Jonn Elledge

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Jonn Elledge

writer and shouter. New Statesman, Paper Cuts, The Newsletter of (Not Quite) Everything, Conspiracy: A History of Bollocks Theories & How Not To Fall For Them, etc.
Sorry, I meant the vote share really - the more extreme polls may have contributed to the final tally being lower than predicted for both positive (tactical voting) and negative (eh, I don't need to endorse this party I disagree with since it's gonna win anyway) reasons.
My thesis is there are people who'd vote Labour in a marginal if it's close but would rather vote for someone else if they can.
This is my theory about Labour's polling: predicted landslides become self limiting.
The Conservatives designed policy entirely for their own voters. Keir Starmer claims he'll do it for the whole country. Do we believe him? This week's column.
Will Keir Starmer actually unify Britain? The Conservatives designed policy for their voters. Starmer says he will design policy for the country.
yeah you're not wrong. wrote that before the latest.
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Fractured post-Twitter social media landscape continues to be a pain. Your choices are What if Twitter were Instagram, What if Twitter were Linux, What if Twitter were Just Shitpoasters, and What if Twitter were Twitter set on fire and then put out with pig slurry. None particularly satisfactory.
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"Still, though: he said it. He acknowledged that the point of government is not merely to suck up to your voters in the hope of another term. After the last 14 years, it's a decent start." On Starmer's promise to govern for everyone.
Will Keir Starmer actually unify Britain? The Conservatives designed policy for their voters. Starmer says he will design policy for the country.
"Still, though: he said it. He acknowledged that the point of government is not merely to suck up to your voters in the hope of another term. After the last 14 years, it's a decent start." On Starmer's promise to govern for everyone.
Will Keir Starmer actually unify Britain? The Conservatives designed policy for their voters. Starmer says he will design policy for the country.
me too, it's great. tragically I have recently learned he has what can only be described as views on validity of Ukrainian nationhood
it's to go with Al Murray's podcast. I bet it makes a fucking fortune.
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One of the many irritating things about the last nine years has been the whining of “this country is not America! Why are people so obsessed with America!” while casually destroying the thing that makes most UK-distinct cultural output because they didn’t like BBC News.
Good. Because anyone telling you that our broadcasters should ditch their out of date funding models and emulate the sexy 21st Century streaming platforms clearly hasn’t looked at how all those sexy 21st Century streaming platforms are getting on right now.
Gonna be honest with you here, *I* think this might be it too. I hope it is and he enjoys it!
well now, isn't this lovely
Currently on my holidays and very much digging's History of the World in 47 Borders, if anyone else is looking for something that'll teach you lots of stuff without feeling like you're being infodumped at
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Important ontological questions of our time: Does Middlesex actually exist?
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Some notes on “the world’s largest, fattest and least-able-to-fly parrot”
End of the Jubilee line! Hornchurch is near the end of the District. All London suburbs are essentially the same.
Some notes on “the world’s largest, fattest and least-able-to-fly parrot”
hang on Stanmore is on the tube though
If there's anything else I can mansplain at you please do let me know
Different century! it's actually because the Mercian and Northumbrian settlers were Angles, I think? That's why there's only an East Anglia, too. The other Anglian kingdoms don't have the word in the name
Important ontological questions of our time: Does Middlesex actually exist?
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"At some point – possibly not til after a leadership contest, but soon – the Tories are going to realise with a jolt quite how little influence an opposition really has." Thoughts on the election result now the dust has settled.
The dust This week: the Tories are out at last – but what did the election tell us? Also: on the ontological status of Middlesex; and the world’s fattest parrot.