Julia Blunck

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Julia Blunck


I must be loyle to my capo
Very funny there is a thing like "gillian Anderson testosterone squad" when you know scully has such a huge lesbian following lol
He also had weird memory/speech stuff for ages but it feels differently when he looks so old and tired
My grandfather who is remarkably healthy for an 90 year old man says that at some point in old age you can feel the pieces of your brain and body that allow you to keep up with other people just aren't there anymore and that's when it REALLY hits. It's not even an illness, its just Not Being On It
People telling me it's hot where they live...I don't care if something sunny happened to you. It should have happened to me instead
Reposted byAvatar Julia Blunck
56% of voters -- including 61% of Republicans -- agree that, "You exist in the context of all in which you live and what came before you."
Polling on Kamala Harris' "Coconut Tree" Quote (July 2024)t.co
Reposted byAvatar Julia Blunck
Returning briefly to say that the ICJ ruling is significantly better than even I expected. Not only was the occupation ruled illegal, but the Court said it constitutes a racial segregationist and apartheid system. The Court advises the world to act. The Court ruled we are entitled to reparations.
Humming Gloria in excelsis deo at the gym because its that Friday feel
Seeing a beautiful lesbian couple holding hands and being cute near my house:
It's so funny that keir starmer obviously got nervous and came up with that two child benefit cap dumb answer and now they have to go through all these hoops to abolish something clearly EVERYONE thinks should be abolished
Kms this is how bfi repays me for reading their website at work??? I live in Scotland!!!
My wife just read 1984 for the first time and she pointed out its very funny O'brien literally does nothing and Winston is like I don't know. I have a good feeling about him
I am convinced Orwell would be on Owen Jones mentions getting mad BTW and never written anything now a days
Where did you watch this? I've been looking for it lol
Me not knowing what this is about: this is true of me
Reposted byAvatar Julia Blunck
im probably the strongest crab in this bucket
Just dance Vance that's his name
Scully lore plot: the devastating truth that the government took away your bodily autonomy and it might kill you Mulder lore plot: (music from benny hill) running round and round to spy on aliens again
Reposted byAvatar Julia Blunck
everybody's gonna be talking about the other stuff today but Shannen Doherty spent the better part of fifty-three years entertaining people and fifty-three is pretty early to have to go and that's hard. travel home safe Shannen D.
Miranda: ugh my neighbour is speaking treason in his sleep Charlotte: you have to report him! It's the thing to do. Besides you don't want to be sent to room 101 Sam: wel I know what is waiting in MY room 101 and I will not be doing it to Julia Carrie: big brother is going to eurasia
The way I'd never even ficking noticed they are changing the past
I also love to self gaslight...maybe WE HAVE always been at war with whoever it was
I actually think I'd probably do pretty OK in the 1984 world....I like approval and I love to take clear instructions
Reposted byAvatar Julia Blunck
Jamelle Bouie: so I had a sandwich today Guy with 21 followers and a bio about being a huge fan of gardening: you wouldn't fucking dare
Reposted byAvatar Julia Blunck
me when keir starmer is like the only non-far right world leader in like 3 years
Other than that Mrs Biden how was the press conference - Joe Biden probably
World chance for one of the leaders to try their open mic stand up material rn ngl