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An unfinished person.
Occasionally writes words down, some of them worth reading
"Verba Volant, Scripta Manent"

Reposted byAvatar Kkhhaaooss
they keep their tongues on short, barbed leashes—atrophied and restless; swallowing each word like a #peach pit. a dissection inward to wicked wishes haunts their humanities and lack of choices. still both take #furtive pride with blind eyes in martyrdom for the broken children #vss365 #whistpr
#whistpr #2wordprompt #vss365 Projected on the #screen was the image of a #peach, perfect, succulent. After a #furtive glance my way, he reached #thin fingers in, elongating as they grasped then pulled out the fruit. His grin widened as he bit, juice leaking around horrible teeth and down his chin.
Reminder to everyone...
Check whether you've ripped out your eyes
#whistpr #2wordprompt #vss365 The #draconian measures taken to stop the disappearances meant altering things a bit. He moved the #jars off the shelves of the little #pastry shop and carried them through the trapdoor in the #floor at the back. He pulled a lid off one, listening for distant screams.
This is like if some conservative in the U.S. were to try taking shots at Dolly Parton... ...wait, I'm being told that... no, no way. They didn't. They did?! And they thought that would go *well* for them?!
The Tories are actually doing it. They are making this election a referendum on David Tennant. They are saying we have to pick a side: them or the Doctor. Them or Crowley. Them or real life David Tennant. Er ... OK.
@moviessilently.bsky.social Been thinking about remakes of movies in general recently, but Eggers' upcoming remake of Nosferatu in particular. I'm sure you've commented on this before somewhere, but your opinion of Murnau's 1922 film? (+, if you're inclined, thoughts on Shadow of the Vampire?)
The scariest thing is the unknown ➡️ The less I reveal about the terror stalking the pages of my writing, the more frightening it becomes ➡️ I will release the scariest book of all time: 300 blank pages. All readers might not get it, but I bet some writers are pissing themselves right now...
I write longhand (actually I block print in pen on paper) and this is the latest nonsense I get attempting OCR: "Pettitte wither Down to The shore It's not заметить не полло солнцу по thank, no worker Palmerston, But There Is no one to Asa." At least some of those words match something I wrote.
💙📚 Making my way through Ellen Datlow's "The Best Horror of The Year" collections and it's interesting to work backwards through time of what is/was common among the best horror of each year - or at least what @datlow.bsky.social was really into that year... (they are truly great btw)
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googling "how do i not see a monster i want to kill with hammers whenever i look in the mirror" and getting google ai results that tell me to eat at least one hammer a day
Reposted byAvatar Kkhhaaooss
Me, literally covered head to foot with biting bugs: "God dammit, this is the ON."
Reposted byAvatar Kkhhaaooss
#vss365 #2wordprompt #whistpr The Assessor ran a bony finger down a #score of names in neat block #print. In the ledger's #tax due column were symbols - none for money. He slid to the #parole requirements column. The text, in a language no one alive could read, wrapped impossibly around the page.
I've had a couple of days to digest the remake of Avengers Infinity War, er Endgame, er #DoctorWho Empire of Death and... I know I'm not alone in it leaving me deflated. After enjoying everything leading up to it, it made me (1st in a *long* time) just not care about what comes next...at all.
Reposted byAvatar Kkhhaaooss
“Maybe the real Frankenstein’s Monsters were the friends we made along the way,” he cried out as he sprang from the cabin window, upon the ice raft which lay close to the vessel. He was soon borne away by the waves and lost in darkness and distance.
Reposted byAvatar Kkhhaaooss
The ADHD curse/superpower of “How hard could it be?” grants us fearless enthusiasm to accomplish things we might not have even dared try. But the downside is suddenly realizing, as you stare at the lawnmower engine you just completely disassembled, you don’t *actually* know how to fix a lawmower 😅
Writing is fun. You learn so many things. Like today I learned that to replace all the water in the oceans of earth with human blood, you would need to fully exsanguinate *at least* 2,009,515,641 times as many humans as have ever lived, probably more-that's based on the high end of blood in adults.
Reposted byAvatar Kkhhaaooss
Reminder that Stockholm Syndrome was invented because a kidnap victim said, accurately , that the kidnappers were more concerned with their safety than the cops were.
Retrieved captives recount their experiences in Gaza. Israeli doctors say they may have Stockholm Syndrome. Source: www.timesofisrael.com/rescued-host...
Reposted byAvatar Kkhhaaooss
When I promoted this earlier today, our website freaked out and made the pre-order link unavailable—meaning it’s seen zero sales today so far. The glitch is finally fixed and it’d make this ghoul’s heart sing if you could share again and consider ordering 💚
So excited to share Betty Rocksteady's front cover art for GHOULISH TALES ISSUE 3, featuring original horror fiction from Joe Koch, Xochilt Avila, Amanda Cecelia Lang, TT Madden, Violet, Perry Meester, A. W. Prihandita, and Alex Luceli Jiménez. Please pre-order: ghoulish.rip/product/ghou...
Stealing this to rework with "mind" instead of "lab" for my ADHD. ... ...also, y'know, every room in my house.
A handy lab sign for you to download and print if you need it ;)
Reminder that the "5 stages of grief" originated from Elisabeth Kübler-Ross' "On Death and Dying" to describe the grief of people who *were dying*, facing their mortality, _not_ those left behind. She even warns against using the idea as what it has become on page *1* of that very book.
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I do love a deeply silly post. There is not nearly enough silliness in this world. Do not be afraid to be absurd
Reposted byAvatar Kkhhaaooss
This. Also, artists in particular, PLEASE use alt text! Just describe the image to the best of your ability, in detail.
It may be tempting to post an image and use the alt text field to add a joke that doesn't describe the image -- please don't do this. For people with certain visual impairments and those who use screen readers, this is more annoying/frustrating than not including alt text at all.
#whistpr #vss365 #2worprompt She pounds #nail after nail into the shadow, crying. The #pain pierces her with each blow. Still it grows. #Size and shape warping from the points holding it, it stretches toward the #fractured skull. A tear falls. Shaking hands move to hammer another nail.
Reposted byAvatar Kkhhaaooss
In the US you can call your local poison center at 800-222-1222 for all sorts of questions -- medication administration, side effects, extra doses. We're not just here for snake bites, mushrooms and mercury, we're trained nurses and pharmacists with broad expertise in toxicology and pharmacology!
ok i have another quote tweet prompt. what's something, big or small, related to your job or hobby, that most people don't know that you would like to have them know? it can be a concept, a piece of history, some vocabulary, or something else.
#whistpr #2wordprompt #vss365 She took a dropper from the #bottle. Ink of the dead. A single drip on the canvas. It spread into the #paint which began to swirl, changing. "NO #TRUCE" in black and red and gray. Who could she turn to for #advice? He would help. He would come...for a price.
Reposted byAvatar Kkhhaaooss
You can block anyone on here. Yes, even big and popular accounts. Even members of your own demographic. Even nice people whose posts pain you in some way. You can block me. You don't owe anyone your time and peace of mind. Absolutely no one. Protect yourself 💜
ADHD spiraling. A dozen or more things asking for simultaneous attention. No decisive ability can be summoned. All are put aside while none are ignored (how I wish I could ignore *something*). Only frustration grows as everything sits and waits for me to be someone I am not right now.
#vss365 #whistpr #2wordprompt The walls of the #whopping great chamber are smooth, #baked clay - a continuous surface curving from the entrance. They are covered in layered ochre images of #otters, standing like men, inflicting #pain in a multitude of ways on much smaller human-looking figures.