l-aurian.bsky.social follows

Dr. Jen Gunter
Dr. Jen Gunter
Doctor, writer, Canadian Spice, lasso of truth, I speak for no one but me. 2X NYT bestsellers, new book Blood 2024. More thoughts at TheVajenda.com
🏳️‍⚧️ Minority Report from my Right Boob 🏳️‍⚧️
🏳️‍⚧️ Minority Report from my Right Boob 🏳️‍⚧️
Opinions are my own and not to be taken seriously.

Transfluid, she/he/we, ASD, moonlight as empath, citizen scientist, geekasuarus, lifetime book lover, senior hippy who is old enough to no longer have any phuques to give.
No longer in good standing with the New York State bar
Mike B
Mike B
smokin' cigarettes and watchin' Captain Kangaroo

Atlanta resident, Braves fan, aspiring curmudgeon
Quinta Jurecic
Quinta Jurecic
I write about law, democracy, and the internet. I'm a senior editor at Lawfare, a fellow at the Brookings Institution, and a contributing writer at The Atlantic and the Washington Post's Book World. It's KWIN-ta.
Oakland, California
Rockets 4; not responding
Earth Bean, scruffy node herder, observer, shaker of head,
POCHG - plain old cis het guy
Dr Eleanor Janega
Dr Eleanor Janega
That one medieval historian you've heard of. Co-host We're Not So Different and Gone Medieval podcasts. Author of The Once and Future Sex. (Out now!) George Michael stan. Cutie.
Dr. Fröhlich
Dr. Fröhlich
He/his cishet
maryland’s favorite daughter
brooklyn’s finest gal

in lieu of flowers, pour jewels into my open coffin

🇵🇸 ftrtts.
Official account for TrekCulture

Subscribe to our Youtube channel here: https://www.youtube.com/@TrekCulture
Emily C. Hughes
Emily C. Hughes
Horror bitch. HORROR FOR WEENIES coming fall 2024 from Quirk. She/her.
Marco Robert
Marco Robert
Passionate about music and family. Enthusiastic about driving and flying. ✈️🎶 @Delta_pilot
Kathryn Tewson
Kathryn Tewson
Good in a crisis and at no other time

First initial last name at gmail dot com
Very Very Common Mike Dunford
Very Very Common Mike Dunford
Father, Army Husband, lawyer. Chronic student recently dragged kicking and screaming into the practice of law. Litigation disaster tour guide. Proud member of the terminally online community since 1993. he/him
Orthodox Jewish father of 5; Litigation Disaster Tour Guide; Jets Fan. Fighting the widening gyre.
Cooperstreaming ♿️
Cooperstreaming ♿️
♿️ The most overly confident disabled woman in America.

Joke factory. Nazi puncher.

As seen in Buzzfeed, The BBC, Cracked, Bored Panda, & most forebodingly, TMZ.


Progressive dem, fan of comics, Trek and science fiction, history buff, Deadhead, rock, blues, bluegrass. Give me a shout out if any of that sounds good.
Farmer, retired General, family man.

Democrat, Running for Congress against Marjorie Taylor Greene.

The people of #GA14 deserve an ACTUAL representative.

Join us: ➡️ https://secure.actblue.com/donate/shsocialmedia?refcode=bprofileFECJune30
Kendra "Gloom is My Beat" Pierre-Louis
Kendra "Gloom is My Beat" Pierre-Louis
What's the opposite of apocalypse? Trying to chronicle that.
Oliver Willis
Oliver Willis
Senior Writer American Independent, Previously Media Matters. Subscribe to http://oliverwillis.substack.com
David Darmofal
David Darmofal
Political scientist. Political behavior + methods. Spatial analysis.
Opinions expressed are my own.
Mary Branscombe
Mary Branscombe
Omnivorous technology journalist. girl with the USB earring; author of the Cassidy At Large technomysteries. Buy me a ☕ @ http://lnkiy.in/IV9SD. she/her. Warning: contains opinions.
Cute Pottery 🦦 Porcelain Jewelry
Amy Rae Hill
Amy Rae Hill
Ceramic painter bringing dramatic galactic moments to your dinner table. PNW. (she/her)
Restock: July 20th, 9am PT
We turn Art into Sports (and vice versa) | NO AI USED | “Everything I didn't know I needed" - follower testimonial | See inspiration? DM/tag us
Maris Kreizman
Maris Kreizman
books and stuff

