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I loved the old place because I could stumble across experts in all kinds of topics-plus I loved the news. In the before times, comedians were funny.

I love my life! Portland OR based but I spend time in Bend and Maui. My puppy is Javi and has opinions.
Reposted byAvatar Julie
Hanging with my bestie 💛💛💛
Observing nature’s beauty
Reposted byAvatar Julie
"Your AI girlfriends are neither girls nor friends." is not even the second most barbed point in that string
The Federal Trade Commission, of all entities, is out here writing absolute bangers about AI snake oil. www.ftc.gov/business-gui...
To get the chicken on the other side-duh! 💃🏻🤓
Reposted byAvatar Julie
Celebrate International Women's Day by interrupting men with your unsolicited opinions and taking credit for their work. If they get upset about it, be sure to tell them that they sound hysterical and should probably smile more.
Reposted byAvatar Julie
A significant portion of GOP activists in Oregon believe Trump would have won the state in 2020 and will definitely win in 2024 if only our supposedly corrupt vote by mail system was fixed. Biden won by 16 points, 400K votes.
The wild thing is that we already know with near certainty that Trump will never concede the 2024 election, no matter the outcome (the bigger the loss, the bigger the conspiracy!). Yet we keep treating this like a normal election.
Reposted byAvatar Julie
I'd love to see a major paper do a poll on if the candidates are too addicted to doing crimes to be effective presidents.
Reposted byAvatar Julie
In a single term, Trump generated so many scandals, swindles, grand deceptions, foreign intrigues, outrages, catastrophic policy failures, maliciously cruel policy initiatives, and outright crimes that no human being can keep it all properly arranged in their mind.
True, but I would argue that as much as he’s been given a mulligan on Covid, his scandalous last minute pardons have been completely forgotten. Would have ended the career of any other politician. www.nytimes.com/2024/02/06/u...
Trump Pardon Recipient Fined $20 Million in Predatory Lending Casewww.nytimes.com Jonathan Braun, whose sentence for drug smuggling was commuted in the final hours of the Trump presidency, was fined over separate accusations that he bilked and threatened borrowers.
Cc: @rusty.todayintabs.com
everyone automatically clacks these twice upon picking them up because deep down we all know we’re crabs
Reposted byAvatar Julie
If you were visited by 3 ghosts on Christmas Eve, who would you want them to be?
If you were visited by 3 ghosts on Christmas Eve, who would you want them to be?
Thank you @reimenayee.bsky.social!!! Such a wonderful gift for my friend-mom to two of these cuties! I just love this so much!
Beautiful Venice California.
Best films that take place in one day??? Save Ferris!!!!
Best films that take place in one day
Reposted byAvatar Julie
Hey, instead of taking the time to back into that parking spot, have you considered going to fuck yourself?
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Reposted byAvatar Julie
Let's be clear: A vote for No Labels is a vote for Trump. A vote for Jill Stein is a vote for Trump. A vote for Cornel West is a vote for Trump. A vote for Robert Kennedy is a vote for Trump. Not voting is a vote for Trump. A vote for Biden & Democrats is a vote for democracy.
Brothers from another mother! Javi and Dewey get cozy.
Drop something blue Oregon blue
drop some thing blue from ur gallery
Reposted byAvatar Julie
i'm sorry to say this but if you send me a tiktok of a person telling a story into the camera for 3 minutes i'm not fucking watching it. just in general ever. people need to start typing things up again because i can read so much faster than you can talk and i'm not wasting my precious time on this
Reposted byAvatar Julie
Hey I just met you And I am crypto trading Can I have your parents number? Hey where you going lady??
hey i just met u and i don't mean to rant but this dog wants to hoop and no rule says he can't