Wren Mitchell

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Wren Mitchell


Unprofessional dancer, book lover, aspiring time traveler. Probably in a huff. They/them, she/her 🏳️‍🌈
Person who asked me to explain something to them on Instagram: Woah that’s way too much information for an IG comment. I need to stop responding to these, because the point isn’t that they want to know the answer. It’s a losing game either way.
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You can ask just "someone write alt text for this, please!" or use the tag "Alt4Me" to request assistance from volunteers. It's important not to use Alt4Me if you don't actually need help, as there are far fewer volunteers than people who need help. NoAltFeed
Yesterday my roommate asked if I was gentle parenting the cats and Reader, the answer is yes.
This film was so underrated in mainstream culture. It uses form in really interesting, subtle ways that all come together at the end, but it didn’t feel like it was obtuse or hard to follow. Both of the lead performances are excellent.
We saw "Aftersun" last night and loved it. It's not for everyone; it's a quiet and meditative film in which some events seem to unfold in real time. But it goes deep into elusive human emotions about time, memory, suffering, and coming of age, and young actress Frankie Corio is a marvel.
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NEW: A US bankruptcy-court trustee plans shut down conspiracy theorist Alex Jones's Infowars and liquidate its assets to help pay the $1.5 billion in judgments against Jones, he told the court in an emergency motion yesterday
Bankruptcy trustee discloses plan to shut down Alex Jones' Infowars and liquidate assetswww.houstonchronicle.com Jones has been saying on his web and radio shows that he expects Infowars to operate for...
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hey portland oregon transes who use grindr community safety tip: DONT interact with this dude. his name is "Joe". he is a liar, manipulator and an abuser. i was exploited by him and i've spoken to other ppl he's taken advantage of block him if u see him dont interact
Our server told me I looked like a young Liza Minelli y’all can’t tell me NOTHIN Happy Pride 🏳️‍🌈
There are too many goddam people in this city for anyone to be speeding and driving dangerously. I’ve been hit by a car twice on my bike, once as a pedestrian, and have been in a fender bender. My stomach drops when I see people in cars do dangerous shit.
as a NYC pedestrian AND as someone who had a friend killed by a car in a high speed chase with the cops, it is literally impossible for me to agree with this more than I do.
If you’re in Portland, you may be able to qualify for a free AC unit, based in income threshold. They are encouraging people to apply early in the season: www.oregonlive.com/portland/202...
If you don't have air conditioning, go out and get a little window unit today and install it if you can. Or order one on Amazon. Make yourself one room where you and your pets can get respite.
Portland to provide thousands of free air conditioners this summer; those in need can now call 311www.oregonlive.com Portland officials are making an initiative that aims to protect low-income residents during dangerous heat waves more accessible to those in need.
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MOVIE PITCH: Bisexual Heist. It's the easiest crime spree in history, since we're fucking invisible to y'all.
Saw a guy last night rollerblading down the middle of the street right into the weed shop, I love you Brooklyn.
Forgot to eat lunch and didn’t have time to prepare anything, so I ate charcuterie on the train like an asshole.
A very similar event happened in my neighborhood last week. At lease 30 cops, some RUNNING up the street, a bunch of cop cars. I thought someone had been shot. They love their little chance to play fascist military.
As a new task force conducts sweeps of hundreds of shops suspected of selling illegal weed, a video of a raid on a Staten Island store captures how enlisting police to conduct regulatory inspections can lead to criminal charges. www.thecity.nyc/2024/06/03/v...
Video of NYPD Cannabis Raid and Arrest Raises Questions About Adams’ New Enforcement Offensivewww.thecity.nyc Cops seized less than a pound of weed, hauled a shopkeeper away in cuffs and ignited lawyers’ due process concerns.
On watching the horrific videos coming out of Palestine.
But actually it serves the perpetrators because traumatising yourself dramatically expedites the timeline for burning out of being an active participant in anti-genocide activism.
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ah oui, ils sont back in town, n’est pas?
Bad faith assholes really love to tell you to go to Gaza if you care so much because they know that you’re not going to go (why would you unless you’re a medical professional??), and every solution for them involves a gun.
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Ayo #discord users! There’s is a very complex scam going on currently, that was just attempted on me. I saw a twitter thread about it, so i figure it is worth sharing here too! A “friend” will DM you to let you know that you got falsely reported and need to appeal the claim to avoid being banned -
I posted on Nextdoor (ugh) to see if I could connect with any of the witnesses to my bike accident bc I forgot to get their information at the time. This boomer guy DM’ed me to say he was glad I was okay, then he tried to hit on me?? SIR THIS IS NOT A DATING APP
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If Mother's Day is a weird thing for you & you don't have a good relationship with your mom, I'm your mom now and you're doing great and I'm proud of you. Take it easy on yourself today. You deserve time to relax & look at cat photos and eat a popcorn.
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i did this quickly, but you could turn this into an email or use it as the basis for a call. go nuts. but this *is* worth your time. act.jewishvoiceforpeace.org/a/no-amendme...
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All hands on deck - please email your senators to make it clear you do not support this new antisemitism legislation, which puts the hands of defining antisemitism in evangelical extremists.
Hello, I’m bi and I’ve dated this man…several times.
every bi girl has dated this man :/
Any good organizer will tell you that action is a marathon, not a sprint. Draining yourself dry doesn’t ultimately help movements, it makes you burnt out and unable to help.
"how can you X when Y is happening" Because I have to, ok? I don't have the option of bed rotting while I scroll an endless feed of The Horrors. Various sets of people need things from me and I need to be capable of smiling.
Spotted some new friends at the Brooklyn Botanic Garden last Friday! A Northern mockingbird who seemed curious about my camera, and a little ovenbird who had very important bird business to attend to and couldn’t stay. #birds
My new antidepressant has been making me really emotional at random stuff, and I got really choked up singing “I’ll Make A Man Out of You” from Mulan at karaoke??!?