
I sent this email to Snopes about their ridiculous Charlottesville "fact check" on Friday, followed up yesterday, no response. So sharing it here as an open letter. Apologies for the typos, I wrote it pretty fast.
I did a Tikity Tok about the story yesterday too, for those who are more visually inclined.
TikTok - Make Your
[Philip Seymour Hoffman voice] “Excuse me, what the fuck”
They also updated to clarify the “social posts in 2024 that recirculated the rumors.” They were all based on a post by the X user “EndWokeness”
I guess Snopes are claiming that there were protesters at the Unite the Right rally who were not neo-Nazis or white supremacists. They do not provide any evidence for this.
I mean you can’t expect them to review seven years’ worth of reporting before posting a new fact check for apparent no reason.
“For apparent no reason” yes definitely something a careful writer would say great job Katz you’re nailing it
tiktok fame has changed you, man
I like your twist new on an old phrase
I would say being a white supremacist or holding the door for white supremacy is bad. I see no very good in this
They're just deciding what candidates meant to say now. //We looked into these claims, and found that while Trump did say there were "very fine people on both sides," meaning both the protesters and the counterprotesters//
'grossly irresponsible' is too kind
snopes has been liberal "TECHnically" status quo-laundering for years. "Did Biden bomb Palestinians because of bigotry? SNOPES CHECK: FALSE, for who can ever truly know the heart of a man?" "Are rents raising across the country? FALSE. Their elevation vs sea level has remained the same or lowered"
(for clarity: I use "liberal" in all cases as "the first-stage fascist enemy of the left that meets them in conflict before it allows the left to meet their second stage fascist enemy in the right wing")
This could never have happened during the Binkowski Era.
Ever since I learned about what shit went down at Snopes, I’ve held them at a distance and read their output with much more skepticism. As someone else pointed out here, Snopes isn’t what it used to be. Thanks to for sharing some insight on the history there.
Snopes is absolutely not reliable any longer.
Greed and laziness can ruin anything.
thank you for doing this mr katz, heather heyer's spirit deserves better than some rag spitting on her memory
You got one thing wrong: Snope's reputation has been in the toilet for almost a decade now.
I hadn’t visited Snopes in years before I read this article a few days ago, and all I can say is it’s laugh-out-loud funny. Funny in the “omg this is some fucked up hot garbage nonsense” way, not the other, better way.