Kyle Haynes

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Kyle Haynes

Associate Professor of Political Science at Purdue University. Security, conflict, bargaining, US foreign policy. Once scored upon by Geoff Cameron.
JFC dems if you're gonna knife the guy fucking talk to one another, knife him, and get it over with. Don't fork stab him in the leg one by one until he finally keels over three weeks before the election.
Joe Biden advocates good policies and has been a very good president. I also really don’t want my kids to grow up in a reactionary theocracy. Volunteer, donate, vote.
The last 48 hours have been very heartening. The SCOTUS stuff and the rent stabilization thing are bold and smart and good. Still not sure Biden is the best messenger, but those are excellent proposals both on substance and politics.
Not saying it’s good or bad Biden is staying in, but he clearly is at this point. And in terms of (esp domestic) policy he’s been pretty damn good. So let’s take this opportunity to move on from his age and talk about shit like this & project 2025 to make sure he wins and we get to stay a democracy.
Breaking news: President Biden is finalizing plans to endorse major changes to the Supreme Court in the coming weeks, including proposals for legislation to establish term limits for the justices and an enforceable ethics code, according to two people briefed on the plans.
Biden set to announce support for major Supreme Court The president has discussed the plans with constitutional scholars and members of Congress in recent weeks.
Make it all stop I want to get off now.
Alternative framing: twice as many people are less likely to vote for Trump as a result of his conviction than are more likely to vote for him. But yeah yeah the narrative….
In the first poll by The New York Times and Siena College since Donald Trump’s Manhattan trial ended with a guilty verdict, more than two-thirds of voters said the outcome made no difference to their vote.
It's a sweep. Every UFCG candidate won. Labor now leads the AAUP and we're gonna fight for our schools like never before. Congratulations to Prez Wolfson, VP Lumbantobing, Sec. Aubert, and At-Large Council Member Kumanyika.
Actually somewhat heartened to see the campaign saying the plainly obvious truth out loud.
I had a hard credit check on Weds and in the past two days have received exactly 37 spam calls. Basically every form of remote communication is becoming totally unusable.
increasingly feeling harassed by spam - in texts, dms, emails. scams that im like, an inch and a half too tech savvy to find plausible. all this unchecked malevolent slurry contaminating every form of communication i rely on
3 y.o.: daddy I wiped my own butt! Me: nice job bud! Don’t forget to wash your hands. 3 y.o.: ok I’m playing with your toothbrush
So what's up in Georgia? Daddy needs another hit.
Savvily getting the sucker’s payoff in perpetuity. Charlie Brown with a slick slide deck all about kicking footballs.
If there was a more cancerous idea than “they go low, we go high” then I don’t know it. Democratic elites are so good at shooting their feet off that it’s a wonder there’s anyone left who can walk.
Fuck right off it's not the verdict that's testing any of this it's the fascist candidate with an entire party and media apparatus behind him JFC
News Analysis: The political fallout following Donald Trump’s conviction is far from certain, but the verdict will test America’s traditions, legal institutions and ability to hold an election under historic partisan tension.
Trump’s Conviction Jolts the Race. But Will It Influence the Outcome? The political fallout is far from certain, but the verdict will test America’s traditions, legal institutions and ability to hold an election under historic partisan tension.
Eagerly awaiting "oh so now you like the criminal justice system!" responses as though the entire point isn't that it's application is massively biased based on race/class and Trump's conviction despite his status is an even stronger indication he's guilty AF.
Of course this was written by a guy named Bud
A local op-ed today claims Trump’s conviction will help unify TX Republicans bc “we love outlaws” here. No, they love a “Wild West” battle for power - the ability to control how/when to use the power of the state to enforce their vision.
I know message discipline is hard but anyone who likes democracy should never again utter the Trump name without prefacing it with “rapist and 34 time convicted felon”
Sorta tempted to go check out truth social that place has gotta be nuts right now
oh oh I wanna do the first hot take! It's arguable that conviction on a few counts but exoneration on most could've been spun as a political win for Trump. Conviction on all 34 seems...bad for him.
shit my refreshing finger just cramped
Mommy can I bash down your magna-tile tower? Yeah sure. Ok good cuz I already kicked it.
Gonna go way out on a limb and say the issue isn’t uttering the phrase “legally killed children,” but the mountains of evidence that the IDF has killed thousands upon thousands of civilians in ways that violate the laws of war.
I’m pushing to play for Barcelona next season but need to overcome the fact that it’s impossible.
President Biden is pushing for a broad deal that would get Israel to agree to a Palestinian nation in return for Saudi recognition of Israel. But officials need to overcome Israeli opposition.
Israel Resists Grand Bargain as U.S. and Saudis Work on Security President Biden is pushing for a broad deal that would get Israel to approve a Palestinian nation in return for Saudi recognition of Israel. But officials need to overcome Israeli opposition.
I remain highly doubtful that Putin has accepted Russia’s status as the junior partner over the long term. He sees this as a transient crisis period, and will kowtow accordingly. But he won’t be happy in that position permanently. Question is how long he’ll take it, and at what degree of asymmetry.
Putin’s trip to China serves as a symbolic confirmation that the deepening of Russia-China ties is more than just a temporary affair driven by pragmatism. Read more in today’s Daily Review:
Daily Review: Russia-China Ties Are Changing as They Russian President Vladimir Putin’s trip to China underscores that the two sides’ ties are driven by more than just pragmatism.
Prompting me to ask, yet again, why we insist on giving ultimate power over universities to boards comprised of donors who got a BA in 1987. Just name a fucking building after them and leave administration to people who have the first god damn clue about how universities actually work.
The UNC Board of Trustess just voted to move all funding for diversity, equity and inclusion to the police. It's the kind of thing you'd think was satire, but it's not.
Putting this next to Khrushchev’s shoe in the UN dumbshittery hall of fame.
Israel’s ambassador to the UN just wound up his speech before today’s vote on Palestinian statehood by shredding the UN Charter from the UNGA rostrum
One of the first proper ratios I’ve seen on here and it’s well deserved
Maybe it’d convince people if I just said “hey all I’m asking is that you do what Kissinger did”
I know, intuitively, that Mike Johnson fucks goats. It’s not easily provable, and I don’t have the exact number of goats he’s fucked. But still, because baseless intuitions are determinative, we can all go about our daily lives confident that the speaker of the house is a goat-fucker.
Speaker Mike Johnson: "We all know, intuitively, that a lot of illegals are voting in federal elections. But it's not been something that's easily provable. We don't have that number." Sounds legit.
Aaron Rupar (@aaron.rupar) on Speaker Mike Johnson: "We all know, intuitively, that a lot of illegals are voting in federal elections. But it's not been something that's easily provable. We don't have that number." Sounds legit.
Fines -> the law applying less stringently to rich people.
NEW YORK (AP) — Judge fines Trump $1,000 for contempt and threatens jail time if he violates gag order again, says fines aren't working.
They’re gonna freak out when they see my office full of books on genocide and nuclear war
There's a lot going on in this bullshit, but I think the single funniest thing is trying to draw attention to a book titled "Terrorism: A Very Short Introduction" as though it's a how-to guide rather than a short scholarly work published by Oxford Press.
It me. Out here spouting commie shit about the differences between exogenous and endogenous power shifts.
In Fox 5 interview, Eric Adams moves on from saying "outside agitators" infiltrated Columbia's protests to saying there could be a bad professor out there "radicalizing" students (via Katie Honan, The City)