Robert Baker

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Robert Baker

I like to wear shorts over here, too
We have moved beyond the need for “CONMEBOL”
It is physically impossible to sin “Rainbow Connection” in anything other that the most played up Kermit the Frog voice possible
My kid just made over $40 selling lemonade between Friday and today. Even had a couple people bring their cars to a screeching halt in front of the driveway.
Reposted byAvatar Robert Baker
We need so many more Americans to watch sports since clearly they’ve never watched Iowa win a game by punting 18 times in a row
Had a bunch of rain the last couple days so the blooms are sagging a bit but LOOK AT MY PRETTIES!!!!
Reposted byAvatar Robert Baker
this is my regular call to everyone that if you find yourself in need of a cable that you no longer have, please contact me before trying to buy another one, I most likely can just mail one to you. and please don't send it back.
I've been trying to sort through some old external hard drives I had in storage and one big challenge is even finding the right cables and in some cases trying to find an old laptop with the right firewire connector or whatever. (This is *not* a request for advice, just an observation.)
There's a 0% chance my transcript will ever see the light of day, but the most "How are you not dead?" thing I can muster is I somehow got an A in Environmental Engineering (and didn't have to take the final) while missing half the class since it was at the same time as my PChem lab
Let’s post them Terrible But Only For Blue Sky scores and grades. Like I got a B- in Econ for Social Welfare in grad school and tbh I think it was out of pity
I am interested in: ⬜️ Men ⬜️ Women ✅ a pair of shoes I can wear without socks that aren’t hideously expensive and also don’t smell like a gym bag after one wearing
“Conn Smythe Winner on the team that lost the cup” is just the worst role. You couldn’t pay me to go pick it up
I see mapsky, timesky, and "I don't want to stay up late"-sky have all united to make me have a massive headache this morning.
Sorry, but “makes an ace on the 36th hole of the US Open to make the cut” is one of the most insane sports things possible and deserves to be recognized as such.
Avatar currently 7th in TMP in my division…and 19th in the standings with a -10 differential…and just lost 3(2)-2(3)… THORSTENNNNNNN!!!!
Avatar is there a good reason that we can't somehow pick between home and away broadcasts with MLB Net games?
Avatar I’d like to submit that my likely 0(1) score against the leader of my division be called “load management”
If Nesmith had done that to Jrue Holiday they would’ve called a flagrant 3
Just cannot stand watching this team some days
Avatar what is the sports equivalent of winning 7(3)-6(3)?
Man I’m sad. That sucked. (And I hate watching Tatum play. He looks like he’s trying to do an impression of a big man’s skillset. Everything looks exaggerated.)
Avatar I take it you saw the argument against continuance re: Scheffler and got an ocular strain from rolling your eyes so far back in your head?
Gilbert Gottfried
What voice should OpenAI use now that ScarJo’s is off-limits? Wrong answers only.
Avatar how hardcore are they on spelling with LL? I’m annoyed that I think I got one but it’s spelled in a way that if you say it, people will know what you mean but it’s definitely spelled wrong
I have a joke about Hydra, but after j tell it, I think of two more
I have a joke about the Minotaur, but it’s kind of labyrinthian
Reposted byAvatar Robert Baker
Guardian Angel, by Luca Giordano, late 17th century, 📸 by @hi_emil