
Lesson #5 of a war-oriented society: Any killing we do, not matter how indefensible it is, can only ever be self-defense. Anyone who suffers and dies is a victim not of us but of those who threaten or harm us, or even a victim of themselves.
Tom made up a hypothetical to dunk on student protestors against genocide that’s a major deescalation in tactics of what anti-abortion terrorists have done for half a century, he is a sick man
I just said almost the same thing in the Other Place. What if anti-abortion activists took over Ham Hall and said: We don't move until university health policies change
Tom is the worst, just loath him.
he became forever blocked for me in 2018, when he was learnedly rolling his eyes that Dems weren’t trying to win the midterms by betraying trans people. Cruel and wrong, explosive combo
What a ridiculous hypothetical scenario. They would never even need to protest for this, the politicians are always reaching to restrict our rights over our own bodies.
That's a guy who has never listened to a woman in his life. Because any woman could have told him that it would be a relief if shutting themselves in an admin building was the worst anti-abortion protestors did.
We had to destroy the village in order to save it.
God he sucks so much and that Harvard job just keeps reinforcing his suckiness
We're killing women and children by the thousands but look it's just a silly little goof up
I've never heard of a "not-genocide" that involved the attempted eradication of a nationality or religious/ethnic group before. Probably because the latter is *the very definition of genocide.*
Hello, I'm Tom "Even Democrats Can Misinterpret The Punisher" Nichols, and today...
That Hamas are deeply reprehensible for their October acts is not in dispute. It is incomprehensible that anyone can view the myriad of videos showing dead and dying children and the unmitigated joy of their killers and feel that this is self-defence. It's not. It's genocide.
Look, the fact is that Israelis are human beings with human feelings and emotions, whereas Palestinians are brown.
What a change from 20 years, the Siege of Sarajevo, and our response via Operation Deliberate Force