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into avoiding plagues, writing, arting, music, high+low culture, wildlife, auDHD wrangling, disability justice, intersectional feminism (she/her).
pro-landback settler on Coast Salish territories.
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The Astronaut Vessels made it though the heat! Which one are you riding in? Available this Saturday #pottery #bsnm
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I'm making memes about my feelings instead of feeling them💖💖💖
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this is so beautiful & good!!! this in particular: "The passing of the seasons feels more granular, marked by the arrival and disappearance of particular species instead of much slower changes in day length, temperature and greenery."
I wrote a little essay about what birding has done for me in the very short time since I became a birder. Gift link:
Opinion | When I Became a Birder, Almost Everything Else Fell Into To find the birds, you have to know them.
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“Is it technically fascism?” “Is it technically rape?” “Is it technically genocide?” Remarkable the smug ease with which so many people have replaced moral inquiries with semantic ones.
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Blue-banded Bees 🐝🌿
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When you're performing a set and some clown decides to rush the stage. 🤣 Mr Cardinal was singing his heart out looking for love when he was interrupted by a pigeon, and I snapped a one-in-a-million photo. 🪶
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Something from #Junefae 2018 4"x6" (I think?) watercolor / multimedia
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The interesting times do not last after a short while what once enthralled becomes commonplace horrible (yes, still horrible) but now simply normal the curse should not be “may you live in interesting times” but rather: may you live to grow accustomed to the interesting times.
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Alone Above the Clouds 📷재윤 류 Jaeyoun_ryu #flickr
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A tiny bit of green glow in the sky tonight, but not enough to keep me up and watching for Aurora.
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Curled Comfort • 2022
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Love that this crows nictitating membrane is slightly covering its eye, giving it the illusion that I'm getting crow side eye, which... Fair. 🪶
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Nerds are the ones who warned you about cryptocurrency, and NFTs, and the internet of things. Nerds are the ones trying to explain to you that "AI" is just overhyped pattern recognition which we already had for years. Techbros are not nerds. They're predators.
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I'm sorry but this is just hilarious.
The fash getting straight Fs in ancient history lmao
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The 2000s were a time
The 80s were a time
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"Ageir" Commission for Chris-Bran-Norling (FA)
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The reverse holds true, too: widening roads makes traffic WORSE.
Never forget that when Seoul, Korea removed the Cheonggyecheon expressway in 2003 and replaced it with a restored stream, 1000 acre park and key transit improvements, not only did it transform the city’s public life & economic success, but the traffic got better. The traffic got BETTER.
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WSJ ran an oped so violently anti-Arab and Islamaphobic that the Mayor of Deaborn Michigan has had to step up police presence around mosque's because they're afraid of being targeted by bigoted attacks. And then NYT ran an Op-Ed where Thomas Friedman compares Middle Eastern countries to animals
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today is septidi 17 Pluviôse in the year of the Republic CCXXXII, celebrating lichen
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Eartha Kitt with her cat, Jinx, backstage in 1953.
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"Everyone’s a sellout now" Naomi Klein is quoted (via The Guardian) saying the biggest change in the world since 1999 is "neoliberalism has created so much precarity that the commodification of the self is now seen as the only route to any kind of economic security."
Everybody has to self-promote now. Nobody wants So you want to be an artist. Do you have to start a TikTok?
I've been binging X-Files. Their physical intimacy from go is staggering. Any other context, it would seem certain they were sexually involved. Season 3 onward also plays up the male angst trope so prevalent in the 90s. Mulder downplays his attraction yet has BIG FEELS about Scully in harm's way.
Tumblr user accidentally came up with the pitch meeting for The X-Files
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For fuck sake, writers, STOP USING AI ART. Stop using it on your book covers, stop using it in your book promos, stop using it to show what your OCs look like, stop using it as "inspiration," STOP USING IT. You want your artform respected, respect other artforms. There is no ethical use. None.
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I’m reminded that the word “privatisation” was first coined by the Economist in 1936 to describe - favourably - economic policy in the Third Reich.
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invisible disabilities