
Texas AG Ken Paxton Using Consumer Protection Laws to Pursue Political Targets Paxton has repeatedly used laws that are meant to protect people from fraudulent or deceptive practices to pursue entities he disagrees with politically, including hospitals, pharmaceutical companies and LGBTQ+ groups.
Texas’ Attorney General Is Increasingly Using Consumer Protection Laws to Pursue Political Ken Paxton has repeatedly used laws that are supposed to protect people from fraudulent or deceptive practices to pursue entities he disagrees with politically, including hospitals, pharmaceutical com...
It was really fun to watch him and others head to Defendant Trump’s criminal trial to claim he was being persecuted. Reminded me of the Charlie Manson trial.
Paxton is tRump's kind of terminally fraudulent fascist. They are both as crooked as a dog's hind leg, and both used their power in the republiCON party to dodge impeachment for their blatant corruption.
Ken Paxton: 'On an Island of Corruption of His Own' The Texas attorney general has been impeached for accepting bribes, but his case speaks to the broader importance of AG offices across the country.
Ken Paxton is so dirty if he fell into a sewer he'd come up cleaner.
The abuse of power and the lawlessness with our political leaders must stop.
His brush with prosecution has only emboldened his abuse
Reminder this is the schmuck that played hell of games FOR A DECADE on his multiple securities fraud case. Magically, I’m sure with no coincidence of it being a presidential election year, he’s got a very sweetheart deal. Fuck this guy.
Would be a real shame if he had a stroke and crapped his pants.
Ken Paxton can fuck off. Straight into rush hour traffic.
This motherfucker was recently treated to the upside of yet another striking proof that there are two criminal justice systems. One for privileged and connected people, and one for the rest of us.
No damn surprise at all, especially coming from yet another white supremest nationalist: Attorney General for Texas, #KenPaxton. He is anti-Democracy, anti civil rights, for especially women--women forced to be breeding animals under any circumstance imaginable. #Bonhoeffer2.0
Hey, didn't SCOTUS just decide a case about politically motivated enforcement of state laws?
Those who most vocally complain about regulatory overreach are the most eager to abuse their regulatory powers. Who woulda thunk it?
I suppose it's too much to ask for people like Paxton who call themselves Christians to be familiar with the basics of Christianity. I hope everyone who is horrified by his use of state power to go after a group like Annunciation House will make a donation to support their work
Annunciation House – Accompanying the poor in migration in El Paso,
I wanna read the article that says this douche is in jail…
Every time I see an article like this I am a) thankful I don’t live there and b) willing to acknowledge people voted for this putz and must want to live under those conditions.
B is the scary part for me. It's the reason may end up back in office. I don't understand it, it's absolutely mind-boggling, but half our country is ON BOARD with this BS. I will die wondering why, because it will never make sense to me.
Good thing SCOTUS ruled today that this is unconstitutional!
Paxton is someone who needs a really good throat punch.