
Hey I'm back so, did I miss anything?
People have gone from asking Biden to resign to arguing he should now seize absolute power.
I mean I'm honestly on the fence about this one. FTR, only as a temporary measure while we figure out how we're going to fix the constitutional order.
This is an asymmetric battle. Biden can't criticize a power grab and grab it at the same time. If the voters don't dislike the power grab so much as to vote it out, they unfortunately have to suffer through it. This has always been the dilemma of Trumpism.
we're talking about people planning an outright coup. this is an abandonment of the law, and it's looking increasingly like civil methods will be insufficient to stop it. at some point liberal democracy has to defend itself.
Yeah, but the answer is it has to be defensive, not offensive. If we were strike first we become the crisis. Trump must always be the crisis.
All I'll say is that on every big question of the last 9 years, from filibuster reform, adding states, SCOTUS expansion, etc, I've arrived at the future conventional wisdom among liberals a couple years early. Here's hoping this one doesn't end up mattering.
(My big secret is that I just look down the game tree and while assuming the worst of the GOP.)
If you don't punish defectors they just like eventually feel shame and start cooperating again, right?
The problem is pretty simple: if a majority of voters want a dictatorship there is no way to stop them without creating a dictatorship. Then everyone gets buyer's remorse and we have to find a way out. Is this horrifying? Of course. But that's the actual game.
Perhaps if people weren’t playing purity politics or sitting out elections and actually considering long term consequences we wouldn’t be here.
In general, the extremes on both sides do not understand the consequences of their actions. They have a simplified view of the world. It is always their downfall. The question is how many others' downfall will it be. We saw this with COVID.
Yes. The actual truth is that our fellow voters could end the Republic if want to. We aren't doomed yet, because we can still stop them! But only if we out-vote them. And I don't trust the wisdom of the American voter right now.
I mean, if it's assumed voters are going to vote in a dictatorship, then what kind of dictatorship gives dictatorial power to its opponent for several months first? let us get in our blows now!
You act like a dictator is an end of history. It isn’t. Things just move on.
Someone once told me the Democrats are America's ER surgeons. We're all here to clean up the catastrophe caused by the patient (the majority of voters). If we start cutting up the patient in their home we're in deep shit, even if the patient won't come in to have their tumor treated.