Alan Liskov

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Alan Liskov

Reposted byAvatar Alan Liskov
I’m not a Democrat. It’s not that Democrats are too liberal. It’s that they’re largely fucking useless.
BREAKING: Los Angeles Mayor Karen Bass says she is discussing a mask ban for protests with the City Attorney. Source:
Reposted byAvatar Alan Liskov
This is a bar for only the most straight heterosexual men. Cowboys, Construction workers, Cops, Leather Bound Bikers, Firefighters, Wrestlers, and Sailors. No girl stuff. Just sweaty heterosexual men being sweaty & heterosexual & male with each other. No femmes. All He/him. Males for males. M4M.
Reposted byAvatar Alan Liskov
Hey remember when Utah launched a carelessly thrown together form to report trans people in public spaces? New snitch line is up, but requires a Utah IP address to submit. Would be a real shame if a bunch of people used VPNs to fill it with useless data again.
wake up bluesky a new utah snitch line just dropped (you'll need a vpn if you're outside utah for this one)
Hotline Form |
Reposted byAvatar Alan Liskov
One way to see the Hochul climb-down in congestion pricing is that it is another instance where blue state politicians create a vetocracy that stops them from taking actions that would improve the quality of lives for citizens.
Supporters of Congestion Pricing Are Furious at Hochul’s ‘Betrayal’ Advocates who have been fighting for decades for the program were shocked by the governor’s sudden move and its impact on funding for the city’s subways.
Reposted byAvatar Alan Liskov
We've gone from "congestion pricing will screw businesses and is just another tax on New Yorkers" to "Why don't we just tax businesses and screw New Yorkers instead?" It gives the game away: the controversy around congestion pricing has only ever been about opposition from suburban drivers.
Reposted byAvatar Alan Liskov
From the sound of things it was basically Hakeem Jeffries and Chuck Schumer who pushed Hochul into backing down, not that she didn't hear from other people, of course. You can call their offices to let them know what you think. Jeffries: (718) 237-2211 Schumer: (212) 486-4430
someone made a phone call yesterday and scared her into the dumbest sounding rationale to this incredibly cowardly action
Reposted byAvatar Alan Liskov
Call and email every elected official you have if you live in NY. I have managed to talk to a human being at every office except Schumer’s. Hakeem Jeffries’ office was very receptive to my concerns.
From the sound of things it was basically Hakeem Jeffries and Chuck Schumer who pushed Hochul into backing down, not that she didn't hear from other people, of course. You can call their offices to let them know what you think. Jeffries: (718) 237-2211 Schumer: (212) 486-4430
Reposted byAvatar Alan Liskov
It was nice to pretend for a while that we weren't governed by the weakest, most bumbling assholes around
Indignity Vol. 4, No. 96, ALL POLITICS IS LOCAL DEP'T., Choke on a Tailpipe, Governor Hochul!
Congestion pricing gets Indignity Vol. 4, No. 96
Reposted byAvatar Alan Liskov
The real gravy on the sundae is the message that our traffic has to stay fucked up forever because Democratic bigwigs are worried about losing congressional races in the New York suburbs, like, the same people who didn't bother to do oppo on George Santos
It was nice to pretend for a while that we weren't governed by the weakest, most bumbling assholes around
Reposted byAvatar Alan Liskov
What an absolute disaster clusterfuck nightmare. How much money got spent over the last decade on this before Kathy came in at the absolute final hour in a blatant political power grab and just out of nowhere said "nah."
Reposted byAvatar Alan Liskov
Legendary cowardice. The most NY Democratic Party move ever.
Breaking News: Gov. Kathy Hochul of New York halted a congestion pricing plan, which would charge motorists to enter Manhattan, just weeks before it was to go into effect.
Hochul Halts Congestion Pricing in a Stunning 11th-Hour Weeks before New York was to charge motorists to enter Manhattan’s business district, Gov. Kathy Hochul postponed the program citing economic concerns.
Reposted byAvatar Alan Liskov
Reposted byAvatar Alan Liskov
Gotta find the local angle
Reposted byAvatar Alan Liskov
Reposted byAvatar Alan Liskov
As a Jewish person who is, in fact, worried about antisemitism (though, not from college campuses), this absolutely horrifies me.
Congress wants ANTISEMITISM MONITORS at colleges. Nothing about the anti-Islamic, anti-black, anti-woman, anti-LGBTQ,
Bipartisan bill would create "antisemitism monitors" at The COLUMBIA Act is the first bill introduced in direct response to recent campus protests.
Reposted byAvatar Alan Liskov
As always, the best twitter thread
Reposted byAvatar Alan Liskov
Donald Trump, accompanied by Secret Service agents, arrives at a Manhattan court for the opening of his criminal trial.
Reposted byAvatar Alan Liskov
Reposted byAvatar Alan Liskov
Lana Del Rey will make a 7 minute song called Not Passing Go for the soundtrack and it will slap
Reposted byAvatar Alan Liskov
Absolutely enraged by this detail in Christine Blasey Ford's memoir
Reposted byAvatar Alan Liskov
A+ interaction, no notes.
Reposted byAvatar Alan Liskov
Hackers, now is the time to do whatever it takes to get a copy of this. Also: the tax rules that allow you to write off an asset you’ve actively refused to release, market, or sell - still looking for a deep dive on that.
Reposted byAvatar Alan Liskov
Reminder: DeWine has a contact form and needs very much to hear from you. Cis people especially, do this now— this is a thing you can do. Sit down, bang out a letter of disgust and unequivocal condemnation, send it, then save to submit as testimony. We need every voice.
Contact Contact the Governor's office.
Ohio has basically defacto banned trans healthcare for adults using a similar strategy to why there was only a handful of abortion clinics in the entire Midwest before the Dobbs decision (TRAP laws) cis people please repost this so this info doesn't get stuck in the queer social bubble
Reposted byAvatar Alan Liskov
The falcon's spokesman has confirmed it did not agree to participate in the raffle.
RFK Jr.’s super PAC falsely advertised a California fundraiser this month as featuring Dionne Warwick, Martin Sheen and a performance by Andrea Bocelli. The first two denied on social media they were attending, and I confirmed with a Bocelli rep that he won't even be in the country.
RFK Jr. Super PAC Falsely Advertised Fundraiser Featuring Andrea Bocelli, Dionne RFK Jr. super PAC advertises Andrea Bocelli, Dionne Warwick and Martin Sheen at fundraiser — but all say they're not attending
Reposted byAvatar Alan Liskov
Reposted byAvatar Alan Liskov
Pat McAfee is full of shit. This is like inviting Gallagher on your show and later saying “I am so sorry I had no idea he would do that to a watermelon.”
Pat McAfee on Wednesday apologized for airing comments on his ESPN television show that the Jets quarterback Aaron Rodgers made suggesting that Jimmy Kimmel had a connection to Jeffrey Epstein.
Pat McAfee Apologizes Over Role in Aaron Rodgers-Jimmy Kimmel Rodgers, the Jets quarterback, suggested during an appearance on “The Pat McAfee Show” that Kimmel had a connection to Jeffrey Epstein, leading Kimmel to threaten legal action.