
latest fox news national poll is the best Fox News for Biden since October
Everybody hates an incumbent until it’s actually time to pick the other guy.
using trump era covid forecasting logic, that upward trend will continue indefinitely and biden will win 62% of the national vote come november
regardless, i would not look at multiple months of stable support in a fox news poll, even if i don't trust the raw numbers, suddenly slingshotting like that and think to myself "this is good" if i'm of the trumpish persuasion.
Not entirely sure that isn't them trying to game the polls and get the unenthusiastic voters to stay home
Not really, people forget that there is a fact based part of the Fox News organization. The editorial nonsense may get all the attention but this was November 3rd, 2020.
Funnily enough, it truly was a bad decision to call it that early, even if it ended up being correct
Yeah they fucked up the math but it ended up being true.
Fundamentals playing out. 1: Economy good? Incumbent wins. 2: Polling doesn't matter until the summer of an election year at BEST (because most people aren't paying attention until summer at best). Now, does this mean we should care about the polls ultimately? Nope, Nov 5th only poll that matters.
Way too small a margin of error to be meaningful, unfortunately.
Why do we look at national polls when really only a few states determine who our president is?