Law Dork
Law Dork
The home for Chris Geidner’s legal newsletter, covering SCOTUS, as well as LGBTQ, criminal justice, post-Roe, and more legal news. Subscribe today: https://www.lawdork.com/
Jeff Nye
Jeff Nye
Cincinnati lawyer (civil, commercial, real estate litigation, speech defense, and appeals). Likes to take photos of birds.
Logical Frank
Logical Frank
Richard J. Daley Branch enthusiast and general issue Chicago person. I throw yoyos, homebrew and get angry about bike lanes. He/him.
Ostrich, Booster Pack Blueskyer
Ostrich, Booster Pack Blueskyer
mea tulpa
@[email protected]
Header: @crabbyaf (birdsite)

Problematically liberal. Housing enjoyer, car disrespecter. IVF Accelerationist.
#yimby #urbanism #phimby #railfan #elections #bikes #transrights #fuckcars #fucklawns
Nails Nathan
Nails Nathan
loves art, history, novels, hiking, and everything about getting everyone the resources and systems we need to thrive.
Benjamin Ahr Harrison
Benjamin Ahr Harrison
Star Trek podcast host @GreatestTrek, fart joke enjoyer, newly minted embarrassing dad. Benjaminahr.mobi
Kelly McCullough
Kelly McCullough
Author: WebMage and Fallen Blade series, School for Sidekicks, Numismancer, Dragon Diaries, Morning Arrived, etc. Also local elected—I might be the head of a small government in a purple state, but don’t tell anyone.
Obi-Wine Kenobi
Obi-Wine Kenobi
Cutting way back on social media. Wine, natsec, financial crimes, biglaw, crankiness. Princeton Law grad. Not born and raised in South Detroit bc THAT'S CANADA.
Elizabeth Sacha Baroness Cohen
Elizabeth Sacha Baroness Cohen
Maxwell Professor of United States Citizenship at Boston University. I write about immigration, citizenship, and time & politics
Deva Woodly
Deva Woodly
Politics Prof.
Melody Simpson
Melody Simpson
Writer. Founder of Melanin in YA, your source for all things Black in traditional young adult publishing.

Los Angeles / Austin

She / Her

Paul Frazee
Paul Frazee
Developer at Bluesky.
Moira Donegan
Moira Donegan
Opinion columnist covering gender and politics at The Guardian. Writer in residence at the Michelle R. Clayman Institute for Gender Research. Real piece of work.
Olúfẹ́mi O. Táíwò
Olúfẹ́mi O. Táíwò
political philosopher at Georgetown University. giving this a shot, I guess.
Oregon Lawyer (aka Mark Weintraub)
Oregon Lawyer (aka Mark Weintraub)
Recovering federal criminal defense lawyer in PNW. Historian before that. I used to know a lot of legal stuff. Now: dogs, guitars, and planning my escape. Angry since 1968. “Where there’s law there’s injustice” (Tolstoy). Just say no to Twitter.
Max Kennerly
Max Kennerly
17 years in court as a law-talking guy for plaintiffs, now a mix of stuff. Posts too much about politics.

email [email protected]
Julia Azari
Julia Azari
Political science professor. Has thoughts about that thing someone said. https://substack.com/@juliaazari
Nicholas Grossman
Nicholas Grossman
International Relations prof at U. Illinois. Senior Editor
of Arc Digital. Author “Drones and Terrorism.” Politics, national security, and occasional nerdery.
Larry Glickman
Larry Glickman
Historian at Cornell University and author, most recently, of FREE ENTERPRISE: AN AMERICAN HISTORY. Working on a history of backlash politics in the United States, from Reconstruction to the present.
Jonathan Ladd
Jonathan Ladd
Political Scientist. Assoc Prof in the McCourt School and Dept of Government at Georgetown.

Scholar of public opinion, polling, and media effects.

Also occasionally a Marilynne Robinson stan account.

Seth Cotlar
Seth Cotlar
Teaches US History at Willamette Univ. Working on a book about the long history of the US Right. https://sethcotlar.substack.com/
Don Moynihan
Don Moynihan
Policy Professor @McCourtSchool @Georgetown. Irish immigrant. Administrative burdens guy. Free newsletter: https://donmoynihan.substack.com
Political junkie, history, pop culture & science fiction geek. Left handed, cisgender, lesbian feminist, social justice activist & educator. She/Her