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Chicagoer/trans bear/PhD student doing German Studies on unceded xʷməθkʷəy̓əm
and Duwamish lands.
Posts will include ADHD, D&D, trans history, and cat photos.
Really hate when someone assumes a trans person (especially a binary person) is a mix of male and female. M and F are less of a hot/cold faucet and more of a set of separate dimmer switches, imo.
Y'all, I'm mostly over this, but I just got winded by standing at my desk for 15 minutes. This is not great.
Reposted byAvatar John
Help! Fettenfeindlichkeit und internalisierte Fettenfeindlichkeit abtrainieren, wie? Tips, Tricks und Wundertüten erwünscht gerne reskeet
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The world sucks and things are bad but hey, you know what you can do right now to make things easier on yourself and others? Wear a face mask. We have to be alive to fight back.
Reposted byAvatar John
so this guy - Poot, heheh - replied to Maintenance Phase on Twitter and I keep seeing the highlighted claim a lot: that gay and GNC kids are being swept up by "trans ideology." (Genderology is a new one, gotta say). I want to just unpack that.
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The landmark reversal nullifies all previously lawful forms of right and makes it very difficult for Americans to make ethical decisions or be generally decent human beings without facing criminal charges.
Supreme Court Overturns 'Right v. Wrong' WASHINGTON—Striking down the judicial precedent that established the legal supremacy of right over wrong more than two centuries ago, the U.S. Supreme Court on Wednesday overturned Right v. Wrong.
Too sick to read theory, recovered enough to be bored.
Well, most of the folks I know in the area now either have tested positive for covid or have symptoms. That's great.
Well, today I was supposed to head home for a childhood BFF's wedding. I was part of a trio growing up, and I have had the immense honor of seeing both my friends grow into fuller forms of their cleverness, their weirdness, and their devotion. It's the best thing.
My symptoms are pretty controlled today, but the fatigue is real.
I keep hearing from folks that started T after I did that their doctors said the "irreversible effects" are done after 4 years. My beard only really happened after year 12. I don’t think we're being prepared well.
Covid 2: Contagious Boogaloo feels about the same as the first time I got it. This is probably the sickest I've been since moving to Chicago.
So far my household has only gotten Covid when there are weddings to attend. So, stop inviting me to weddings, I guess.
T's junior partner (purrtner) has joined the reading nook.
Really love when a scholar builds an introduction with escalating levels of complexity. Truly feel like I'm seeing where this book is going today.
Reposted byAvatar John
More than 500,000 books have been removed from our lending library due to the publishers’ lawsuit, including more than 1,300 banned and challenged titles. 📚🕳️ Sign our open letter to the publishers urging them to restore access to these books. 📖✍️ #LetReadersRead 👉
Reposted byAvatar John
For folks not familiar with Dr. Walker: -Only woman recipient of the Medal of Honor -Dressed as illustrated below in a time when that shit got you arrested -Lifelong abolitionist, frontline war surgeon, Civil War P.O.W. -Paid her own way through med school on a teacher's salary (lol can u imagine)
I love non-conforming Victorians and Edwardians as they completely undermine the "all this is modern woke" attack line. Here's my queen of it. Dress reform activist Dr Mary Edwards Walker who said "I don't wear men's clothes: I wear my clothes."
Aaand History of Sexuality vol 1 is the first book on the list to get thrown across the room
So my initial beef with Foucault is this: I feel like we live on different planets.
Today's reading thoughts: it's ridiculous that doctors wrote someone was "völlig männlich" in everything but the way his body externally looked and then proceeded to sie/ihr him forever.
Reposted byAvatar John
BREAKING: Federal judge rules that Florida’s ban on gender-affirming medical care for minors and many of its restrictions on similar adult care are unconstitutional. More to come at Law Dork.
Reposted byAvatar John
I almost corrected this account because reports were that she was murdered in the sacking of the institute. TURNS OUT: That's wrong. Historians last year found the original baptismal register in her hometown that registered an official name change in 1946: SHE LIVED.
Dora Richter, 1922. First GAS facilitated by Dr. Magnus Hirschfeld in Berlin. She lived until age 74. 🥰💗🏳️‍⚧️
Was wurde aus Dora? Dora Richter war die erste Person, die eine vollständige Geschlechtsangleichung erfahren hat. Ihr Weg als Patientin ist gut dokumentiert. Wer sie war, ist hingegen weitestgehend unklar. Ihre Spur verw...
The sky was so clear yesterday, and Tahoma was so beautiful
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if you have spare money to help bex get cancer treatment, see link below
i'm still in need of $1700- as soon as possible 🙏🏽 if 68 people give $25 each, i can get this crucial scan done & pay at least 1 month's rent (2 months overdue & i'll most probably receive a notice on the 10th) please help with whatever you can ❤️ my pp: see below 👇🏽
From today's reading: a psychiatrist implies a person is perfectly cis and "cross dresses to assure himself he has still got it" just like "every other man". So many questions for this doctor.
Reposted byAvatar John
Just once I would like to read at a local cafe without having to hear racist or antisemitic conspiracy theories.
I'm watching Candyman for the first time, and so far the scariest part is someone's partner screwing up her research.
Reading about a 16yo girl put on a diet in the 1960s. Can't even imagine what that diet would be - cigarettes and coffee, maybe?
Reading a lot of medical history, and some of the exams in here sound awful. All I can say is that I thought transvaginal ultrasounds were bad.