Month Fund Friday. Drop your funds + links if you need a boost: - Mutual Aid - Abortion - Transition - Medical Bills - Moving - Access Needs - Whatever you need Please make sure you add alt text and make your skeets as accessible as possible. Beware of bots and scammers.
Burke House Burke House Crafts
Contrary to my mug’s message, I’m feeling good about cutting and sewing some coasters this morning for the site ( Not sure when theyll all be up, but I’ll add as i go.
Brian Tyree Henry and Kaylee Hottle are the two reasons why I'm watching Godzilla x Kong: The New Empire.
i want to be taken seriously as an artist instead of "look at that asian person who also makes art how cute let's throw them a few dollars". it's so fucking degrading
honestly hate that every time there's an industry bad actor, lists of "works by marginalized authors to support instead" start circulating like it's a moral obligation to be done out of guilt, & it's crickets every other day of the year. my art is not to be taken in as a reactionary measure
So this is why I've been hearing about coconuts/coconut trees lately? THIS?!?
I'm curious to see how the fountain pen community handles this. He's asked about which pens/inks he uses and is pretty known for it. Nathan Tardif at Noodler's got rightly called out for his antisemitism but still has apologists for some fucking reason.
Y’all better be clowning so hard on that he deactivates. The rules have to apply across the board for all men. Influential or incel. If you abuse femmes there are consequences. It’s 2024.
Im trying to refrain as best i can from MA this month but today being a holiday i wont be getting my deposits till Tuesday now and im in desperate need of diapers (we only have 2 left) and my meds refilled ): Goal: $75 CA: $infatuatedkitty Ven: Kali-Kitten
Reminder that the 20% off sale goes through Sunday! I moved everything from wordpress/woocommerce to Shopify over the weekend and added some new bags today. (I forgot about some other new cat toast fabric I ordered a while ago and I think it's going to arrive sometime this week!)
"Well, the Vimes Boots Theory of..." Great day in the morning, ppl know it. Maybe not by name, but we know it's cheaper to buy a high-quality item once (or a few times) than to buy a lesser-quality item often. The problem is that ppl might have the money to buy the high-quality item at the time.
I just saw someone mention on Reddit that they're "nearsided" and my brain immediately tried to picture someone who was nearsided and what it'd be like if they were farsided.
"He hated everybody." Ok, but who did he try to kill? Which of his neighbor children did he shoot? Just the Guatemalan ones? Right then.
White Nebraska man shoots and wounds 7 immigrant neighbors. "Police previously received a complaint from the family that Booth had made an obscene gesture and told them to go back to where they came from and ‘speak English,’ Crete Police Chief Gary Young said Saturday.”
White Nebraska man shoots and wounds 7 Guatemalan immigrant Authorities are not ruling out racist motives as they investigate why a white Nebraska man shot and wounded seven neighbors who were Guatemalan immigrants.
When I was mostly bedbound and in pain 24/7, it was disabled folks online who bought me stuff from my wishlist that helped me stay alive And so many folks sent a note saying things I'd written had helped *them* stay alive, suffer less, or finally access a formal diagnosis Interdependence
Would be cool to get someone lined up for writing about Assassin’s Creed Shadows and people’s massive racist panic over the game’s main character being a Black man (who was a real historic figure) DM welcome 😎
Rewatched Single White Female after I cut out a slew of new bags for sewing tomorrow. Now I'm watching Bob's Burgers as a palate cleanser. "Bad at being a nun but great at having fun with kids."
As soon as I see a blank profile pic, I assume it's a bot or someone who's going to spam pseudo-inspirational bullshit. "whatever you decide, that's the right answer". That kind of stuff.
Users with blank pfps, you are social exiles on bluesky. No one wants to interact with you, or enjoys interacting with you, because you've given us zero basis to interact with you off of. If you don't make a pfp, you have to accept that as your position on this platform.
My family has put a lot of work into this dumbass country and I’m not gonna just give up