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flavorful meat
I'm gonna stop arguing because we are on the same side and I appreciate your optimism. Sorry for being a shitter
Joe Biden wins and buys you (however many more months or years he stays alive) Then what? What mechanisms are in place to defeat the more-cunning more-competent not-failson that will take Trump's place in the Republican party?
organize forward yes. Joe Biden boosted cop budgets by hundreds of millions in term 1, why is term 2 going to be an improvement
we had not one but two entire Sanders campaigns and they got as far as that type of organizing and support will ever be allowed to go I want people to understand the system cannot be out-organized or voted into reforming. Vote but understand you are not participating in a democratic process I guess
for you to vote your conscience and understand pleading is not a productive endeavor
right and that person understands that and therefore understands they are under precisely zero obligation to fight for your rights or even pretend to care about them which is how we ended up here
what if we stopped electing then?
vote your conscience but it's really not in our hands whether Joe Biden wins. that's up to him
When you’re absolutely f̶̧̘͙̤̞̹͆̅̿̊̽̓͑̒ȅ̴͉̚è̶̙̦͈̞̙͜l̸̤̼̯̱̯͑̋̈́͐̑͝į̵̥̳̭̪̝̻͚̌̓̅͆n̶̫̭͕͙̉̿̑ͅ’̴̗̱̯̼͓͇͔̀̀̍̓̊̐̊͆͌ ̸̛͓̖͈̺̱͗͂̍͆̇̕͝͠g̴͚͖͍̱͆́̅͊̈͐̿͜ͅř̷̛̞̪̳̞̞̟e̸̙̪͓̋͌ä̶͔́̅̊̍̆̾͝͝t̵̘̦̱̹̺͍͙͚̺̋̃͘
I'm really sorry. If Joe Biden is the best the system can offer then the fascism is a foregone conclusion the party has no plan to deal with this as evidenced by the current administration's failures and the current campaign's slow death
tell me one thing joe biden has said, via substantive policy and a plan to enact it what exactly is he doing about all the things smart people like you are alarmed by. why did he wish Trump well if Trump is an existential threat. why did he uphold an eye popping amount of the policies Trump enacted
should we dig into any of the actual points he mumbled through or are you so smart you don't even listen to what he says
hey at least Biden mumbled through a few interviews though that should stop this dead in its tracks
Reporting from Milwaukee: tonight at day 2 of Trump’s coronation, the evening’s theme — with the crowd hooting and smiling along — was just a deluge of gore, blood in the streets, xenophobic scapegoating, terror, unstoppable bloodshed (unless we elect Trump!)…
Trump’s RNC Revels in Graphic Demonization of The Republican National Convention's "Make America Safe Again" night was rife with fear-mongering over undocumented immigrants.
A lot of people are choosing to look away right now in the face of something that is making Doctors Without Borders say things like this
kk ignore at your own peril I guess but it's important to put down these markers so the exact thing mentioned upthread ("we lost because we tried to move left") can't be deployed but will be anyways
Mayor Eric Adams, asked by a reporter about the lack of air conditioning at migrant shelters during a heat wave, says, "Every day New Yorkers don't have air conditioners. We make do." He recommends paper fans and says his mom told him to put his head in the refrigerator. —Emma G. Fitzsimmons, NYT
The Eminem song Lose Yourself is so relatable to me cuz I don’t know where the hell I am
Hillbilly Elegy sounds like a lost episode of Cowboy Bebop
Landlords crying in their internal newsletter that new construction is pushing down the rents they can charge. We have the power to make them cry so much more
in another life, i would have really liked just doing laundry and taxes in the taco bell early retirement community with you
Yo Rudy Giuliani just drunkenly fell into some chairs at the RNC lmao
A true honor 🙏🏼❤️
Eddie is obsessed with my childhood insect collection - he doesn’t eat bugs so I’m not sure what the deal is 🐢🦋
Lion Pose got me acting strange!!