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Octopus fan (they have 3 hearts y’all, that’s one more than a time lord!).
Is the strategy then to try to get it in front of the Supreme Court so they rule against it and he uses that to pack the court? I would think if the Supreme Court formally rules against enforceable ethics that would win some hearts and minds that otherwise wouldn’t be behind expanding the court?
This is upsetting. Is it more about finding the right one (so for example if someone tried 3 methods and the first two failed then that failure shows up in the data but ultimately the 3rd was successful) or is it just that nothing really works?
North Carolina. And him winning would be absolutely terrifying. He’s anti-lgbt, misogynistic and anyi-Semitic to a degree that rivals Trump. I think he may actually be worse than Trump. He’s also leading in the polls right now
Trump hasn’t really even mentioned the victims has he? I haven’t seen anything.
Reposted byAvatar Lauren
a friend living outside the US told me someone had asked her “what’s the deal with america right now” and her answer was “it’s like the lawnmower episode of mad men, but every day” which, yeah, seems pretty much accurate
Reposted byAvatar Lauren
3.5 years later and the Justice department hasn’t been able to get to a trial on stolen classified documents, Jan 6 or election interference. Now talk to me about faith in institutions.
Well the recent Supreme Court ruling makes pretty much everything the President does (including Trump’s attempted coup) legal. So with that framework Trump can do anything he wants without prosecution and he will fully take advantage of that.
Reposted byAvatar Lauren
Try to get other people to vote too
Has he said anything about the victims? He was hardly injured but one man died and another two were actually wounded and I don’t think I’ve heard him mention them at all?
Why? They would just look ghoulish. More importantly, coming out forcefully against violence is better for society in general. This isn’t a case of Dems going high when they should go low, it’s a case of common fucking decency and humanity.
Reposted byAvatar Lauren
Interesting, the pundits and reporters say that you don't expect this kind of thing at a rally. But in America, you actually do. Whether it's concerts, food stores, massage parlors, elementary schools, colleges, nightclubs, or big box stores, nowhere in the United States is truly safe.
Reposted byAvatar Lauren
Dr. Ruth “defended abortion rights, suggested older people have sex after a good night’s sleep and was an outspoken advocate of condom use … In the 1980s, she stood up for gay men at the height of the AIDS epidemic and spoke out loudly for the LGBTQ community.”
Dr. Ruth Westheimer, America’s diminutive and pioneering sex therapist, dies at Dr. Ruth Westheimer, the diminutive sex therapist who became a pop icon, media star and best-selling author through her frank talk about once-taboo bedroom topics, has died.
That was delightful! I didn’t realize how funny Elmo is “that’s a lot to take in” lol.
Insane considering Trump’s history with Ukraine. One candidate had a verbal flub he corrected vs another who will literally do all he can to take away their sovereignty. Hmm which is a bigger deal?
He also started to say purple, then you could tell his stutter was going to stop him so he switched to red and then qualified it. So definitely not mentally unfit. But his presentation is that of an old man so that’s enough for most people.
You cannot get enough people to understand that in a general election. It is too hard. Voter confusion will act as voter suppression.
They still have to pretend like they’re following rules. If he stays in they can’t take him off the ballot because that would be obvious tampering. If he steps down they can make sure his name remains on the ballot, causing confusion, or not allow the new candidate on the ballot.
Yeah but we aren’t in another country. The people saying that aren’t being disingenuous or incompetent just because they’re concerned about a legitimate issue based on how our political system works.
Reposted byAvatar Lauren
Biden: pro-NATO, anti-Putin Trump: anti-NATO, pro-Putin It's the starkest and most consequential US foreign policy election in decades, perhaps ever, with America's role as lynchpin of the post-WWII and post-Cold War order effectively on the ballot. And it's barely a factor in the race.
Reposted byAvatar Lauren
That’s not true for everyone. A lot of people enjoy drinking without drinking to excess or having it negatively affect their lives.
Reposted byAvatar Lauren
It will be a complete information dictatorship much like Russias or chinas
This is exactly it. It’s not some shadowy conspiracy. It’s just that people in power and people with money want Trump back because he benefits them. Add in a personal grudge the NYT has against Biden due to lack of access, and it explains all the slanted coverage.
This is such an unsurprising but depressing thread. So many people don’t seem to have noticed it either.