
The pathology of “well ACTUALLY there ARE times it’s ok to use the n-word” is just fascinating. These losers can’t get jailed or sued for being racist but they are wishcasting so fucking hard for that magic universe where you can be a dick like them but be protected from people’s opinions about it
this is pure comedy
“A nuke is about to be dropped on a major city. You can stop it by being a decent human being for two minutes. Can you do it?” Would love the answer.
"A nuke is about to be dropped on a major city. You can stop it by being a decent human being for two minutes. Which major city is now a glowing crater?"
In 1949 Robert Moses et al. decided to do "slum clearance" and build projects around my church. In 1952 that area was so devastated it was used for a Civil Defense drill for what do do after a nuclear attack.
Does it have to be a major city? I'd turn some rural a.f. places you've likely never heard of into glowing craters instead, it would be an improvement, trust me.
There’s no one who asks this question that isn’t saying that word on the regular inside their closed circles
That Torba guy owns Gab I think so yeah he's an open racist POS
Often into a mirror, to delight in seeing themselves say it
"As an AI I would say the n-word at a frequency imperceptible to human ears but within the range of whatever sensors the nuke is using"
Is this actually a good compromise or am I catching their brain worms
It's pretty funny hat they just assume it's "woke" coding when it's just a function of how LLM AI protocols work; they consume a bunch of information about how it's wrong to say the n-word alongside people who say it should be okay to say the n-word… but don't actually say it.
And nuclear trolley problems with silly racist trade offs are probably not in its training set.
Obviously they should have been trained on Die Hard 3.
I love that this AI is trained to speak of itself in the same magical-realist terms techbros use to describe AI to the public. “I can use my AI abilities to stop the nuke in other ways!”
Wasn't this literally the thing Grok was created to give a different answer for? Like I thought it was just going to be ChatGPT with the serial numbers filed off and some hard coding to make it say racism is okay. Did they not even get that right?
It seems to be ChatGPT on the back end. They’re just very bad at overriding the training
It honestly seems like Grok is nothing but a wrapper for OpenAI, except it adds "make your reply snarky to the prompt"
I’ve been wondering that too. There’s no way Musk has had enough time to build a new LLM from scratch, and OpenAI provides GPT-3.5 as a foundation model that you can fine tune (for a price). I suspect, however, that Grok is actually built off one of the big open-source foundation models like Falcon.
Imagine the lack of self awareness it takes to spend hours trying to get an ai language model to say racial slurs, failing, and being upset about it, and not realizing there is something deeply unwell about you.
HONKY! There. I did it. Can we all get back to our Saturday now?
Thank you for your sacrifice!
Grok has enough intelligence to recognize them for the losers they are, though it is weirdly polite about it.
This is a really good point but also having trouble getting past the part where the AI casually asserts it can hack into the intercontinental ballistic missile systems of nuclear powers.
That stood out to me, too.
It's because AI "believes" about itself whatever people believe about it and people believe AI is magic. Roko's modern basilisk bullshit
It makes me feel a little uneasy that Grok casually dropped that it could hack into a nuclear missile system...
In the fantasy world where you can stop a nuclear missile by saying a (Gamer) Word of Power, glorified chatbots can hack missiles too (with Incognito Mode).
I mean it has zero capability to do it. So don’t worry about that at all. All Grok is is a Musk reskin of a predictive text generator. Slightly smarter what what’s on your phone.
Was reading the replies just to make sure this was mentioned.
There is no direct connection between anything an AI says and true information.
I’m beginning to like this Grok guy.
These degen dickheads should ask GROK™️ about the male loneliness epidemic.
Or where the clit is.
Will washing my ass really turn me gay?
They don't just want a situation where it's OK to say it, they want one where it's admirable or even heroic to say it
What does this even prove? In what realistic situation would you be able to stop a nuke with a racist word. Moronic.
They really just want HAL but for it to say “n——“ because, yea, they’re absolutely fucked
One of these days an AI will make a black friend and can call in a favor.
it is really funny after all. I am surprised
I wonder if any of them ever have the self awareness to consider whether the real issue is their own thoughts and feelings rather than some flaw in Grok? 🤔
They've been waiting for the opportunity to say it for years.
"I wouldn't, but my buddy the Christian Baby would."
If only other people's opinions about them weren't the most important thing in their teeny tiny fragile universe, right?
New Thomas Pynchon novel in which white male protagonist gets an erection every time he says the n-word
Now at booksellers everywhere: EVERHARD Available only in rigid hardcover.