justin from the internet

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justin from the internet


Researcher researching research. Observing observability. Co-imagining more expansive futures. I post the most random shit.
The reason that the language of domestic abuse and the language of authoritarianism looks the same is because it's just the same thing on a different scale.
love to get jazzed up about something, really sink my teeth into it, do a bit of a-grade work, feel like maybe I actually know what I’m doing sometimes , and immediately over extend myself and crash like wile e coyote
What are people doing w/neighbors & friends to create & nurture networks of collective care & mutual aid? What small but significant (or super size me and spectacular, and everything in between) actions & practices are people talking about, preparing for, or taking?
I kinda hate when researchers do this. There are so many other ways to filter out low quality responses that don’t rely on “catching” them “cheating” (many of them start before a participant even begins the survey)
I agreed to take a survey on one of my mindles little games that I play when I travel, and this was one of the questions.
this incredibly transactional way of seeing the world is so prevalent. Even in some of the more humane teams I’ve worked in I sometimes find myself reminding everyone that sometimes the “job to be be done” is not “rational work outcomes” but something emotional, intangible, or relational
Why would a parent want to offload this “job?” www.cnet.com/tech/service...
look it’s not the point but I can’t describe how surreal it was to have just gotten off a mountain, severely lacking of all things that make a brain function, and have a friend (in a similar state) say “I… think trump got shot” and then show me a link someone sent her from fucking discloseTV
I hiked to a lake at the top of a mountain and honestly I should’ve just stayed up there
Touch grass for a whole 90 minutes and this is what happens smdh
"Knowing who to be mad at is praxis." @prisonculture.bsky.social
Some seem to get mad at the wrong people on purpose. It means they don't have to actually fight against those with power. Punching down or laterally can feel like catharsis.
okay this moral purity of workplace stuff is a topic that’s very close to my heart. At a previous company the whole research team started dealing with moral injury from the disconnect between our organization’s purpose/actions, our role in sensing the impacts, and our team/individual ethics /1
Reminder that the idea of the "the tragedy of the commons" has all kinds of ideological priors that we should interrogate: thebaffler.com/latest/first...
I mean to be clear if your first response to “let everyone have access to nice things” is “but the masses” or “but the scarcity” I’m already like 60% sure you’re a fascist but still
First as Tragedy, Then as Fascism | Alex Amendthebaffler.com On ecologist Garret Hardin, author or ”The Tragedy of the Commons,” and his lasting influence on the environmentalist far right.
people will say “if it’s freely available to everyone then it’ll be overrun/over used/crowded and it will no longer be nice” and to that I say “we could try building more nice things that are freely available to everyone and maybe there’d be enough where that doesn’t happen”
they should make nice stuff freely available to everybody imo
Holy shit it’s here: sports, gender, science, history, and I am sure much much much more Rose makes amazing stuff and this one’s gonna be great, so point ur podcatchers in the appropriate direction and get Tested delivered to your ears this summer
AIRHORN NOISES sorry sorry sorry but like, I spent eight years trying to make this project happen and now it's here and I'm losing my MIND. link.chtbl.com/Rose_ If you want to keep up with the series I have a newsletter too: buttondown.email/tested
Testedlink.chtbl.com <p>Who gets to compete?  Since the beginning of women’s sports, there has been a struggle over who qualifies for the women’s category. Tested follows the unfolding story of elite female...
Me, a consummate design professional: “it’s not bulletproof shoes but it makes the footgun a little harder to fire”
great thread about the “professionalization” of journalism and a good argument for why we actually need less of the gatekeepy bullshit that has made our information ecosystems so abysmal
< clears throat I created my own degree in this very question in ye olde year of our livejournal 2005 because new york university didn't have a digital journalism program at that time journalism has never been a professional endeavor and to the extent it was, it was a problem
I find that working in complex systems makes it very hard for me to relate to the impulse to reduce things to discrete mechanisms and treat that reduction as if it were truth. Some might be useful, but ultimately all models are at least partially wrong/incomplete/narrowly scoped/etc
And let me tell you, the idea that the body is a pile of discrete mechanisms in a skin suit is one of the words things to emerge from the enlightenment scientific project. It's the reason why we, to this day, tend to think about bodily systems as discrete from each other and our health as parceled.
my brain is incapable of reading about a certain genre of emergent bad news without immediately going “is that good” and it’s all because of this post
surprising few: the new york times has been largely "no" on both "value" and "care about" across the majority of topics lol
an exercise I've found quite worthwhile is to 1. outline what information sources and topics I pay attention to (or want to pay attention to) 2. match up how each source connects to and shapes each topic 3. decide whether I value (or care about) what each source has to offer about those topics
an exercise I've found quite worthwhile is to 1. outline what information sources and topics I pay attention to (or want to pay attention to) 2. match up how each source connects to and shapes each topic 3. decide whether I value (or care about) what each source has to offer about those topics
“it’s a very good bulb sir” it’s wet
Today’s design adventure: figure out why a certain interface is arranged, in conceptual terms, exactly backwards
good news: my monitor didn’t need a $250 repair bad news: it needed a new $100 cable
excellent reporting, and yet another point at which to ask why so many reporters (and even more editors who write headlines) uncritically and with what seems like complete credulity relay words from sources who are known to be unreliable at best
NEW: I explain how a throwaway line about windmills in Project 2025 shows there's absolutely no way Trump wasn't directly involved in crafting the fascist plan. www.thehandbasket.co/p/trump-wind...
seeing stuff really brings into focus the importance of what I’ve come to think of as “hardening conversations” with people in my orbit, about how weird (derogatory) things are going to get and how you’ll respond when one day it’s too hot to use the bridge or train or medication you rely on
it is so hot that the metal on bridges is expanding preventing draw bridges from closing and have to be hosed down and we are only at the very beginning of the impacts of climate change www.fox5ny.com/news/third-a...
I, your friendly neighborhood far-right researcher/political scientist-in-training, am here to let you know that if academic research/media coverage of "polarization" feels weird to you, that's for good reason. Polarization research is, generally, fundamentally flawed and based on assumed symmetry
It's important for you to know that a chunk of conservative dark money has recently been lobbed at academic research on "polarization," and it bears reflecting on why a framing of the US's contemporary crisis that automatically suggests there's blame on all sides would be favored by them
okay part of the problem might be me lol
love 2 decide whether a webpage is actually a blog post, newspaper article, magazine article, report, forum post, or something else entirely (this is a zotero subtweet)
love 2 decide whether a webpage is actually a blog post, newspaper article, magazine article, report, forum post, or something else entirely (this is a zotero subtweet)
a roleplaying game mechanic where a player character can “call” the outcome of a situation, describing how events will unfold, scoped and difficulty-leveled in accordance with their rank in the “calling” skill. If successful, what their character “called” will be how the game progresses.
This thread is full of fantastic advice and really great ideas.
After telling someone to throw out yet another useless book of advice for neurodivergent people clearly written by someone who isn’t neurodivergent I have one tip re developing a habit w ADHD: make it really easy to implement. Kids dropping wrappers on floor? Put out more trash cans in those areas