Joseph Finn

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Joseph Finn

Movie lover, reader, terrible guitar player, Illinoisan/Virginian
What would your preferred sport be to have one for? I want something really obscure I have to explain. Like pentathlon.
Oh my god they do look like sigmas.
At my Catholic all-guys high school we had JUG. For Justice Under God. *eye roll*
Eh, fuck J.D. Vance. I'm sticking with that just to piss him off.
Now I wonder if there was a point where they went with Ms. Madonna.
HOW TO SUCCEED IN BUSINESS WITHOUT REALLY TRYING (1967) Robert Morse, Michele Lee, Rudy Vallee. Dir: David Swift 12:00p ET (9:00a PT) With the help of his handy guidebook, a window washer talks his way into the executive suite. 2h 01m | Musical
Mad Men: The Best Things in Life Are Free - Bert Farewell to Bert Cooper.Amazing performances by Robert Morse and Jon Hamm.I do not own this video. It belongs to AMC, 2014.
Eh, it's her name, I'm fine without noting that. It's like how I get my ire up about people still saying "X (formerly known as Twitter." Just say Twitter and move on.
Corrected and noted, thank you!
Oh the Bigamist is pretty great. A couple of years ago I watched all of her directing jobs and goodness, she was teriffic.
I used to get hung up on bell hooks and ee cummings but then I grew up and realized I was being a jerk.
This reminds me of how Alex Ross, the comics painter, did this now infamous painting of the Joker and Harley Quinn and based it on an Arrow ad he vaguely remembered from the New Yorker (Ross mother was trained as a fashion illustrator and he talks about how he learned a lot from her).
Yeah, same, that's a interesting title.
Fun tidbit: if you google gloaming it gives you the local time for twilight. Someone at Google is a word nerd.
I had to rush to look up Menasha Skulnik because my god what a wonderful name.
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One of the things that has annoyed me about the current war on trans medical treatment, be it for kids or adults, is that you rarely hear from the clinicians, leaving space for the GC charlatans and grifters. Oddly the G have a good article (probably means a rant from Sonia is incoming on Sunday)
I treat transgender children – banning puberty blockers is not a decision for politicians to make | Aidan Decisions around the tiny minority for whom the option could be helpful should be made by clinicians, not Wes Streeting, says clinical psychologist Aidan Kelly
Lordy, that book. What a way to turn your grief into art.
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Ida Lupino gets a TCM #SummerUnderTheStars day for the first time in 15 yrs on August 2 — with 13 films! All are worth watching, but my recommendations are everything outside of the prime time block, 8p-12a. (Those three are the movies of hers they air most regularly.) #TCMParty
No The Trouble With Angels? Blasphemy!
All right, distraction time. Now watching Harry Potter And The Prisoner Of Azkaban (2004). And remembering that Pam Ferris is by many accounts a lovely person; she’s just good at playing a jerk.
Fuck. My uncle Jim (who is 100 and a WWII vet) is going into hospice.
My wife found this whole set of 13 Days of Christmas plates this week and I’m astounded.
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NEWS: Teamsters VP-at-Large, John Palmer, who has been extremely critical of current President O’Brien’s overtures towards the GOP, has just announced he’s forming an opposition slate and running for president in the 2026 Teamsters leadership election. “We are better than this.”
Reposted byAvatar Joseph Finn
vibes have been way off ever since finance bros didn’t understand American Psycho
That’s…that’s a weird combo of people.