Laura Lee Johnson

Laura Lee Johnson

biostatistician, ISEF feeder fair volunteer, baker, occasional quilter, opinions are my own unless hacked (she/her/y'all/ella)
United States Epidemic Update: 7/15/2024 Please wear a respirator. **Death data are partial/provisional.** 2020-2024 SARS2 Deaths: 1,194,085 (+339) 2020-2024 Influenza Deaths: 21,741 (+18)
2. I asked why swabs from April were not tested until July. Oklahoma Ag Dept spokesman offered that the dairy banked the samples when it suspected it had #H5N1 #birdflu, then sent them for processing when the #USDA program compensating for lost milk production went into effect at the end of June.
The new COVID variant seems to be evading immunity from vaccines and past infections. COVID cases are up 250% in NYC. Remember the more you get covid your risk for long covid increases significantly.
Gambia lawmakers who had been moving toward repealing the country's ban on female genital cutting overwhelmingly changed course on Monday, voting instead to keep the legislation in place after women staged an intense three-month campaign.
Gambia Votes to Keep Ban on Female Genital Cutting, in Sharp Lawmakers in the West African country had supported overturning the prohibition, but changed course on Monday after a vociferous campaign led by women.
The SS guards then reported the escape attempt, for which they could expect a few days of leave as a reward. Learn more about the SS garrison of the Auschwitz camp: Online lesson: http://lekcja.auschw... Podcast: 4/4
It is presumed that the supervising SS guards ordered the prisoners to leave their work sites, and when they walked a certain distance and crossed a previously designated guard line, they were shot. 3/4
(Pole Karol Czarnecki), at 9:20 a.m. prisoner number 17934 (Jew Wolf Kind). The short intervals between each event suggest that these were not escape attempts. It seems unlikely that the prisoners would attempt to escape almost one after another. 2/4
15 July 1941 | The SS duty officer on that day recorded in the registry book that the following prisoners were shot during an escape attempt: at 8:30 a.m. prisoner number 18013 (Jew Karl Bachstütz); at 8:35 a.m. prisoner number 17477 (Pole Jan Świerczyński), at 8:40 a.m. prisoner number 17476 1/4
I need to organise a team building social mid-late afternoon in September, needs to be cheap/free as we are paying for it ourselves. Anyone have good things they have done (central London)?
Right now in Miami: Univision is showing security agents turning their journalists away from interviewing people who were denied entry after a security failure. Also showing police stomping out people who made it past the barricades. The final was scheduled to start 40 minutes ago.
It's damning of the state of healthcare that they are reinstating mask mandates at cycle races before they reinstate them in hospitals.
Tour de France reintroduces mask mandate amid COVID-19 New measure follows spate of abandons due to coronavirus
COVID testing should still be free.
I know a lot of locals are still flummoxed by the idea that one should have to water trees in SEATTLE, but here we are. Climate change has arrived. These saplings have shallow roots and dry out much faster than mature trees.
I hope everyone takes care. These are difficult times. We need as many people as possible to be focused and to be engaged in action where they are and within their capacity. Be ruthless in cutting out lots of noise and also letting go of what is not in your control.
Getting increasingly pissed off by various politicians "distraught" today. This is America, where every day we wonder if this when someone we love gets mowed down by a shooter. Pretending to be shocked just shows you don't get it. Trump has a Secret Service detail to protect him. My kids don't.
These guys don't sting so you could swim through them, though I'm not sure I'd want them from what I was told by an island biologist they're not entirely displeased by climate change
Yeah, the decline of the crab harvest tracked with the explosion of the jellyfish population so they were seen as a sign of environmental distress
2. It would be great to get some clarity from Oklahoma's Dept of Ag on why an #H5N1 #birdflu test sample collected in April was only recently tested. Cynical minds might wonder if the recently launched program to compensate for lost milk production might be a factor.
1. Oklahoma announces it is the 13th state to find #H5N1 #birdflu in dairy cattle. In fact, it was more likely the 10th (or earlier) because this detection is based on a sample collected in April. The test was only recently run. How exactly does that work?
Highly Pathogenic Avian Influenza Detected in Oklahoma Dairy Herd –
Good morning to readers; Kyiv remains in Ukrainian hands. 50k LGBTQ+ people serve in Ukraine’s military, but are not afforded the same rights as their fellow soldiers. Openly gay soldiers like Roman, who died in combat, can’t even get their bodies claimed by their partners.
Ukraine sees its future in the EU. But EU members can make demands from new applicants as a condition of entry, and 60% of EU protects LGBTQ+ rights in law. Ukraine’s lack of LGBTQ+ protections, made clear during the emergency of war, remains a hurdle for its aspirations.
Top advisers to Donald Trump have scripted a RNC focused on immigration, inflation and other issues where he has a political advantage over President Biden. The intent is to soften his image and sidestep his false claims of a stolen election.
Trump aides script convention to soften his image, but face The quadrennial gathering is meant to appeal to a general election audience, but is also inseparable from Trump’s hardline MAGA movement and his polarizing vision for a second term.