
Alito deflected responsibility by blaming his wife, noting the short time the flag was placed upside down, and, ultimately, blaming the neighbors. But, pace Gillers, Alito did not claim that he didn't know this happened; nor did he say he didn't understand the meaning of the stop-the-steal flag.
this dude is basically the nation’s leading expert on legal ethics, we are so cooked.
Had an acquaintance once who tried the blame the wife legal strategy only it was a Glock and cocaine which he said he didn’t realize was cocaine under the passenger seat of his car and no law professors came out of the woodwork to insist his story was true even tho it sounded like complete bullshit.
This demands about 12 angry geese chasing after Gillers each with a separate outraged question that was begged.
just as an aside the phrase "personally insulting" is carrying a lot of weight here: the neighbor's sign read "Fuck Trump" - how is that personally insulting, ffs?
There were some Alito quotes going round yesterday that expanded on the story - apparently Alito's wife confronted the "Fuck Trump" neighbors with a "think of the children" complaint, so the neighbors allegedly escalated to some personally relevant additional signage.
I've seen this pretty often with conservative friends - they don't like the consequences of something therefore refuse to believe that thing could be true.
Dude's a FedSoc contributor. They live to shield privilege from accountability.
From 2010: On Thursday, Sen Leahy, D-Vt., echoed the president's criticism of the decision made by the court and slammed Alito for displaying his disagreement. "There were days when judges stayed out of politics. It would be nice to go back to those days."
Justice openly disagrees with Obama in The man in the House chamber openly disagreeing with President Barack Obama as he spoke to Congress wasn't an over-the-top Republican or a seething Democrat. He was a Supreme Court justice, Samuel Ali...
Right, if the story was "I didn't know about the flag and as soon as I noticed it I had it put back right-side-up" he'd have said that. Gillers is doing pure Respectable Institutionalist fanfic.
Rand Paul’s neighbor didn’t even get an upside down Sad! Flag
And we wonder why disbarring a lawyer takes many years, if it ever happens at all. Lawyers judging lawyers = circling the wagons.
I'm hearing that Gillers is also a personal friend of the Alitos, meaning her objectivity is very much in question.