
Lots of Overnight Constitutional Law Experts on here suddenly confident in their ability to second-guess the Supreme Court and adjudicate the actually quite subtle and contested question of [checks notes] Whether Texas can have its own Foreign Policy uh wait a sec what the fuck
Wonder if there's any precedent of a southern state asserting the right to an independent foreign policy let's check in this big book of histor... oh, oh no
Ultimately it’s kind of a lost cause
Precedence? How quaint.
How did that work out - I don't have time to do a lot of reading....
The initial case of Sherman v. Georgia went badly for them, but a series of other cases over the following few decades limited the reach of that decision.
“The Second Civil War was about state’s rights” 🙄🙄🙄
It’s simple: Federal law takes precedence over blue state laws and red state laws take precedence over federal law.
And its illegal for Federal Law to not be interpretted in the most Reactionary Conservative version
It'll take a few years, but eventually they'll get around to making it clear that red state fugitive uterus laws take precedence over blue state unlawful imprisonment laws.
Whether or not Georgia is allowed to self govern is all up to how well voters behave themselves.
I'm not a lawyer, I didn't attend Law School, I'm not even American, but to believe that this has anything to do with "the law" is absurd. That's a political figure asking political allies to back him up. And they will.
We have to reform and unpack the court, the most practical way to do that is to expand the court, with qualified jurists, jurists respected by their peers. Unfortunately, recent appointees were chosen for partisan purposes to overturn decades of case law.
I was thinking of a more immediate solution.
It’s actually genius! Bypass Congress by passing illegal laws on the state level and then uhh something something Scotus! Fool-proof!!
I mean, it seems pretty foolproof seeing the current state of our unelected council of wizards that get to decide what the law means and have already rendered parts of the constitution null and void
Now that, my friends, is democracy!!!!
It works particularly well if you’re in the 5th Circuit!
"'Supremacy clause' is mostly a supremacy suggestion when it is an election year" - Roberts Court
They're more like guidelines!
Literal lol over here.
the 2nd Amendment does not say that Texas can re-write the entire Constitution on the fly, but it also doesn't say that it can't, so, who's to say
Oh, I get it. The partisan, corrupt Roberts Court adheres to one principle: Getting the outcome it wants, and using whatever justification (eg originalism, textualism) —and its opposite— to get there. So it cannot tolerate Colo having its own election law, but Tx can have its own immig. Law. Ok
9-0 on the first, 6-3 on the other.
That because one side acts in good faith, the other just looks for outcomes it likes. How can you justify being concerned with multiple state election laws, but permit multiple immigration laws?
If federal officials were ENFORCING immigration laws on the books, the Texas immigration law would never have been written.
That’s a different issue. And if you are concerned about enforcement, better start lobbying the GOP who refused to even take up bill authored by themselves that would have provided funding and been the most sweeping crackdown in 40 years. The GOP wants divisive issues, not solutions
No need for any new laws at all. The problem is Biden’s refusal to enforce existing federal law on the books.
It is acting in good faith for a court in Colorado to act as if it has jurisdiction in DC? It is acting in good faith for people to assert that a popular political candidate committed an act of “insurrection” with zero finding of fact to that effect by a court with jurisdiction in over 3 years?
Colo didn’t assert it had jurisdiction anywhere but Colo. And there was a finding— with evidence presented— that insurrection had been committed.
Yes they fucking goddamn did by making a ruling that a crime took place in DC and Donald Trump was guilty of it.
they can have all the foreign policy they want but Mexico has responded "lol no" (in Spanish)
It's actually about ethics in docket management.
Turns out that the policy wonks won't tell you this but law is actually a bunch of made up bullshit.
Here I am glad that the Australian constitution post dates both the US revolution and civil war. So that the powers of the Federal government is clearly defined in s51 and the subsequent fuck arsing arising from Treaty Powers and surrendered state powers are watched by a non partisan High Court.
they're gonna have to add a Seventh Flag Over Texas
📰 JANUARY 24 2024 Feminists have had “Kenough” with the Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences after today’s announcement of the nominees for the 96th Academy Awards included Ryan Gosling for Best Supporting Actor in “Barbie” but neither the film’s lead actress nor director. Also Texas seceded
If they want to be a territory like American Samoa with their own immigration controls, we'll have to strip them of their two Senators, House votes, and birthright citizenship. I believe that removing latter is very popular with the MAGA crowd or so I'm told.
Can we just let Texas secede already?
Let them secede then build a wall around the state of Texas.😉
Can't wait for Texas to stand up an embassy in Mexico.
This is good news, actually. This means we can start rounding up the illegals in other states, counties and municipalities without the Federal Gov't being like "aw shucks you gotta feed 'em". Working class are tired of competing with illegals for jobs and housing.
If your job is at risk of being lost to an illegal immigrant with no papers, no skillsets, and no ability to speak the language, then you are bad at your job. But more realistically, you are in no danger of losing your job, you're just gullible and being taken advantage of by politicians.