
Congrats to all the profs at elite law schools who loudly vouched for John Roberts and Neil Gorsuch when they were nominated. Hope you placed your students in some nice clerkships.
Yes I get the satirical intent of this post, but my white hot rage doesn’t allow me to enjoy its subtleties: A giant fuck you to all the profs at elite law schools who loudly vouched for John Roberts & Neil Gorsuch when they were nominated. Hope your students in clerkships get shingles in the eyes.
They all got paid handsomely by conservative billionaires. They are good with their decisions. They are part of the elite and think they are safe.
Ivy League and Notre Dame University have really churned out some turds (Barrett, Trump, Ted Cruz, Ron DeSantis and others).
I'm old enough to remember when legal pundits on MSNBC told me that Bill Barr and Rod Rosenstein were institutionalists.
That was the story throughout the Trump admin. Anytime someone who had been in politics before, the media would gush & say “yeah they’re far right by old standards, but they’re serious, they’re from the old times.” When in fact they’re the people that have been working toward this reality for years.
AKA, "the grown-ups in the room."
You're right of course, except as to any implication that they may feel a sense of shame. Shame would really spoil the mood at their next Vineyard cocktail party.
George Conway has not posted anything in 2 days. 🤨
Last night was the last time .... not since the announcement.
If Trump is elected, I worry about his safety.
there's always a silver lining
George Conway is a Republican that supported the Gorsuch and Barret appointments.
Yes, and he is also a never Trumper who supported E. Jean Carroll and has loudly been calling out Trump for years.
Now that there is no more law, what are all those lawyers and law professors going to do?
All the law profs who assured us the Court would never do any of this and we must respect the majesty of the institution.
How about the Senators who dismissed demands that they filibuster Alito's nomination?
Name names. Keeping it vague lets them get away with it.
Have some sympathy. They only have about a month and a half to rewrite all of their con law curricula.
Admittedly, I don't think they could have predicted Roberts just near-completely immunizing presidents from the law, or highly restricting what prosecutors can do in charging them for unofficial acts, based on Roberts hatred for the VRA in the 80s. That was genuinely unpredictable.
He should be invited to the Senate to watch videos from his confirmation hearing and asked: what happened? They should do this, even if they refuse to show up.
The role of respectability politics in all this can't be overstated
Remember when they were joking about "fishing trips" during hearings? My spidey sense sparked on that then. I thought I was being oversensitive. NOW we know what they were referring to.
Can law students get a refund? Everything's been flipped on it's head but this SCOTUS.
I've been sending annoyed emails every so often to Alito's elite vouchsafer, Anthony Kronman, which I am confident accomplishes nothing