
So Utah, having passed a transphobic bathroom bill, has launched an online form for people to snitch on folks they think are in the "wrong" bathroom or locker room. Be a real shame if people on the Internet flooded it with fake reports:
Hotline Complaint
Didn't worry, there's a Portland liberal in my mentions telling me that Biden is doing enough to protect trans people actually and I just want to gloat when I cost him the election! I'm so fucking sick and tired of this shit. Anyway, here's the entire Bee Movie script in PDF:
Fun fact: looks like you can paste the entire script into each box multiple times! Idk if you can, and I'm not telling you what to do with this fun fact, just sharing it.
It seemed to have trouble with "Moby Dick".
That's been my favorite choice ever since this Clickhole article, "The Time I Spent On A Commercial Whaling Ship Totally Changed My Perspective On The World":
me, just now: "huh, this page sure is loading slowly. Must be something weird with my wifi." also me: "...oh. How have I not seen this one before?"
GameFAQs guides also made it really rough to navigate, because the text boxes auto expand forever.
Fuck *Don't worry A typo gets around the world before the delete, correct, and repost has a chance to get its pants on...
utah is a red state, biden doesn't have authority to change their laws. how will costing him the election help anything, this is a really confusing comment
Nope, you're right. I really think that Biden can change state law. He definitely can't use the bully pulpit, sign any executive orders guaranteeing trans people's right in federal spaces in Utah, or advocate federal laws guaranteeing trans rights, or like stop any discretionary spending there. Yup.
There is LITERALLY NOTHING more Biden could do, yup.
i'm not totally sure about the executive order but yeah he should do those things (and in many cases did during house appropriations) what you said just seems like a complete non-sequitur to what you were responding to which is why i was confused. in fact i'm not sure what you're even responding to
I'm bein repeatedly told that bein publicly mad Biden said "trans people - I have ur backs" before not making a big deal about these legalizations of discrimination & stepping stones to genocide against trans people means I am ignorant & going to cost Biden the election. When he could simply DO MORE
i'm not saying you have to think this is good enough i just don't know why you immediately thought of him when hearing about this utah law and I have no idea how the logic of "i will gloat when i cost him the election" even plays out. it felt completely random
That was the last one. They need to be fighting back on every single one of these. In 2020, the line was "hold his feet to the fire & pull him to the left." Calling out ways he's not living up to claiming to have our backs is doing precisely that, right? We cannot let these laws slide.
Do you not remember the way the Obama WH actively participated in like coordinating the organized pushback against the Indiana and Georgia anti-gay """religious freedom""" freedom state laws? Expecting similar support seems pretty basic from the Biden WH.
Deprive all red states of federal funds until they change their laws and knock off with the genocide If that doesn't work, send in the 101st
i feel you, that would be a real expression of power. and it's not that i can't see it working, but man, i can also see the ways it could be an unmitigated disaster not saying it's necessarily wrong, but that would be an uncomfortable gamble and possibly lead to record-setting unpopularity
which, i don't mean to imply it's the president's job to stay popular by not taking action. it's not. I'd just wanna make sure he's not giving the Republicans any more favors as they froth over the idea of uncontested rule
The Republicans don't need a permission structure, they will do what they want regardless
well, hold on. the Republicans are limited by their governing power. they've failed to do a lot of things specifically because they didn't have the seats. it doesn't really make sense to say "they'll do what they want either way", they either can or can't depending on the situation
Yeah the right might become a violent, deranged, apocalyptic cult that would be bad
not totally cool and stable like things are now
that isn't the concern. the concern is the people of this country looking at a president literally laying siege to half the states over an issue they don't fully understand and the political results of that
Maybe we should try asking DeSantis politely to stop killing trans folks
No good point, having paramilitary policing forces stampeding into places like schools would be bad
Genocide against trans people is also very unpopular, and is the start of a larger genocide Seems like we should probably not allow a genocide to happen on US soil (again)
do you think i disagree...? i would very much like not to be genocided if that somehow wasn't clear
Seems like the options are a) minorities get murdered b) bigoted elected officials get threatened with deadly force I'm all for option b
First item? Yes, or at least start squeezing. Millions of people in those states who aren't asshats would be punished, too. But as for starting a civil war? You lost me on that one.
Who do you think started the first civil war, exactly
The thing about appeasement, you see, is that it invites worse violence down the road It's not like these Republicans are going to eradicate all trans people and then declare, "mission accomplished!"
Especially because a lot of those Red State politicians would love to execute everyone who is LGBTQ+ and their allies.
the average person doesnt understand politics or political tools like voting. just ignore them. hopefully theyll just scare rightoids and the DNC without causing any real damage