
All I'll add to this is that philo-Semitism is super fucking creepy. I just want to live my life, man. Get a hobby that isn't us.
Congress wants ANTISEMITISM MONITORS at colleges. Nothing about the anti-Islamic, anti-black, anti-woman, anti-LGBTQ,
Bipartisan bill would create "antisemitism monitors" at The COLUMBIA Act is the first bill introduced in direct response to recent campus protests.
Torres has posted once on a non-Israel/foreign policy topic in the past 2 weeks - not raising the price of stamps. Dude you represent one of the poorest districts in the country, please do your job or resign to become a full time pundit.
It’s extremely weird how he picked this issue
Is it weird? AIPAC money talks, especially if you're a Dem in a safe seat along I-95. #Sellout
I remember a few months ago he tried to get into a fight with a guy who had actually been in the segregated parts of the Occupied Territories, claiming that he was lying about it. He eventually deleted the Tweet in shame
ritchie torres: super weird, always focused on problems that don’t need solving and thus on the fast track to dem caucus leadership
"Philo-semitism" is just Christian nationalism wrapped up in a prettier package to obfuscate the real motivation behind it. They don't actually like us or want to help us, they just think they need us as their human sacrifices so they can be raptured or whatever.
This part right here. They don’t actually give a fuck about the Jews. Only their role in bringing in the rapture. This is all part of the evangelical prophecy. It’s sick
Ritchie Torres is a certified freak. And not the good kind
Yep Ritchie Torres is a snake, a fraud, a shill for the highest bidders. Send him home.
I live near a mega church that flies an Israeli flag and every time I drive past it I get angry.
Now see, *here's* a great thing that Jews and and Indigenous ppl can unite over!
we’re politically fetishized and hated by the same group of people simultaneously. It’s an absolute mindfuck
I don't want to sound insane but as soon as he won his primary his first event in the constituency (in the south Bronx, i think?) was a Pride event featuring an IDF battalion commander who was openly gay. And all I could think at the time was "man who the fuck is this supposed to be for????"
He represents where my dad grew up but like, they all left for Co-Op City in the '70s
They need you alive so they’ll have 144,000 of you for the plains of whatever it is for their apocalypse. I’d say they’re sick, but really they’re evil.
It's not philosemitism he just loves that sweet sweet AIPAC cash
Tough shit, Big Wheel. I love you. This is who I am now. I am gonna give you so many countries that aren't mine.