
This poll is *wild* Head to head Biden wins under 35s by less than three points. He is up 15 points with 65+. A bunch of the other cross-tabs look basically plausible.
latest fox news national poll is the best Fox News for Biden since October
Biden is +5 in the suburbs (+19 with suburban women), +27 with “moderates” (self-ID), and wins 40% of rural whites. If you assume that under-35s are basically impossible to accurately poll in this era the guts of this thing spell an absolute collapse for Trump.
i mean put me down for doubt on him winning 40% of whites period, let alone rural ones
Same! Also no way he wins 65+ by double digits.
Only reason I could see him winning over maybe 5% (which is where I think he probably sits) is a combo of the "biden old and senile attacks" turning 65 and up off trump, and seeing roe get overturned finally getting them to realize that yes the GOP wants to kill Social Secuirty and Medicare.